** CANADA. 15034 USB, April 12 at 1531, random tune to Trenton
Military hits them with aviation weather *received!!* from Zagreb,
etc. I wonder how many flights, even commercial, to Serbia depend on
this (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 15140, April 12 at 1900, I check for RHC English: NO signal;
retune to 11760 and there is a good signal with ``Ed Newman`` opening
English hour - but chopped off the air before 1901! Hastening to QSY
to 15140? NO, still nothing there by 1925. Something`s always wrong at
RHC. Could English be shunted to an unknown third frequency? The Other

April 9, 2024 Civil Society

Five freedoms against totalitarianism in Cuba: a grassroots initiative
The new movement aims to unite Cubans of all kinds to, first of all,
put an end to 'five forms of internal state subjugation'.

Ángeles Rosas, Madrid, 08 Abr 2024 - 18:21 CEST -- A woman promotes
the Five Freedoms against Totalitarianism initiative. 5L Campaign

On Thursday an anti-regime group launched the Five Freedoms (5L)
citizens' initiative against Totalitarianism, "the people's answer to
the economic package," which offers solutions to overcome the serious
socio-economic crisis suffered by Cubans and put an end to the
oligarchic state of GAESA...

{¿Su nombre? Grupo de Administración Empresarial, SA (Gaesa), el grupo
empresarial de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR) con
ramificaciones que van desde el sector hotelero hasta las tiendas
minoristas de ventas de productos en divisas, pasando por las aduanas
y los puertos, entre muchos otros.}

...Thus, "freedom from terror" consists of an "end to repression and
the one-party political dictatorship;" "economic freedom," of an "end
to the internal restrictions on free enterprise; "freedom of
expression," of the "end of censorship;" "freedom association," of an
"end to the prohibition of citizen organizations;" and "freedom of
movement," of an "end to exile and the exclusion from Cuba's exiles as
a community."...``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 27184.8 AM, April 12 at 2205 UT, Enid CB pirate is active
again with gospel music, 2206 ``Kay-Love`` ID, as before from K288FX,
105.5 translator of KYLV 88.9 OKC (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 11935.001, April 12 at 0341, Arabic talk mixed with
bits of Qur`aning, S9/+10 into UTwente, where there was no signal last
time I checked at 2138 April 11. After 0400, continuous Qur`aning; it
is after all, the Fribbath. No Yemen IDs noticed yet (Glenn Hauser,

** SPAIN. 17855, Fri Apr 12 at 2200, token English from SNR is
sufficient direct into DX-390 portable; 2210 feature after Beirut
report is about protests in Canary Islands against government
prioritizing tourism over protecting biodiversity. Seems islands`
limited area is declining, due to development - and sea level rise?
Population 2 million but 14M tourists per year and many vacation homes
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SWAZILAND. 15105, April 12 at 1532, tinkling TWR IS, surely one of
the most distinctive and recognizable, S5/S7. Aoki shows 1535-1920 in
Tig language M-F. Surely that`s a typo for -1620. Yes, much more
precisely, EiBi shows 1532-1621 M-F. Now the question is, why would
they schedule a broadcast to start at the odd time of :32 or :35 past
an hour? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11785.009, April 12 at 2200, VOT English not off the air
but audible into DX-390 portable. VG via UTwente at 2235 when
measured, ``with-you-every-hour`` promo, music. 2241
``always-by-your-side`` promo and `That`s Why`, badax about brushing
your teeth since there is a connexion between gum disease and heart
conditions. 2247 music. 2252 s/off by badax as if the 1230 on 17620.
2253 IS plays one sesquitime before chopoff 2353.5*, no finesse, no
German (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2238 monitoring: confirmed Friday
April 12 at 2047 the 2030 on IRRS via AM Italia, 1322.996, S9+5 into
UTwente, across Europe.

Also confirmed first SWBC, Friday April 12 at 2206, the 2200 on WRMI
9955, JBA direct vs S9 noise level, compounded by seeming

Also confirmed Friday April 12 at 2249 the 2230 on SW Radio, Germany,
3975.002, S9+5/10 into UTwente. Next:

0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
0400 UT Saturday WTWW 5085
1430 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 6160
1730 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 3975
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0000 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]
0230vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0500]
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy
2130 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0830 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 6160
1930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW [not sked but confirmed Apr 9]
1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2330 UT Tuesday SW Radio, Germany 3975
1200 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB
1230 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB
[previous #2237][SW suspended but still streamed?]
1930 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1630 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 6160

As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated. Thanks this
week to Ron Howard, Monterey, California, for a check in US funds on a
US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, ``in memory of
Jari Savolainen [1951-2020], an excellent Finnish DXer, always very
helpful. Thank you for your decades of service to our radio hobby!``

One may also contribute, not necessarily in US funds, via PayPal to:
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Pre-`AAAWWW` check of WBCQs, April 12 at 2336 into NH SDR:
3265 off. 5130.189 S9 `ATATT`. 6159.930 S9+10 TOMBS. 7489.933 S9+10
FKB. 9330.000 S9+10/15 WLCR. April 13 at 0000, 5130 is a bit late
switching to WTO theme after 7490 does. Seems like a new show; Angela
is remote from Allan this week, on a phoneline while he is still in
studio 1 with antiquated equipment. It`s going to be political, as
among his first remarx, ``535 white-trash assholes,`` thus dissing the
entire Senate and House. Retune at 0059 in prayer foreseeing that WBCQ
may one day be the only SW station left in the world, running over a
minute into Hal Turner time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0117 UT April 13
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