Bolivia, 6134.821, Radio Santa Cruz, 1030-1045,  Initially noted a male and 

female in some kind of lesson, possibly language?  Male says something and

the female repeats in a slower pace like she is spelling a word.  They

at this during the period.  The signal remains poor.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 25, 2011)


Peru, 4746.972, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1037-1050. Noted traditional Huaynos
type music

with a male commenting between the music. Too much noise on this band to

clear copy.  Signal remained poor.  (Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)


Peru, 6019.199, Radio Victoria, 1046-1100,  Noted a male in an excitable
comments.  At 1047

canned ADs heard.  Lots of splatter heard from Marti on 6030 KHz while
Victoria begins to 

drop into the noise, which results in her being a poor.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 25, 2011)


Peru, 5039.171, Radio Libertad, 1050-1100,  At tune in noted music in
progress.  At 1052

a male in canned ADs  while music continues to be heard.  Again at 1054 live

comments from a male. This is followed with Huaynos music after the ADs.

 was good, covering the noise at times.  (Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)


China, 4940.02, Voice of Strait, Pres, 1057-1105,  At tune in noted a female
in Chinese

language comments.  On the hour time pips followed with ID by female.  More 

of the same follows but with a male commenting at times.  Later music heard.

Signal was fair this morning. (Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)



Brazil, 4865.044, Radio Verdes Florestas, 1103-1115,  Noted a female in
steady Portuguese

language comments.  This continues during the period while the signal was

(Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)


Ecuador, 4814.984, Radio El Buen Pastor, 1110-1120  At tune in, noted a male
in steady 

Spanish religious comments  with words like "Dios" mentioned often.  (Chuck 

Bolland, February 25, 2011)


Guatemale, 4052.479, Radio Verdad, 1130-1145,  Noted a program of religious
English comments

and music.  Signal was armchair (Good) during the period.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 25, 2011)


Korea N. 4450.013, Korean Broadcasting System, 1137-1145,  Noted a male and
female in

Korean Language comments with brief visits on the Mic from others.  Signal
was fair 

and without any QRM.  (Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)



Korea N, 4557. Voice of National Salvation, 1142-1155,  Noted a threshold
signal with a person

in comments.  Comments were almost impossible to hear.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 25, 2011)


Cuba, 4690.034, SPUR, Radio Rebelde, 1146-1200  Noted a male and female in
Spanish language

comments which continue to the hour and after.  This is parallel on 5025 KHz
Signal was fair. 

(Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)


Indonesia, 4750.00, RRI Makassar, 1157-1205,  Noted a female in Indonesian
Language comments

up until the hour.  On the hour music heard, which was probably the theme.
News by a male on

the hour.   There's a second station on 4749.959 KHz mixing in. It's
probably Bangladesh Betar?

 RRI Makassar was  threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)



Indonesia, 9525.968, Voice of Indonesia, 1206-1215,  Noted a female in
Japanese language comments

in possibly news.  Many mentions of Indonesia,  ID in English at 1209,
"Voice of Indonesia ...."

Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2011)




26N 081W




Cland, 3912.018, Voice of the People, 1100-1115,  Noted a very weak signal

as a female comments.  Lots of interference from ARO's .  Nothing more to 

report.  (Chuck Bolland, February 26, 2011)


Japan, 3925.015,  Radio Nikkeii, 1105-1115,  Noted a male and female in

in Japanese language.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, February 26, 2011)



China, 4800.036, China National Radio One, 1120-1135,  Signal hasn't peaked

Believe there's music presented until 1127 when a male talks and is followed

a female.  The talking continues with music spread out here and there.  The

is beginning to fade in at 1134 during a program of news in Chinese. (Chuck

Bolland, February 26, 2011)


China, 9515.00 China National Radio Two, Pres, 1150-1205  Noted a program of

and Chinese comments.  Near the top of the hour, canned comments over 

music.  On the hour time pips, followed with opening comments and

music.  Signal improves a small amount from poor to fair.  (Chuck Bolland,

February 26, 2011)


Unident, 9530, 1200-1230+, Have a female in unknown language, possibly

commenting and presenting local music.  This could be CNR Two which is

on this frequency earlier, but not during the 1200 hour. Signal was at a
fair level.

Anyone with more details, please pass them on.  (Chuck Bolland, February 26,



China, 9540.012, China Radio International, 1200-1300,  Noted a male and
female in

Chinese language comments with Classical music here and there.  Signal was

with a slight touch of fading.  (Chuck Bolland, February 26, 2011)


China, 9550.00, China Radio International, 1200-1257,  Noted a program of
mainly Vietnamese

language comments from a male and female.  Some music heard.  Signal was
fair to poor.

Off the air at 1257 and comes back at 1300 with more Vietnamese language

(Chuck Bolland, February 26, 2011)




26N 081W




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