First of all, I have to apologize for the size of this report and any typos 
than may have crept in. The large size isn't due just to the loggings but also 
several micro-DXpeditions and continuing observations which I thought may be of 
some interest.  I've included links to videos I've posted as well. 

6924.15      PIRATE (NA)   Captain Morgan SW   0040 w/old R&B songs.  Song cut 
off and abruptly left the air around 0043.  Tremendously strong signal.  ID per 
HF Underground.  (25                     August)

6770.01      PIRATE (NA)   'Old Time R.'   0049 found here w/band mx in 
distorted audio, then comedy w/Bob Hope.  The 90mb went off the other day after 
being on 24h a day nearly all week.  (25 August)

6024.98      BOLIVIA   Red Patria Nueva   0950 usual morning nx pgm.  Instru. 
mx at 0952 break, then clear ID at 0953:00, and back to nx w/M mentioning 
Patria Nueva.  Ad/promo block at 0954.  Not that bad of a signal and 6030 
staying to its own space for the most part.  (25 August)

9665           CHINA   CRI   Apparently a new freq for the EG pgm w/nx by M at 
1002, 1005 ID, and into "People in the Know", // other freqs.  QRMing KCBS 
(just a little weaker), and an extremely weak Voz Missionaria.  (25 August)


4845.004    BRAZIL   R. Cultura Onda Tropicais (pres.)   Upon reviewing the 
60mb recordings, found 2 stns on 4845.  This had what sounded like a canned 
discussion between M and W in PT from 2357-2359, then canned anmnt by M until 
WWCR came on.  (25 August)


4845.086    UNID.   R. Meteorologia Paulista??   Definitely audio mixing in 
w/4845.004.  What sounded very much like a ment of "municipal' during tlk by M 
anncr at 2355.  Sounded PT.  M anncr just before WWCR came on.  I'm willing to 
bet both Onda Tropicais and Meteorologia Paulista are both here.  (25 August)

11735         ZANZIBAR   ZBC R./Spice FM   2059:30 end of ZBC pgming w/W anncr 
mentioning radio and Spice FM, then into a number of Spice FM jingle IDs, and 
AR Pop mx.  Went off just before 2105.  Fair signal.  (26 August)

9525.9        INDONESIA   V.O. Indonesia   Best audio heard in a very long 
time.  In EG w/phone interview at 1035.  W anncr over Indo Pop mx.  1056 end of 
Pop ballad, canned promo, and 1057:10 ID, then another short feature.  Another 
canned ID at 1059:45, and ID starting the nx 1100:10.  (27 August)

9730           MYANMAR   Myanma R.   1108:30 start of ABC EG lang pgm.  Same 
pgm at the restaurant as hrd before. "Would you like to see a menu", "Would you 
like to order now", "Would you like boiled or cooked rice", "Would you like a 
single or double brew", "Thanks for the use of the towel", "I apologize for any 
inconvenience", "Thank you, thank you, I'd like a cup of tea", etc.  And pgm 
end.  (27 August)


9775           VATICAN   Afia Darfur R. (via Santa Maria Galeria, Vatican)   
1929 closing anmnts by M, mx, and suddenly off at 1930.  Surprised this was 
coming in as 31m hasn't been doing that well lately.  (27 August)


3394.72      PIRATE (NA)   'Old Time R.'   Signal already here at 1940, and mx 
plainly audible during a peak at 1943.  (27 August)


5939.849    BRAZIL   R. Voz Missionaria   ZY Pops at 0841 t/in.  Sev. men 
anncrs at 0843 and Rooster mixed w/siren SFX, TC, men laughing SFX, 2 loud TCs 
at 0847.  Very nice signal.  And still decent at 0918 w/mooing and bird call 
SFX during song.  The morning DJs took a phone call at 0922 between songs.  
Found //9664.81 at 0932 w/the 2 DJs still going.  (28 August)

6134.973    BRAZIL   R. Aparecida  0844 end of ZY Pop song, M anncr w/short 
anmnt and morning "bom dia" greeting, short canned jingle, M again w/accurate 
TC, "bom dia", and into phone-in report w/ment of Aparecida at 0845:55.  Very 
nice signal.  (28 August) 

4864.8v       BRAZIL   R. Alvorada   Nice TC and ID by live studio M anncr 
between ZY Pop songs at 0850:50.  M again at 0856 but all I could copy was a 
TC, and bom dia.  Another mention of Alvorada at 0859:55.  Strength wasn't too 
bad but the modulation was low.  The signal varies quite a bit and there wasn't 
any exact pinpoint carrier.  Also a buzzing was present, the same as whats on 
R. Vision and on 4825.  (28 August)

4774.98      BRAZIL   R. Sora de Congonhas   0848 easy ZY Pop-like mx, 0850 
live M DJ in echo starting w/R. Sora ID.  Back to mx, then 0854 canned W anncr, 
then live M returned w/clear "R. Congonhas" ID 0855:00.  0856 lively song.  
0959 canned tlk by diff. M over guitar mx.  0902 M DJ again w/ment of 
informacao and cont. tlk.  Good strength but noisy.  (28 August)

5965.006    BRAZIL   R. Transmundial   Was getting a weak signal and soft 
Pop-like mx at 0905.  Definite M anncr in PT briefly between songs at 0919:15.  
M anncr again w/what sounded like another M on the phone at 0923 but fading and 
pulsing noise.  Back to mx at 0926.  Have noted a signal here over the past 
month (never strong enough for audio) and was wondering what it was.  Now I 
know.  (28 August)

5999.99      BRAZIL   R. Guaiba   Wasn't on at 0847 recording.  0918 ID anmnt 
at t/in w/ment of "...Guaiba, amor...", sev. freqs, and Brasil.  Another canned 
anmt, tango-like song, then M anncr at 0921 past 0927.  A lot of slop QRM.  (28 

9565.08      BRAZIL   R. Tupi   0930 "Voz Libertacao" pgm w/M preaching in a 
passionate (more like a ghost) manner, //9686.04 9586 was drifting pretty badly 
from 9586.04 at 0912 up to 9586.26 by 0940.  (28 August)

9818.64      BRAZIL   R. 9 de Julho   M tlk pgm from 0912.  Caught a full ID 
w/freq and ment of Sao Paulo by M at 0932:25 when it was fading.  (28 August)

4845.008    BRAZIL   R. Cultura Onda Tropicais (pres.)   End of possible rel. 
pgm, M anncr in PT at 0959 and what sounded like a ment of Manaus at 1001.  
Canned anmnts at 1002.  Fading and a lot of splatter QRM from WWCR.  (28 August)

4864.99      BRAZIL   R. Verdes Florestas   0930 w/midi IS.  Nice to hear their 
IS again.  Fair signal and a little noisy.  (28 August)

6115           CHINA   V.O. the Strait   1049 break in soft mx for W anmnt, 
//4940.  1054 canned anmnt by W, then Pop mx.  (28 August)

11735         ZANZIBAR   ZBC R.   1755 Afro Hi-life mx, 1759 very short anmnt 
by M, usual drum IS, slow time ticks w/last one higher, then M w/what sounded 
like a ZBC R. ID, and EG nx w/each item started w/location.  First time to hear 
anything substantial at this time all Summer.  Better on the Delta Loop.  (28 



28-29 August 2014 micro-DXpedition:  

RX:  Perseus SDR

ANT:  315' Beverage (BOG) at , I believe, 165°
Duration:  2250-0035

Solar Indices:  S.F.=119,  A=26,  K=1   G1 geomagnetc storms.  
WX:   Crystal clear, calm  Upper 60-s to upper 50's F.


11740         INDIA   AIR Panaji   End of great sitar mx then W in Hindi w/ID 
at 2305:50 and tlk w/ment of Pakistan.  Good but QRM from weaker CNR2.  (28 

9685           CHINA   CNR1   2300 two CNR1s here about the same strength 
w/time ticks and ID by W.  One was slower by about 2 seconds and one went off 
right after the ID.  (28 August)

9705           INDIA   AIR Panaji   2300 EG ID going into the nx by W.  Not as 
good as it was the last time I was DXing at the SGLs.  (28 August)

4774.97      BRAZIL   R. Sora Congonhas   Canned anmnt by M over mx w/ment of 
Congonhas at 2311 t/in.  Nice clear R. Congonhas ID by W at 2312:05.  ZY Pop 
song at 2313.  Live M DJ in echo between songs at 2316.  Fine signal.  (28 

4845.083    UNID. BRAZILIAN   2315 definte PT tlk by M anncr.  Sounded like a 
Futbol match.  (28 August)

4845.005    BRAZIL   R. Cultura Onda Tropicais   Discovered this was //4805 
Amazonas around 2350.  Sounded like a nx pgm w/many ment of Sao Paulo. ("A Voz 
do Brasil"??)  (28 August )

6130           CHINA   CNR11   2327 tlk by M in Tibetan, //7360.  Both about 
the same strength but this freq seemed clearer.  Was hoping this would be Laos. 
 (28 August)

15589.96    THAILAND   R. Thailand WS   0015 tourism spa ad.  Into world nx.  
Bangkok Airways ad.  0028 ID during the nx.  (29 August)

4409.792    BOLIVIA   R. Eco   There this evening, tlk by M at 0033 but just 
too much static noise.  (28 August)

5580.27      BOLIVIA   R. San Jose   0035 usual live rel. vcl mentioning Santa 
Maria.  Had some SSB traffic earlier.  (29 August)

6135           Found a total of 4 stations on the air at the same time 
on/around this freq at 2245.  R. Santa Cruz and R. Aparecida, and probably VOA 
(Thailand) and the CNR1 jammer.  (29 August)

5829.985    PIRATE (EUROPE)   Black Bandit R.   2323 recognized the ops deep 
voice saying good morning.  A little mx for 2 minutes, then more anmnts.  (29 


 6289.981    PIRATE (EUROPE)   R. Powerliner Int.   2328 bits of mx almost 
sounding like the Pac-Man mx!!  A little weaker than BBR.  (29 August)

6104.73      BRAZIL   R. Filadelfia (pres.)   1010-1014 PT ballads or rel. 
songs.  Faded out and CNR1 came up too strongly before I could bring up the 
website for a //.  (30 August)


 7220.128    VIETNAM   V.O. Vietnam (pres.)   Sounded like there was orch. mx 
at 1059 while CNR2 had W tlking.  V.O. Korea came on w/IS at 1100 strongest of 
all.  No time to check for a Vietnam //.  (30 

7260           UNID.   Besides the weak inaudible signal from presumed Vanuatu 
on 7259.94, there were 2 fairly strong signals on 7260.  Almost all CH tlk by W 
from 1120, PBS Xinjiang.  Almost all slow orch. mx underneath from the other 
stn.  Xinjiang had 1 time tick at BoH while the other stn continued w/orch. mx. 
 Could the other stn have been Mongolia??  (30 August)

9730            MYANMAR   Myanma R.   Stayed on the air much later than usual 
this morning.  Plug wasn't pulled until 1147.  (30 

11970         CHINA   CNR1 jammer   Big signal at 1153 and thought it was Sound 
of Hope.  Heard the time ticks at ToH when it went off which confused me.  
Unfortunately found out shortly after that it was  //11785 CNR1 jammer.  
Haven't heard them here before.  (30 August)


 4985.01      BRAZIL   R. Brasil Central   2300 W anncr, then into mx at 2302.  
0004 RTTY came on for about 10 seconds then went off again.  Found it // 
11815.035 which suffered slop QRM from 11820 WRMI.  4985.01 was weak and a 
shell of its former self.  Glad to see 11815.035 back on.  (30-31 August)

4805.014    BRAZIL   R. Difusora Amazonas   0948 full canned ID w/freqs by M 
after ZY Pop song, then promo w/"R. Difusora" ID and "Taps"-like trumpet 
followed by shouting alternating w/group response in unison.  0952 live M anncr 
voice-over w/R. Difusora ID, bom dia, ment of Amazonas, etc.  Fair and fady and 
noisy w/CODAR QRM.  (31 August)

4747.61      PERU   R. Huanta Dos Mil   OC as early as 0942 t/in.  Band NA (not 
orch.) start at 1002:16.  1005 mx briefly then canned opening ID anmnt by M 
starting w/"Buenos dias" and ending w/electronic shooting SFX, and into 
camposina mx.  1009 live M DJ w/ment of the estudios, back to campo mx, and M 
returned at 1014.  Played short canned promos by W during songs.  Nice ID by 
live M at 1018:18.  Not that good of a signal but readable.  They usually start 
the xmtr in mid-pgm after 1000 but was on long before s/on this morning.  (31 

4785.01      BRAZIL   R. Caiari   Signal on in mid-pgm at 0950:45 w/pleasant ZY 
Pops.  1000:50 full canned ID w/freqs by W starting w/bom dia, canned anmnt, 
and then canned ID/promo by M over harp mx at 1002:08.  Fair signal w/slight 
CODAR QRM.  (31 August)


 4716.69      BOLIVIA   R. Yura (pres.)   Signal on the air late at 1016:05.  
Finally rustic mx start at 1024:50. M anncr at 1028, may have been canned, but 
it was way too late by then to copy.  (31 August)

4865.012    BRAZIL   R. Verdes Florestas  Caught it coming on the air at 1006, 
IS starting much later at 1029, and opening freq anmnt.  (31 August)

7220.106    VIETNAM   V.O. Vietnam   1058 definite orchestral mx played before 
official pgm start, then usual opening ID/mx routine at 1100, and tlk by W in 
CH.  Severe V.O. Korea QRM.  (31 August)

6089.85      NIGERIA   R. Nigeria Kaduna   Wiped out by Caribbean Beacon at 
2159.  (31 August)

11915.15    BRAZIL   R. Gaucha   2327 ad block including an ID in a promo.  (31 August)

7120           SOMALIA   R. Hargeisa   OC at 0327 t/in. 0329-0330 instru. 
anthem, M anncr w/opening anmnt w/ment of freq, then Koran.  Fair signal but 
noisy.  Noticed it was gone at 0340 check, but had returned by a 0402 check 
just before tuning V.O. Peace & Democracy further up the band.  (1 Sept.)

11560         MOLDOVA   R. Miraya (via Moldova)   (0344 nice peak during song) 
0345 brief "Miraya" vcl in between Afro Hi-life mx.  0400 great EG pgm promo/ID 
for "Inside South Sudan", "...About the nation, and across the nation, R. 
Miraya".  Then more canned anmnts.  Came back at 0520 and it was strong.  Very 
fady signal but peaking nicely at times.  (1 Sept.)

7234v          ETHIOPIA   V.O. Peace & Democracy (via R. Ethiopia)   Tlk by M 
in pres. Tigrinya at 0403 t/in to 0408:30.  HoA mx. 0410 short anmnt by same M, 
instru. mx bridge, then long tlk by same M 0411-0418, brief mx bridge, then M 
again beginning w/what sounded like a ment of "radio" and possibly 
"democracie".  At 0422:05 was up to 7234.15 and suddenly moved down 100 hz in 
20 seconds!!  0419 instru. HoA percussion mx bridge and another long tlk to 
0429 mx heavy on the percussion, then M returned again at 0431.  Fading.  
Strangely, one of the few bdcst signals on the band at this time.  (1 Sept.)

6184.98      MEXICO   R. Educacion   0455 end of pgm of pleasant instru. mx.  
0500 choral NA, then full canned ID w/freq, power, and ment of internet by W at 
0502, then M anncr tlk w/ment of R. Educacion at beginning.  Fairly good signal 
but some slop QRM from 6180 but moreso from 6175 V.O. Vietnam via SC.  (1 Sept.)

9525.895    INDONESIA   V.O. Indonesia   Sounded like the audio was cutting in 
and out around 1053.  Pleasant Indo Pop ballad at 1057 over ToH recheck.  1101 
W anncr over mx w/nx introduction "Voice of Indonesia with the news", then said 
nx by W anncr.  (1 Sept.)

9820           CHINA   Beibu Bay R.   Cuba held off this morning and caught 
Chinese Pop mx to ToH, 5+1 long time ticks, "Time now is 7 PM, Beibu Bay R." ID 
by M, cuckoo, canned anmnt, nx intro by M "BBR with the news", start of the nx 
by W and then Cuba started.  Good Asian morning.  (1 Sept.)

15105         BANGLADESH   Bangladesh Betar   Usual s/on routine noted with a 
fair signal today.  (1 Sept.)

6770           PIRATE (NA)   'Old Time R.'   Was able to hear this station at 
mid-day 1649.  Usual old radio/TV pgms.  (1 Sept.)

9745           TAIWAN   V.O. Han   2200 just able to copy the "Guanhua zhi 
sheng" ID.  (1 Sept.)

6025           CHINA   Xizang PBS   2349 tlk by W in Tibetan.  2351 instru. mx 
ending the tlk, canned feature intro by M, then more tlk by W.  // 6130 and 
both fairly decent and about equal.  Could just barely hear the het from Patria 
Nueva on 6025.  (2 Sept.)

5995           MALI  Rdif. Television du Mali   0555 IS, then ID anmnt at 0600.  (3 Sept.)

15577         CLANDESTINE   V.O. Tibet   1233 found this was oddly stronger on 
the Delta Loop than on the Wellbrook.  (3 Sept.)

Conditions to Asia seemed fairly good on the 19mb over 1300.  (3 Sept.)



3 September 2014 micro-DXpedition:


RX:  Perseus SDR

ANT:  315' Beverage (BOG) at 0°
Duration:  2125-2305.

Solar Indices:  S.F.=138,  A=10,  K=1   R1 radio blackouts.  M class flare at 
WX:   Sunny.  Upper 70s F.


5010.58v     MADAGASCAR??   R. Madagascara??   2204 noticed the signal here, 
zoomed in and found it was varying around just like Madagascar has in the past. 
 And it was in the right vicinity.  Too weak for audio unfortunately.  2226:20 
dropped down quickly about 100 hz.  Sounded like poss. mx at 2251.  (3 Sept.)

9665           CHINA   CRI   Heard on this freq again.  1020 "People in the 
Know" pgm in EG, then another feature.  QRM from North Korea underneath.  Found 
//11635, 11610, and better 13590.  First time noted here since 25 August.  (4 

4835.05      PERU   Ondas del Sur Oriente (pres.)   2348 definite tlk by M 
anncr. 2351 what sounded like a LA rom. ballad quite audible.  2353 brief 
canned W anmnt, then studio M, short canned anmnt by excited M, then studio M 
anncr again, another longer canned anmnt by M at 2354, another canned anmnt 
2356 had the 'feel' of an ID, then tlk by W and M at 2357 until WWCR signed on 
late at 0001.  (4-5 Sept.)



5 September 2014 micro-DXpedition:


RX:  Perseus SDR

ANT:  315' Beverage (BOG) at 10°
Duration:  0910-1300.

Solar Indices:  Didn't check.
WX:   Clear and calm with a lot of dew.  Warm 65 degrees F.


12084.88    MONGOLIA   V.O. Mongolia   0919 soft Asian Pop ballad.  0926 W DJ 
w/song anmnt and sked, website, and mailing addr, then into instru. mx, then 
IS.  Had to use USB to avoid 12080 Australia.  (5 Sept.)

9674.85      PERU   Pacifico R.    0952-0959 soft rel. mx w/M vclist in SP.  
Really nice peak at 0958:35.  0959 M anncr w/ment of "...America Latina con 
nueva ??stra en ?? emisore", then OA choral NA 0959 to at least 1001 when my 
recording ended.  This was found on the Perseus recording the next day when 
John Herkimers tip (Alfredo Cañotes via Horacio Nigro in DXplorer) came.  (5 Sept.)

9930           PALAU   T8WH   End of "Harvest for Christ" pgm at 0958, then 
usual canned ID w/addr for QSL by M over theme mx, then off.  Only fair.  (5 

9820           CHINA   Beibu Bay R.   1000 fair w/usual ToH routine; EG TC/ID, 
etc.  Fairly good and clear at 1047 w/tlk by W and into Pop ballad. TC/ID again 
at 1100 ToH w/Cuba's OC on top.  If not for Cuba, it would have been nice.  (5 Sept.)

9839.85      VIETNAM   V.O. Vietnam   Big OC on at 0955:02.  Instru. March 
amthem at 0956.  1000 usual peppy instru. fanfare and EG IDs by M and W.  Pgm 
rundown by W, then nx by same W.  Very good later at 1047 in IN but choppy.  (5 Sept.)


12019.1      VIETNAM   V.O. Vietnam   1010 end of EG nx by W ending w/"VOV" ID, 
instru. mx, ID and intro for "Current Affairs" pgm.  Good.  (5 Sept.)

12370         CHINA   CNR1 jammer   1035 alternating tlk by M and W, //10960.  
Both good and jamming Sound of Hope.  (5 Sept.)

9525.89      INDONESIA   V.O. Indonesia   Signal on at 0955:20 and immediately 
into mx w/vcl by W to 1000.  EG anmnt by W over mx but very difficult copy.  
Later, 1047 pleasant Indo lagu.  1050 W host tlk in EG abt the song, then 
another song.   1055 promo/ID w/freqs and website URL by M and W over instru. 
mx, and more lively Indo lagu.  Full ID/info promo at 1059.  (5 September)

5964.7        MALAYSIA   R. Klasik   1106 regional Malaysian Pop mx, M anncr 
very briefly at 1109, then more AR flavored song.  Would have been much better 
if not for the noise.  Koran at 1114, then M anncr at 1115.   (5 September)

15430         CLANDESTINE   R. Free Sarawak   1122 usual phone-in show w/ments 
of Sarawak.  Brief mx, sounding like it was played by mistake, at 1125 then 
cont. tlk by same caller and DJ giving his "mm-hmm" and "yeah" 
acknowledgements.  Tuned out at 1138, but when I returned at 1151, found it had 
moved down to 15420.  No hint of any jamming though. ID by W w/echo at 1153:15. 
 W continued tlk w/occas. fanfare, and phone-in at 1159.  1222:45 nice ID anmnt 
over mx.  1228 IDs again, 1230 "Superman" theme mx and M w/IDs, ment of "warta 
berita" and gone.  (5 September)

15740         THAILAND   R. Mashaal (via Thailand)   Nice clear "Mashaal Radio" 
ID by M at 1119:20.  Then tlk feature w/ment of Taliban, Pakistan.  1126 
"Mashaal Radio Islamabad" ID by journalist ending his report, then another ID, 
and next feature.  Quick ID and ment of website by M at 1129:55.  Arabic mx at 
1159, March mx at 1200, W anncr speaking rapidly in pres. Pashtu, 1201 instru. 
mx and M anncr.  Unfortunately wideband pulsing UTE QRM at this time.  (5 September)

15690         GERMANY   R. Farda (via Germany)   Arabic mx, 1130 slow 3+1 time 
ticks, M w/nx in pres. Farsi.  1153 nice freq/xmsn sked and ID by M between 
songs.  1217:00 W w/phone and ending w/ID, then fanfare and ID w/ment of 
internet by M and EG soundbite for nx, then back to Pop mx.  Good.  (5 Sept.)

15090         KUWAIT   R. Azadi (via Kuwait)   Already quite readable at 1116.  
Improved nicely though after 1200.  Long journalist phone-in report w/occas. 
responses by the studio anncr.  The segment ended at 1227 w/Arabic mx to 1230 
BoH w/nice clear ID by M in pres. Dari.  Another nice clear ID by same M at 
1235:15.  Next feature w/ments of Kashmir, Pakistan, etc.  100% copy at this 
time.  Best I've ever heard it.  (5 Sept.)

15775.184 TAIWAN   Sound of Hope   Found here at 1147 w/tlk by W, //13530.  
Both signals very weak.  (5 Sept.)

15542         TADJIKISTAN   V.O. Tibet   Healthy OC at 1153.  Tone start at 
1157.  Extremely low audio at 1200 start w/usual soft instru. mx and ID anmnt 
by W.  At 1216, found it on 15548 w/respectable audio.  CNR1 jammer came on 
15550 at 1218 though.  (5 Sept.)

9720           SRI LANKA   SLBC   1211 Hindi mx, W anncr 1213 and the Perseus 
shut off.  Quickly swapped batteries, retuned and found the usual drum IS, and 
signal off.  Fair and better than at home.  (5 

9390           THAILAND   R. Thailand WS   1214 closing EG ID/sked for Bahasa 
Malaysia anmnt by M, bells signature, then off.  Good.  The EG pgm at 1230-1300 
wasn't quite as good but still readable.  Nx by W at 1256, Bangkok Airways ad, 
and immediately off w/out any ID or closing.  (5 Sept.)

15577         TAJIKISTAN   V.O. Tibet   S9 OC came on at 1223.  Like 15542, 
this started at 1230 w/extremely low audio too.  Gradually picked up to 1232 
when the CNR1 jammer came on 15575.  At 1237:11, V.O. Tibet jumped up to 15582 
and was clear and easy.  The jammer found it and came on 15580 at 1247.  (5 


 6034.952    BHUTAN   Bhutan BS (pres.)   Yunnan was stronger than Bhutan at 
1111.  Just a het here after 1200.  Yunnan was still stronger. Definite M anncr 
at 1207:10 very briefly but there was no way of telling if it was Yunnan or BBS 
for certain.  Tremendous static noise.  (5 September)

15730         PAKISTAN   R. Pakistan   1216 Ment of Pakistan by W as soon as I 
tuned in.  Then Koran intro by M and into Koran recitation.  Think the Koran 
ended at 1225, W anncr.  Still                     in at about the same level 
at 1235 recheck w/March-like mx. Was off at 1247 recheck.  (5 September)

15040         INDIA   AIR Bengaluru   Incredible level peaking at S9+20 at 1220 
w/mx.  (5 September)

15105         BANGLADESH   Bangladesh Betar   Huge S9+10 OC at 1226.  IS start 
at 1228, and usual opening routine.  1242 deep-voiced M w/ID "This is the 
External Service of Bangladesh Betar", then promo/ID echo anmnt by W.  Best 
heard in quite some time.  (5 Sept.)

3194.706    PIRATE (NA)   'Old Time R.'   Found here w/good signal at 0838 
w/usual old radio and TV pgms.  Was sandwiched between 3185 WWRB and 3215 WWCR, 
neither of which caused any QRM though.  (6 Sept.)

6009.9        COLOMBIA LV de tu Conciencia  0845 ID w/call and freq.  (6 Sept.)

9674.847    PERU   Pacifico R.   Found here at 0916 w/respectable carrier and M 
anncr very briefly, but audio almost at 0.  M anncr again at 0918:10 sounded 
like SP w/poss. ment of oyentes, and shouting at 0918:55.  0920:30 and 0926 M 
again.  The website audio wasn't working so couldn't //.  Nice to see this one 
back on.  (6 Sept.)

11665         MALAYSIA   Wai FM   1048 end of Asian Pop ballad, then usual 
studio W DJ over a song that I've heard on at least 1 Peruvian station in the 
past!!  Phone call, W again and back to mx.  Same background mx at 1059 w/W DJ, 
time ticks at 1100 ToH, ID/intro for next pgm, countdown in EG by M and Rock 
mx, then apparent childrens pgm hosted by same W DJ.  (6 Sept.)

5910.05      COLOMBIA   R. Alcaravan   Found // to 6010.04 LV de tu Conciencia 
w/pleasant LA Pop song with a nice flute solo at 1027.  Alcaravan fairly good 
but Conciencia with low modulation.  Closest I've seen Conciencia to being 
right on freq.  (7 Sept.)

15245         FRANCE   Eritrean Forum (via France)   *1700 w/fanfare and M 
anncr voice-over opening ID and freq anmnt.  Great HoA mx.  1705 same fanfare 
again w/same M anncr to 1710.  This fanfare is the same that is on the opening 
announcement in their one Youtube pgm video.  Into more HoA mx at 1710.  More 
tlks by same M and HoA mx.  Closing over same fanfare at 1729.  (7 Sept.)

15245         FRANCE   R. EYSE (via France)   *1730 usual opening by M w/ID and 
freqs over funky HoA mx.  Good signal at this time.  Gone at 1757 in mid-song 
seemingly before closing anmnt.  Went from Eritrean Forum right into R. EYSE 
without missing a beat.  (7 Sept.)

4810           PERU   R. Logos   TC by M and ID by W at 1027.  (8 Sept.)

4885.013    BRAZIL   R. Difusora Acreana   0909 R. Clube do Para on 4885.021 
was dominant.  Difusora Acreana was just slightly stronger than Para by 0923 
when full canned ID w/freq by M between songs.  Acrena all alone by 0936 w/soft 
choral song, 0939 live M anncr w/voice-over anmnt.  0940 canned anmnt, then 
live M returned. 0941 tlk by diff. M past 0945.  There was also another signal 
on 4885.016, possibly R. Maria.  Same setup of stns as heard last Winter 
season.  (8 Sept.)


4885.02      BRAZIL   R. Clube do Para   Full ID at 0900:15.  Full ID for 
Acreana at 0935:20 as both were about equal.  Acreana was there at 0845 t/in 
but it was weak and not strong enough to get any audio through Para.  (9 Sept.)

4875.08      BRAZIL   R. Difusora Roraima   Canned ID between song and phone 
caller at 0907:20.  (9 Sept.)

4915.02      BRAZIL   R. Daqui   Came on at 0914:48 causing a het with pres. R. 
Difusora Macapa 4914.92.  Finally Daqui ID at 0925:20.  Pres. Macapa was too 
weak compared to Daqui to ID.  (9 Sept.)

9655           USA (ALASKA)   KNLS   1000 usual IS/W ID anmnt routine.  Better 
than it has been.  (9 Sept.)

3325           INDONESIA   RRI Palangkaraya (pres.)   A little mx at 1048.  
Almost sounded like the Koran.  M anncr at 1050:10 briefly, then more mx.  Mx 
over ToH to 1101.  Lost the audio for abt a min. but then more mx at 1102. 3275 
Southern Highlands had mx and 3260 Madang had tlk (prob. nx) at 1103.  (9 Sept.)

9730           MYANMAR   Myanma R.   1100 coverage of sports event, same as 
yesterday.  Live M play-by-play anncr w/stadium sounds (including PA anncr) in 
the background.  Good signal.  Thanks Ron Howard tip.  (10 Sept.)

11665         MALAYSIA   Wai FM   End of anmnt by studio M DJ 1107:30 w/nice 
stn ID/promo w/W over mx, then same M w/sev. IDs over beginning of next song.  
Good signal.  (10 Sept.)

15345.32    ARGENTINA   RAE   Usual multi-lingual ID/IS/Jazz mx routine w/EG at 
2258:20.  Into SP pgming at 2300.  Very good signal but a lot of slop from a 
massive s9+25 signal from 15355 Oman.  (10 Sept.)

15355         OMAN   R. Sultanate of Oman   Unbelieveably strong signal at 2255 
w/AR mx.  Usual Big Ben-like bells at ToH, then nice clear AR ID by M and 
immediately into nx w/ment of John Kerry, Iraq, Israeliyah, etc.  (10 Sept.)

5010.3v       MADAGASCAR??   R. Madagascar (pres.)   Found here again at 2345 
w/RTTY QRM from below.  Tried the Delta Loop at 2349 and it was better.  
Certainly sounded like mx for a short time.  (10 Sept.)

15590         THAILAND   R. Thailand WS   0000 audio up during time ticks, ID, 
fanfare, then ID, ad, and into nx in EG.  Fair.  (11 Sept.)

9819.21      BRAZIL   R. 9 de Julho   Lucky to catch a nice canned ID anmnt by 
M in PT before the next pgm at 0004:45.  Good signal once CNR1 vacated 9820 at 
0000.  (11 Sept.)

15630         GREECE   V.O. Greece   Excellent signal w/Greek mx at 0243, 
//9935 and 9420.  15630 peaking at S9+10 and 9935 and 9420 peaking at s9+15.  
Nothing in the 41mb or 25mb heard.  (11 Sept.)

11560         MOLDOVA   R. Miraya (via Moldova)   0259 signal on w/mx, 0300 M 
w/Miraya nx promo in EG followed by another, then tlk by W in what sounded like 
Swahili w/ments of Sudan.  (11 Sept.)

11510         MOLDOVA   Denge Kurdistana (via Moldova)   0259 signal on 
w/indigenous mx to 0305-0309 choral anthem, AR Pop mx.  Deadair and another 
melancholy song at 0313.  Still not one anmnt by 0331.  (11 Sept.)

6050.024    MALAYSIA  Asyik FM (reactivated)   1037 soft vcl mx.  1039 M anncr 
but too weak to ID but it kind of sounded like Bahasa Malay.  Back to another 
rom. ballad w/M vclist.  1049 M again after another song.  Getting better.  
1054 promo.  1059 quick jingle, 1+1 time ticks at ToH, then live M anncr again 
w/poss. ment of Malaysia and ID.  1109 end of nx and canned anmnt by W.  Since 
Asyik FM and HCJB have been off, there hasn't been anything noted on 6050 at 
this time.  (11 Sept.)

5964.702    MALAYSIA   R. Klasik   Found the Koran // to the webstream.  M 
anncr closing the Koran, then canned promo at 1132, and back to rom. mx.  (11 


6200           TIBET   Xizang PBS   Could just barely tell was //7255 w/Asian 
Pop-like song at 1152.  6200 weaker and 7255 QRMed by Hams.  (11 Sept.)

7270           INDIA   AIR Chennai   1154 end of Hindi mx, then M anncr with a 
few words, then W w/pres. nx at rapid pace.  Came back at 1213 and caught mx 
briefly, then an AIR mx filler heard often in the past, M anncr till signal off 
at 1214:27.  (11 Sept.)

6035           BHUTAN   BBS (pres.)   1200 W anncr, brief mx bridge, then M 
anncr.  Checked the webstream at 1203 and they had a M anncr also.  Fading and 
below audio threshold at 1210.  (11 Sept.)

15105         BANGLADESH   Bangladesh Betar   1227 OC, very brief tone, then 
start of IS.  Strong S9 signal.  Would have been a fantastic morning to be on a 
micro-DXpedition.  (11 Sept.)

9715           IRAN   V.O. Islamic Rep. of Iran   End of EG pgm on Gaza at 
2017, instru. mx, 2018 W w/ID and sked.  Off the air at 2020:15.  Fair signal.  
(11 Sept.)

11730         BELARUS   R. Belarus   2032 M w/EG/promo in EG barely audible, 
brief mx bridge, then feature by W.  Lucky to get the ID.  Extremely low 
modulation as usual.  (11 Sept.)

6055           RWANDA   R. Rwanda (pres.)   Signal showing at 2037 but no 
audio.  W anncr finally at 2056.  2058 African Hi-life mx ending at 2100 and 
signal off at 2100:12.  Nice to see these Africans starting to show again.  (11 

6110           ETHIOPIA   R. Fana   2059 same choral anthem heard on Fana in 
the past, then deadair, and signal off at 2100:36.  (11 Sept.)

5964.71      MALAYSIA   R. Klasik   2258 definite mx, W anncr just seconds 
before ToH, fanfare, M anncr briefly, then W w/pres. nx w/journalist 
soundbites.  Mx at 2315 ending nx and sports which turned out to be an ID 
jingle via the parallel webstream.  (11 Sept.)

5010.94v     MADAGASCAR   R. Madagascar (pres.)   Noticed the signal here again 
and caught soft mx w/M vcl on peaks at 2326:35 and 2327:10, 2328:30.  Not 
strong enough to ID though.  First time to definitely hear audio.  (11 Sept.)

4774.97      BRAZIL   R. Sora Congonhas   Live mx, which seems to be a regular 
pgm in the evening, then M anncr with "R. Congonhas" IDs at 2347:30 and 
2347:50.  Starting to mix w/Tarma, but the Delta Loop wasn't getting Tarma as 
well as the Wellbrook.  (11 Sept.)

4914.913    BRAZIL   R. Difusora Macapa   0808 caught full canned ID by M at 
t/in including "Dufisora AM" singing jingle and ment of Macapa.  Distinctive 
low modulation but in the clear.  Stronger than usual.  (12 Sept.)

4789.82      PERU   R. Vision   Finally getting some usable audio w/OA campo 
mx, 0815 full canned ID by M w/freq and ment of Peru between songs.  Good. but 
had the buzzing problem.  (12 Sept.)


 12 September 2014 micro-DXpedition:


RX:  Perseus SDR

ANT:  315' Beverage (BOG) at 0°
Duration:  0910-1250.

Solar Indices:  S.F. = 151,  A Index = 12,  K Index = 5  G1 Geomagnetic storms, 
S1 solar radiation storms, R1 radio blackouts.  B8 X-ray flux.  9 mhz MUF in 
eastern Canada at 0815 check.  2 M class flares yesterday, 1 the day before.

WX:   Hazy cloudiness dimming the Moonlight. Low 50s


4885.03      BRAZIL   R. Clube do Para   0901 usual canned network stn list 
(w/freqs) by M in PT followed by "R. Clube" stn jingle theme song.  Excellent 
signal.  (12 Sept.)

4914.92      BRAZIL   R. Difusora Macapa   0900 morning prayers.  4915.02 Daqui 
came on at 0905:18.  (12 Sept.)

4789.82      PERU   R. Vision   Canned ID by M during song at 0919:05, same as 
heard at home before I left.  Another ID w/freq at 0930.  (12 Sept.)

4875.0        BRAZIL   R. Difusora Roraima   Incredible S9+15 strength after 
0900.  Usual morning call-in pgm.  (12 Sept.)

4054.996    GUATEMALA   R. Verdad   0933 midi IS, then long choral NA, 0939 
usual vibraphone and voice-over SP ID anmnt by M, then EG ID, and another that 
sounded like IT.  (12 Sept.)

3375.06      BRAZIL   R. Municipal  0948 canned PT ad by W, then another, M 
briefly and back to ZY Pop using the bon voyage melody.  (nice quick peak at 
0950:25).  0952-0956 live M DJ over the song starting w/TC, ment of Amazonas 
and bom dia, and aparecida.  More mx Canned anmnt at 1001 but fading quickly.  
Voice audio a little distorted.  (12 Sept.)

3204.71      PIRATE (NA)   'Old Time R.'   0950 w/usual old radio/TV pgms.  
Fair but noisy. (12 Sept.)

6173.87      PERU   R. Tawantinsuyo   1017 report from M during nx pgm w/ment 
of camposino, M anchor.  Ment of Huancayo, 1019:00 TC and nice ID in short 
brtween items.  1020 ment of Ancash, Peru.  1023:20 TC and ID as "5 de la 
manana 2? minutos, 'Informativo del Pueblo' ?? R. Tawantinsuyo, ?? en Peru".  
Then singing ad, and M host returned w/another TC and ID at1024:40.  Reporter 
soundbite.  Surprised this was coming in so well.  If not for the noise, 
would've been easy.  (12 Sept.)

4747.61      PERU   R. Huanta Dos Mil   Sounded like a concert or pgm ad 
w/laser shooting SFX at t/in 1027, couple promos during camposina song.  1031 
promo w/ments of pueblo, Mario Francis, tumbre.  1032 mx pgm promo.  1033:30 
promo/ID by M, then brief mx and tlk feature by W.  Fairly good.  (12 Sept.)

4774.9        PERU   R. Tarma   Great harp OA campo mx at 1027 t/in w/M and W 
shouting during song mentioning Junin, and Tarma.  1030 usual "Musica 
Folklorica Nacional" pgm ID.  Never noticed before but it ends with "muchas 
gracias por la sintonia, bon dia Ecuador".  Then nice promo/ID w/ment of "FM 
estero" and ending w/jingle, then ad by W, and voice-over anmnt by live DJ. 
Good signal!!  (12 Sept.)

4755.5        MICRONESIA   The Cross R.   Rel. Pop/Rock mx. 1033 canned 
ID/Sunday Worship anmnt then "The Edge" featurette and back to mx.  Getting 
better.  Usual canned ID w/FM freq by girl at 1054:55, then live preaching pgm. 
 Would have been a very good signal if not for the noise.  (12 Sept.)

9525.89      INDONESIA   V.O. Indonesia   1101 end of EG promo by W, then intro 
for nx, and said nx by M to 1104.  (12 Sept.)

7777.7U      UNID.   While looking for Star Star R. at 1133, found a USB signal 
here w/OA campo mx.  Off at 1137.  Should have IDed as R. Siete.  Found SP 
traffic here later at 1208.  (12 Sept.)

12370         TAIWAN   Sound of Hope   At 1147 both this freq and 12560 had tlk 
by W, but they didn't sound //.  Both weak and 12370 has pulsing xsmn QRM from 
below.  There was also a W tlking on 12500.  Finally found all 3 were // at 
1153 when a mx bridge was played.  12370 gone at 1217 check.  (12 Sept.)

9390           THAILAND   R. Thailand WS   Exc. S9+15 signal at 1210 w/M tlk in 
Bahasa Malaysia w/ment of "one stop service".  ID at 1214 by same M over mx.  
Then EG pgm anmnt and chimes and gone.  (12 Sept.)

9720           SRI LANKA   SLBC   Great Hindi mx at 1209 t/in to 1214 W anncr 
in Tamil, usual drum IS, and immediately off at 1215.  Best heard yet.  (12 

15420         CLANDESTINE   R. Free Sarawak   1226 closing ID and theme song.  (12 Sept.)

9390           THAILAND   R. Thailand WS   1245 Bangkok Airways ad, then EG nx 
ID, PSA, ID, then cont. nx pgm.  (12 Sept.)

4894.92      BRAZIL   R. Novo Tempo   Pretty good signal at 2312 w/"A Voz do 
Brasil" pgm w/alternating M and W hosts.  2315 pgm jingle.  Suddenly went off 
at 2316:31.  (12 Sept.)

5985           UNID. Myanmar??   2324 what sounded like a W anncr.  2326 
definite mx.  5990 Cuba was just all over it a minute later.  (12 Sept.)

7200.104    UNID. Myanmar??   After hearing possible Myanmar on 5985 (Ron 
Howard confirmed they were right on freq today), I checked here and found a 
carrier.  Unfortunately Hams and 7210 CRI Albania just destroyed any chances to 
get audio.  (12 Sept.)

4835.04      PERU   Ondas del Sur Oriente (pres.)   On again w/M anncr at 2356 
and into LA rom. Pop ballad.  WWCR wiped it out at 2358:44 as it always does.  
(12 Sept.)

9819.92      BRAZIL   R. 9 de Julho   After years of being well off-freq, was 
surprised to find this close to being right on at 0002.  Good signal, and nice 
canned ID at 0004 between pgms.  Seems they're studio clock is 4 minutes off as 
they always have the canned ID at 0004.  (13 Sept.)

4409.774    BOLIVIA   R. Eco   0012 long tlk by W anncr, poss. canned ID by 
deep-voiced M followed by more canned anmnts.  Was getting a lot of lcl buzzing 
QRM on the freq most of the time.  Seemed to still be on at 0138.  (13 Sept.)

5970           BRAZIL   R. Itatiaia   ID/promo by M in PT at 2340:55 and jingle 
at 2341:55 then stn theme song 2342:15.  0001:15 short ID/promo.  (13 Sept.)

5920           USA   WWCR   Incredible S9+55 strength at 2358 s/on.  (13 Sept.)

11650         VATICAN   R. Tamazuj (via Vatican)   0400 nice ID by W and into 
apparent nx pgm.  Good signal.  (14 Sept.)

Noticed all the Korean clandestine freqs/stns were free of jamming around 1050. 
 They were still free at 1125 but were all jammed 2 minutes later.  (14 Sept.)

6003           CLANDESTINE   Echo of Hope   1057 pleasant instru. mx //6348.  
1100 fanfare and canned M pres. ID, then immediately into tlk by live studio M 
anncr in KR.  Fair signal.                          Nice that this was free of 
jamming over ToH.  (14 Sept)

17540         MADAGASCAR   R. Impala (via Madagascar)   Signal on 1758, long 
Hi-life Pop song, 1705 R. Mara ID and tlk by W, then nice EG ID and mission 
statement for R. Impala at                         1706 followed by another ID 
anmnt by W in kinyarwanda.  Good signal and clear with a little QSB.  (14 Sept.)

6940U         PIRATE (NA)   Renegade R.   Live anmnt w/ID at 0111.  (15 Sept.)

6015           ZANZIBAR   ZBC R.   0417:30 end of tlk by W in SW, then ID and 
more tlk.   (15 Sept.)



9680.05      INDONESIA   RRI Jakarta   1003:55, 1029:00, 1030:00 1032:40 more 
promos then CNR1 came on briefly.  CNR1 came back on around 1049 and started 
audio around 1055.  (15 Sept.)


3274.992    PAPUA NEW GUINEA   NBC Southern Highlands   1058 M w/speech in a 
deliberate manner.  Giving a P.O. Box addr. at 1104.  Finally ending at 1107 
w/alternating voice-                        over tlk w/lively island mx, then 
cont. song.  Studio M anncr briefly at 1110, then live speech again.  Best 
heard yet.  (15 Sept.)

3260           PAPUA NEW GUINEA   NBC Madang   1100 casual tlk by live M DJ but 
all I could copy was ment of the date.  1103 went into NBC nx w/usual 
birdcall/percussion signature and start w/NBC ID.  (15 Sept.)

5985.22      MYANMAR   Myanma R.   1123 Asian Pop mx defintely //9730.  New stn 
theme song and usual quick signature melody to 1130.  9730 went off just after 
the W anncr started the nx at 1130 but 5985.22 continued.  (15 Sept.)

11510         MOLDOVA   R. Denge Kurdistana (via Moldova)    Got IDs by W or M 
at 1216:10, 1300:35, and 1428:20.  Faded badly and fast after 1430 going 
inaudible by 1444.  Went off at 1502.  (16 Sept.)



18 September 2014 micro-DXpedition:


RX:  Perseus SDR

ANT:  315' Beverages (BOG) at 80° and 0°.
Duration:  2045-2340 UTC.

Solar Indices:  Didn't check.

WX:   Mix of clouds and sunshine then clear once the sun set.  Calm.  low 60s 
to mid-50s.


11735         ZANZIBAR   ZBC R.   Incredible S9+10 signal w/AR mx, 2051 M anncr 
perfectly clear w/ment of ZBC at 2053:55.  2055 back to AR mx. M again over mx 
at 2058, cont. mx, M at 2059 w/ment of Spice FM, then went off at 2100 before 
they went into the Spice FM pgming unfortunately.  Wasn't on when I left at 
1935.  And while I was tuned in, the signal was going off the air for a split 
second quite often.  (16 Sept.)

6055           RWANDA   R. Rwanda   Tuned down here immediate after ZBC went 
off and caught drum ToH signature, W anncr briefly and audio cut at 2101.  
Signal gone shortly thereafter.  Fana was already gone.  (16 Sept.)

4780           DJIBOUTI   RTV Djibouti   Shocked to already hear M reciting the 
Koran at 2115.  Went off sometime between then and 2147.  I think I recall 
still hearing it after 2130 though.  (16 Sept.)

4770           UNID.   2115 tlk by M sounding like EG.  About as strong as 
Djibouti.  Don't know if this is a spur, harmonic, or what.  4770 is a 3rd 
hamonic of 1590.   Didn't sound // to anything I had on 1590 at one point.  (16 

6089.86      NIGERIA   R. Nigeria Kaduna   Was hearing this at 2105 w/tlk by M 
QRMed by 6090 Iran.  Iran finally went off at 2121:47 leaving this in the clear 
and quite nice w/native mx. Poss. ment of Kaduna.  2125:50 tlk by M w/ment of 
Nigeria at 2126:45 and occas. choral singing, 2127 canned aparent promo 
w/discussion by M and W w/ment of R. Nigeria at 2128:05.  Live M anncr w/nice 
"R. Nigeria Kaduna" ID at 2129:55, then brief mx, and another canned anmnt. 
w/ment of Kaduna.  2131:25 great rolling of 'R's during tlk by M. 2132:15 ment 
of Voice of Nigeria.  Beautiful clear ID at 2152:50 when signal was peaking at 
S9+10!!!!  (16 Sept.)

4835           UNID.   Had a signal here from 2115-2135+ but couldn't detect 
any audio due to strong CODAR.  (16 Sept.)

15475.97    Antarctica?? Signal still on at 2138 so went and change antennas 
from 80 to the 0 degree.  Didn't seem to make any difference.  Gone at 2154 
check.  (16 Sept.)

9745           TAIWAN   V.O. Han   Instru. mx, then tlk by W in CH ending 
w/"bye bye".  2157 canned discussion by M and W.  2159 usual instru. mx filler, 
same canned anmnt over mx at 2200 ToH, then W w/pres. nx.  (16 Sept.)

9265           USA   WINB   2227 end of "Treasure of Truth" pgm, 2228:30 canned 
ID by M w/QTH, addr, into "Downhome Gospel" pgm.  S9+25 signal,, without doubt 
never heard it so                             strong.  (16 Sept.)

9690           INDIA   AIR Bengaluru   2244 IS on, stopped, then started again. 
 W anncr, supposed to be in EG but it was getting blasted by 9685.  (16 Sept.)

7200           IRAN   VOIRI   Was right on freq at 2255.  Don't think it came 
on at 2220 sked s/on.  Went off at 2320.  Blasted by the Ham net.  (16 Sept.)

7200.13      MYANMAR   Myanma R. (tent.)   Came on at 2319.  Couldn't hear any 
audio even with the Hams let up.  Slowly drifting down from start.  Beside the 
Ham QRM, was also getting slammed by 7210 CRI Albania.  (16 Sept.)

4914.99      BRAZIL  R. Daqui   2327:20 nice ID after ZY Pop song, then anmnt, 
then another ID, and back to mx.  Peaking at S9+20.  (16 Sept.)

9545           SOLOMON ISLANDS    SIBC   0845-0857 long list of messages by 
studio W DJ in Tok Pisin w/many ments of "studio", "transport" and "Thank you 
for your cooperation and understanding", and a couple ments of SIBC.  So 
obviously a lot of late shipments.  Ended at 0857 w/promo, then live W again 
w/pgm notes including a nice ID w/freqs at 0858 and ment of "Bible readling", 
sports, and nx, then said "Bible Reading".  0902:40  Good signal at t/in but 
faded by 0938 check.  Getting some splash QRM from the 9540 CNR1 jammer at 1015 
check.  Nothing on usual freq of 5020.  (17 Sept.)

4875.07      BRAZIL   R. Difusora Roraima   0935:50 ID/promo between end of 
song and beginning of next phone call w/M DJ.  0946:05 full ID w/freqs.  (17 Sept.)

9730           MYNAMAR   Myanma R.   1113 start of ABC English language lesson. 
 "Can I talk to you", "And this one is pure silk", "Would you like to try it 
on", "Have you got one in Purple", Had a little rhyme at the end; "Have you 
got, have you got, have you got one in blue.  Here you are, here you are, that 
color suites you"!!!  1228:35 stn theme song.  (17 Sept.)

9835           MALAYSIA   Sarawak FM   1125:00 nice canned ID/promo after Asian 
Rock song, then W anncr DJ.  Only a normal fair reception w/QRM from above.  
(17 Sept.)

13830         FRANCE   V.O. the Oromo Liberation (via France)   1700 pgm open 
w/instru. HoA mx and M anncr w/canned ID and sked, brief HoA mx bridge, then 
prob. feature intro by M anncr, more mx briefly, then tlk.  Not very strong at 
first but picked up by 1704.  Very fady.  When I came back at 1725, WEWN was on 
the freq.  (17 Sept.)

15190         PHILIPPINES   R. Pilipinas/PBS   1727 tone. 1730 W w/anthem-like 
vcl song, 1731:00 EG ID/freq anmnt by M over fanfare, Asian Pop mx, nx by M at 
1734-1736, sev. canned anmnts.  W host w/nx 1738-1747, then canned M anmnt.  
Came back at 1925 and found Pop mx which went right to 1929 ID/freq anmnt by M 
and off the air before he finished.  Much better on the Wellbrook.  // to the 
Radyo Pilipinas/DZRP webstream which was 23 seconds behind.  (17 Sept.)

11845         VATICAN   Afia Darfur R. (via Vatican)   1800 start w/ID and 
immediately into nx by M in AR.  Poor to fair signal. //13715 (Sao Tome) barely 
audible.  (17 Sept.)

11555         CHINA   Firedrake   Surprised to find Firedrake here with the old 
traditional Chinese mx at 1808, undoubtely jamming R. Free Asia.  Fairly 
strong.  (17 Sept.)

SIBC is back on 5020 this morning, on 0915 check. (18 Sept.)

11764.73    BRAZIL   Super R. Deus e Amor   0924 evangelism, studio M anncr, 
prayers by M, studio M again w/TC, then ZY Christian Pop mx, 0930 time ticks 
w/anmnts and into "Voz Libertacao" pgm.  (18 Sept.)

9730           MYANMAR   Myanma R.   1111 played the stn theme song.  Fairly 
good at this time.  Played it again at 1128.  (18 Sept.)

4869.92      INDONESIA   RRI Wamena   1117 pleasant Indo lagu.  1118 studio M 
DJ tlking about the RRI Jakarta nx.  1120 into an uptempo Indo song.  (18 Sept.)

4740           UNID.   Checked this more closely at 1012 and found M tlking in 
what sounded like SP and congregation singing.  A W was also joining in the tlk 
later at 1023.  Even though there's a carrier, the audio in AM mode is so 
distorted, it sounds better listening in SSB.  Faded after 1030.  (19 Sept.)

9685.5        CHINA   CRI   Found a very distorted CRI // 9665 here w/W anncr 
over instru. mx.  Ment of CRI, start of the signature melody, then off.  No 
carrier and difficult to tune to get any kind of readable audio.  Oddly, when 
this went off, 9665 continued.  (19 Sept.)

11710         NORTH KOREA   V.O. Korea   Really strong signal this morning but 
very choppy, no doubt due to the G1 geomagnetic storm.  S.F.=120, A Index=8, K 
Index=4.  All Asian signals were choppy sounding.  Usual closing ID w/sked by M 
at 1055.  (19 Sept.)

Asians on 25m sounded very choppy due to the G1 geomagnetic disturbance.  (19 Sept.)

15475.97    ANTARCTICA   R. Nacional Sao Gabriel Arcangel LRA36   Noticed that 
the signal was a little stronger today than usual so stuck with it.  Finally by 
2137 starting to get a little mx.  Getting stronger and more audible w/cont. mx 
w/M vcl, then the plug was pulled suddenly at 2142:12.  (19 Sept.)

5999.98      BRAZIL   R. Guaiba   Surprised to find about the best signal all 
year from this at 2357 t/in.  Sounded like "A Voz do Brasil" pgm.  Then Cuba 
came on and blasted it away.  Cuba was off at 0001 recheck, but Guaiba had 
already faded.  (19 Sept.)

4985.505    PERU   R. Voz Christiana   2311 found w/W anncr tlking in SP, then 
mx after 2314.  No RTTY this evening. W returned at 2316.  Went off at 2318:40 
in the middle of the W tlking.  Just when it was starting to get IDable.  Tried 
to parallel the webstream but "connection refused".  (19 Sept.)

4814.97      BRAZIL   R. Difusora Londrina   Decent signal this evening.  Nice 
canned ID promo by W w/phone SFX and website at 2329:40, then full canned ID 
anmnt. Had to use USB because of the UTE below.  
(19 Sept.)

5020           SOLOMON ISLANDS   SIBC   1135 Reggae song, 1137 couple ads for 
"Our Telecom", and lottery drawing (solar power, outboard motor, motorbike, 
etc), followed by M w/PSAs including ments of SIBC and slogan "The Unified 
Voice of the Nation", then live W DJ at 1141 w/TC and ment of Saturday night 
and pgm notes.  Back to island mx at 1143.  Better than usual signal but QRM 
from Cuba of course.  (20 Sept.)

11430         CHINA   CNR1 jammers   Found jammers on SOH freqs 12500, 12190, 
11430, and 10960 at 1150.  Tremendous signals from 10960 and 12500.  (20 Sept.)

9835           MALAYSIA   Sarawak FM   1156 Asian Pop ballad to 1200 one short 
and one long time ticks, then RTM nx by M in Bahasa Malaysian starting w/RTM 
ID.  1210 nx ended w/headlines and into more Asian ballads.  1213 short canned 
ID/promo jingle, then more mx.  1117 anmnt block including one w/"That's the 
Way I Like It" remake of the KC & the Sunshine Band song, then live W DJ.  Fair 
signal mixing w/pres. Xinjiang PBS after abt 1205.  Also splash QRM from 
9839.85 Vietnam.  (20 Sept.)

6034.97      BHUTAN   BBS   1203-1212 tlk by M anncr.  Also had M anncr on the 
webstream the exact same time but live audio wasn't quite strong enough to 
confirm it was the same anncr.  Best signal yet since returning.  (20 Sept.)

9514.97      BRAZIL   R. Marumby   2220-2236 apparent rel. pgm w/M preaching 
nonstop in PT over mx.  2236:05 full canned ID w/freqs by M, then a few more 
canned anmnts.  2252:25 canned ID.  Went off at 2253.  (20 Sept.)

6075           PIRATE (EUROPE)   Laser Hot Hits   Song by Meatloaf, 0622 jingle 
ID between songs w/laser shooting SFX and "...its all good, Laser", then "Lets 
Grove" by Earth, Wind & Fire.  0631 promo, jingle ID, and back to mx.  0649 ID 
jingle "More hits, back to back.  Laser Hot Hits", then "The Boys are Back in 
Town" by Thin Lizzy.  Very fady with a lot of splash QRM from 6080 VOA and UTE. 
 Thanks Ralph Perry tip.  (21 Sept.)

4755.55      MICRONESIA   The Cross R.   0731 getting Christian Pop mx at this 
early time not long after their sunset.  Very fady.  (21 Sept.)

4914.92      BRAZIL   R. Difusora Macapa   0734:40 lively anmnt by M w/ID.  In 
the clear as Daqui not on yet.  (21 Sept.)

7259.97      VANUATU   R. Vanuatu (pres.)   0743 sounded like M w/live 
preaching.  Soft mx at 0903 check.  (21 Sept.)

17495         SOUTH AFRICA   RTE (via Meyerton)  1429 anmnt just prior to the 
start of the All Ireland Football Final (Donegal vs Kerry at Croke Park), and 
game start at 1430.  Ad block at halftime including an RTE promo to start.  Had 
a long post game show.  Ended the broadcast w/wx by W at 1657.  Good signal 
with a bit of echo at times.  // much weaker 17820.  11750 not heard at all.  (21 Sept.)

5020           SOLOMON ISLANDS   SIBC   Fairly decent signal from SIBC at 0945 
with Rebelde off for once.  Speech by M.  Was hoping to get Quillabamba signing 
on but Rebelde appeared at 0958.  How disappointing.  (22 Sept.)

9835           MALAYSIA   Sarawak FM   1015 nice canned ID and website promo, 
then live W anncr.  Ended w/another ID/promo at 1018:15 and back to mx.  Fairly 
clear as 9839.85 Vietnam wasn't as strong at this time.  (22 Sept.)

4740           UNID.   Choral anthem-like song, but probably rel. at 1025,  M 
anncr voice-over in what sounded like FR at 1026.  Best is SSB.   (22 Sept.)

3385           PAPUA NEW GUINEA   NBC East New Britain   Nice to see this back 
on at 0940.  Some UTE QRM.  1052 very low modulation sounding like a speech by 
M.  Modulation up the normal at 1058 w/"Fields of Gold" by Sting, then into NBC 
nx at 1101 starting w/usual percussion/bird call signature.  Fair signal and no 
other PNGs noted.  (22 Sept.)



23 September 2014 micro-DXpedition:


RX:  Perseus SDR

ANT:  315' Beverages (BOG) at 0°.
Duration:  0855-1210 UTC.

Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 130  A Index = 9  K Index = 2  B4 X-ray flux.  No 
storms.  Most of Canada at 9 mhz MUF to start.

WX:   Clear and starry (Orion over the parking lot), calm, mid-30s F. with some 


4965.02      PERU   R. Alvorada   0919 tlk by live M DJ in PT, "Bom dia", 0921 
into ZY Pop song sounding like a remake of "I Would Do Anything for Love" , 
then M returned w/long tlk to 0932 ad block including one mentioning website at 
0933.  Came on sometime between 0900-0915.  Modulation a bit low.  (23 Sept.)

4740           WRCB/R. Concorde??   Quite strong at 1000, 1002:50, and 1019 
peaks w/tlk by M in what sounded like it could have been Creole.  W anncr also 
after 1030.  This  appears to very well be the third harmonic of WRCB as per 
John Herkimers suggestion.  Will need it to come in well enough again to // the 
webstream.  (23 Sept.)

4810           PERU   R. Logos   Beautiful OA campo mx from 0956 t/in.  Canned 
ID w/freq by W at 1005:10 between songs.  1029:00 end of song and rooster 
crowing.  Surprised to find there was no UTE here this morning until 1030.  
CODAR was still hammering away though.  (23 Sept.)

4774.91      PERU   R. Tarma   Came on late at 1006:29 w/mx ("Musica Folklorica 
Nacional" pgm) already in progress.  (23 Sept.)

4747.6        PERU   R. Huanta Dos Mil   OC on around 1007:52, then OA NA start 
at exactly 1009:00, but only for 30 seconds and then sev. canned anmnts.  (23 

9745           TAIWAN   V.O. Han   1100 clear ID by M, "Guanghua ?? ??" but the 
last 2 words didn't sound like "zhi sheng".  Had to tune in USB to avoid the 
9740 BBC Singapore QRM.  (23 Sept.)

6034.95      BHUTAN   BBS   At 1204, the het with Yunnan kept this from being 
audible. But when the bandwidth was narrowed and the notch employed on Yunnan, 
the M anncr giving the nx was audible on BBS.  (23 Sept.)

4774.9        PERU   R. Tarma   1005 great ID/promo with animal SFX.  1023:55 
surprised to hear a "R. Tarma Internacional" ID.  
(24 Sept.)

4747.61      PERU   R. Huanta Dos Mil   1017:05 nice ID by live M anncr.  
Suddenly went off at 1026:11.  (24 Sept.)

6050.025    MALAYSIA   Asyik FM   1111:11 same canned tlk by W always played 
after the nx, then right into Asian Pop mx 1115:20.  (24 Sept.)

9730           MYANMAR   Myanma R.   Close of ABC EG language lesson.  (24 Sept.)

5985.24      MYANMAR   Myanma R.   Found on the air at 1121 w/Asian Rap mx 
//9730.  (24 Sept.)

15410         INDIA   AIR Panaji   Apparently having problems w/intermittent 
tones at 1149, then deadair for about a minute and audio up at 1150.  (24 Sept.)

6034.95      BHUTAN   BBS   Pleasant instru. mx bridge at 1201 between W anncr 
and M with the nx, definitely // BBS webstream.  (24 Sept.)

15475.9      ANTARCTICA   R. Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel/LRA36   Surprised to 
find some audio coming in at 2102.  W anncr at 2105. 2108-2113 mx.  2113-2121 
long tlk by W again, gradually getting stronger.  Song from 2121-2125, W 
returned again w/another long talk to 2133, then poss. anthem to 2136:05 signal 
off.  Just below readablility, but best signal yet.  Apparently carrier +USB as 
nothing hrd tuned in LSB.  (25 Sept.)

4910           AUSTRALIA   ABC Tennant Creek   0827 phone interview mentioning 
ABC Alice Spring and end, then off the air at 0829:00.  Fair signal but CODAR 
very strong.  (26 Sept.)



26 September 2014 micro-DXpedition:


RX:  Perseus SDR

ANT:  315' Beverages (BOG) at 0°.
Duration:  0915-1235 UTC.

Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 158  A Index = 13  K Index = 2  No storms.  C1 
X-ray flux.  Most of Canada at 10 mhz MUF to start.

WX:   Clear and starry, calm, upper 40s F.

4965.02      BRAZIL   R. Alvorada   0919 end of ZY Pop song w/M DJ giving "Bom 
dia", tlk, then took a phone call at 0920 for a min., then back to mx.  (26 

11735         BRAZIL   R. Transmundial   0955:55, 0957:00 IDs by W during tlk.  
Very nice signal. (26 Sept.)

4747.61      PERU   R. Huanta Dos Mil   Signal on at 1000:55 w/camposina mx in 
progress.  Very good signal strength but modulation a little low.  M anncr DJ 
tlk w/phone caller, poss. stn reporter and ments of R. Huanta Dos Mil.  
1005-1013 long ad block w/many ments of Huanta, Peruana, phone numbers, addrs, 
Inca, politica, and an ID at 1015:30 to end.  Into Huayno song, then M DJ 
returned at 1020 w/ID at 1020:35 and another at 1021:10 ending anmnt.  Back to 
mx.  (26 Sept.)

4774.9        PERU   R. Tarma   Massive S9+15 signal on at 1000:36 in the 
middle of a camposina song but QRMed by pulsing UTE unfortunately.  Usual nice 
full canned ID w/call, and website, then intro for "Musica Folklorica Nacional" 
pgm.  (26 Sept.)

11665         MALAYSIA   Traxx FM   Wasn't on before 1100, but found it w/EG nx 
at 1107.  1109 promo which didn't seem to be EG, then Pop mx.  Promo at 1125.  
1128:55 poss. ment of Traxx during EG chatter by M and W DJs.  M was 
reminiscing about events when he was 5 years old.  Back to Pop mx at 1133.  
1137 short PSA.  1142 W gave their names Kevin and Jenna and mentioned "music 
power" then tlk abt their relationships including high school, and ended 
w/Traxx FM ID at 1146:40, the into "Love Fool" by The Cardigans.  Not very 
strong.  9835 didn't seem to be on either until about 1050.  (26 Sept.)

9870           INDIA   Vividh Bharati   1150 nice signal, nearly S9+20, 
w/pleasant Hindi mx.  1151 M anncr between songs.  A little distorted.  (26 Sept.)

7502           UNID.   Star Star R.??   First time to find a carrier on this 
freq where Ron Howard has been hearing Star Star R.  Only a carrier at 1155.  
Nothing in SSB.  Didn't stay with it as I wanted to record Bhutan.  (26 Sept.)

6034.95      BHUTAN   BBS   Once R. Marti left the air at 1159, could hear what 
sounded like a C&W Pop song, but much like "Before They Make Me Run" by the 
Rolling Stones!!  I'm sure it wasn't.  Same M anncr that's been noted daily at 
this time on the webstream then at 1200, stringed instru. mx., and pres. nx.  
Hrd same type stringed mx bridge one or two more times.  And again at 1213 and 
cont. tlk to 1216.  Into regional mx.  Fading pretty quickly at this time.  (26 Sept.)

73 and best DX.

Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR

153 foot Delta Loop, and Wellbrook ALA1530S
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