** BANGLADESH. 15505, August 12 at 1359, enough JBA signal from Bangladesh 
Betar to detect IS or opening music to Urdu service, and talk by 1359.5, but no 
timesignal audible by 1401. Perhaps they have prudently dispensed with it, 
since they could never get it right? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 3945, Saturday August 12 at 1140, no signal from R. Nikkei 2, while 
3925, R. Nikkei 1 is OK. (No Vanuatu trace either on 3945-). That`s because JOZ 
3945 signs off early on weekends, but neither appears in HFCC! Yet Nikkei 6 and 
9 MHz frequencies are there from NAG site, courtesy registered by NHK. Aoki 
shows JOZ5 on 3945 closes Sat & Sun at 0900* instead of 1400* on M-F (Glenn 

** MADAGASCAR. 17640, August 11 at 2004, pop song at S7-S3, back-announced as 
``Beautiful`` by Cristina Aguilera, which I assume is secular; African Pathways 
Radio ID, with sked 11825 at 4-5 am, 17640 at 6-7 and 8-9 pm UTC. Co-hosts, one 
with African accent, the other not, bear story by the latter, Franklin, 
Tennessee address, further program summary for first semihour. Best I`ve heard 
this in a long time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 610, August 12 at 1129 choral NA, loops about SW, fade for ID at 
1130. More and more XE`s are playing anthem at hourbottoms for some reason. 
Most likely XEBX Sabinas, Coahuila, but would welcome further XESAC Saltillo, 
or XEEL Zacatecas. Also often heard is XEGS Guasave, Sinaloa, which is partly 
// 650 XETNT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 650, August 12 at 1131, full IDs, maybe sign-ons for Radio 65, 
XETNT, and XHTNT, 106.5, Los Mochis, Sinaloa; 1133 into `Rincón Norteña` music 

** MEXICO. 660, August 12 at 1105, after choral NA, XEDTL sign-on, Radio 
Cuidadana of IMER, Ciudad de México, also on an HD2 of some FM frequency. XEEY 
Ags2 was already on and QRMing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. RF 17, Aug 11 at 2320 UT recheck, K17JN-D Enid is almost back to 
normal with 5 different 3ABN subchannels on 17-1 thru 17-5, but 17-6 remains 
greenscreen only as ``test``. Ditto Aug 12 at 1458.

Aug 12 at 1814 UT check, my Sanyo only gets 17-6, even when I enter 17 or 17-1, 
but the Zenith STB gets all six, strange. Current PSIPs (not necessarily valid 
24/7 with this network):
17-1, K17JN-D, bug LR: 3ABN (classical orchestral concert! But only an 
interlude during a 2016 sermon referencing Oscar Wilde)
17-2, 3ABN-PR, bug LR: Proclaim! 
17-3, AmFacts, bug LR: AFTV
17-4, 3ABN-ES, bug LR: 3ABN + illegible [Spanish]
17-5, Hope201, bug LR: illegible triangular logo [since not on HD screen]
17-6, test, green (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 17855, Aug 11 at 2003, REE is on the air, but very poor S1, AND about 
the same level as 17715. Normally 17855 is MUCH stronger on N American antenna 
than 17715 on S American. Also yesterday I noticed 17855 was unusually weak, at 
first almost missed it in bandscan, but no comparison made to 17715. Now, also 
15390 & 15520 are no better. Therefore I conclude that 17855 is not really on 
the NAm antenna at 290 degrees, and/or greatly reduced power so reception is 
the same as 17715 at 230 degrees. On Saturday August 12, when they open four 
hours earlier at 1400, I observe the same situation, both 17s only S3 max. 

Spanish DXers are very concerned about missing frequencies, suspecting as I 
have, that REE is turning them off deliberately to see whether anyone notices 
or cares. On the noticiasdx yg, Pedro Sedano, chief coordinator of AER replies 
(in Google translation enhanced by gh): 

``The problems of REE come as a result of the cuts in their technical and human 
resources. On the one hand, they have a few damaged transmitters, some used as 
a source of spare parts. On the other hand, the technical team is restless, 
which in addition to the method of broadcasting makes failures more obvious. 
Failures were not so detectable before. Now it's clear when transmitters fail.

Not everything is bad; now the programming is not repeated, much of it is from 
other stations in the group, so it gains in freshness even if there is no 
distinction geographically. All the frequencies emit the same thing. This whole 
matter of broadcasting 4 hours on 4 frequencies at a time, means a saving of 
personnel, having automated part of the process, but, of course, the breakdowns 
--- because the equipment is already starting to be old, due to the lack of 
spare parts and exclusive maintenance personnel.

On the other hand, REE's technical secretariat automatically receives the 
reception reports from the AER website http://ree.aer.org.es and have the 
commitment to send QSLs to the correct ones, but *nobody* has reported to us 
that they have kept their word. In any case, we must make it possible for REE 
to continue on the air in the best possible way, so collaboration is very 
important`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15555 & 15565, August 12 at 1405, no trace of any signals from 
WJHR, Voice of Tibet via Madagascar, or jamming, unlike 24 hours earlier (Glenn 

** U S A. 15016-USB, August 12 at 1409, US military cypher message totally in 
fonetix, ID as ``Cockfight``, background noise surges between alfanumeric 
characters; ``JM53CN`` heard several times --- almost looks like a grid square 
which one lookup
leads to Tunisia; later same group just as start of a longer sequence. 
Interruptions with ``more to follow``, ``All stations, all stations, this is 
Cockfight, this is Cockfight``; ``no response``. Recheck 1444 still going with 
this stuff (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17530, August 11 at 1404, open carrier at tune-in, cuts off in a few 
seconds. Presumed VOA Greenville-B in day-shift test to be sure it will work 
when needed a few hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1890 monitoring: confirmed Friday August 11 at 2330 on 
WBCQ, 9331.400v-CUSB, fair. Next:
Sat 1930v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0315v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1030   HLR  9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW

** U S A. 15770, Aug 11 at 2009 no signal from WRMI which is normally very weak 
but detectable; while 15760 WHRI blasts. 21525 missing too. At 2013, 11825 is 
off, on a split second, back off. At 2014, 11580 is on during `Wavescan`, and 
as soon as I tune back to 11825, it`s back with BS. Also now on and detectable: 
9955, 15770, 21525. Must have been a power failure. Later storm maps showed 
nothing over FL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17777, Aug 11 at 2001, KVOH still off-frequency, now with hymn amid 
weekly English bihour extension. Never on air weekends, so next chance to check 
will be 1400 Monday Aug 14 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15825, August 11 at 2008, WWCR gospel huxter, amid squeals out of 
defective transmitter, which surge during brief pauses (so obviously modulation 
related, not from an external source QRM); at S9-S6 with sporadic E enhancement 
from one megameter distance. Maybe it`s ever so, only noticeable when we get a 

9350, Friday August 11 at 2100, happen to tune across this WWCR as 
``Thunderbird Radio, the only American Indian program on shortwave`` is opening 
--- soon obviously merely by Baptist converts. 

Must be something new, as NOT on the program schedule for WWCR-2 at 4-5 pm CT: 
with Golden Age of Radio on Wed/Fri except Faith Defenders on first Friday (and 
this is the second). PDF sked now dated August 1 *still* shows wrong UTC time 
conversion as if Central Time were still standard at 6 hours behind instead of 
daylight at -5 hours!

Searching entire sked gets no hits on Thunderbird, but discounting USAF 
Thunderbirds, Google search leads to WWCR program roster link: 
with Pastor Jack Neima, contact info to Waco TX. About current show:

``Today 1823 Arikara warriors attack an American expedition. A force of 500 
Sioux warriors finds the Arikaras and a battle takes place. Col. Henry 
Leavenworth soon arrives with a force of 200 soldiers. The US Cavalry claim 50 
Arikara dead and the Sioux take 9.
Sioux (Lakota) Moon when the geese shed their feathers
Call to Worship: Steve Rose:  THE PURE JOY OF WORK
Scripture:  EPHESIANS 6:4``

Previous entries claim strange schedule on WWCR: ``August 9, 2017 Radio Program 
admin August 11, 2017 at 7:19 am 0 Comment(s) We have uploaded the Radio 
program that was recorded for August 9, 2017, 2017 [sic]. To listen live, tune 
in to WWCR Nashville every Wednesday at 3:30PM CST & Sundays at 2:00PM CST 
[sic, and no frequencies].

So I go back to the August sked grid and check all four transmitters at those 
CDT(!) times. Aha! WWCR-1 15825 AND WWCR-2 9350, Wed at 3:30 is `Buffalo River 
Church`, with the same Jack Neima. No entries under that name at 2:00 pm Sunday 
or anywhen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9930, August 11 at 2015 check, WTWW-2 is still AWOL, no Dave Ramsey. 
Haven`t heard it in some weeks, altho #2 is funxional some evenings on 5085.

9930, Sat Aug 12 at 1800, still off, so no `Theater Organ in the Ozarx` today 
either; however, 9475 WTWW-1 is on but just barely modulated, enough to tell 
the QSO ham show is already underway, since when? mentioning ``repeaters`` 
rather than SFAW white supremacy nonsense (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1480, August 12 at 1123 UT, open carrier/dead air, at first suspected 
KBXD Dallas until I hear that in Spanish gospel underneath, so now presumed 
KQAM Wichita, and making usual slow SAH together (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 774, Aug 12 at 1109, JBA carrier looping WSW, likely 3LO 
Melbourne. This so weak that I don`t bother with a complete 9-kHz bandscan, but 
instead search for 10-kHz Mexicans at SRS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1020-, Aug 12 at 1113 UT, annoying low het to KOKP Perry OK, 
slightly on low side; in addition to a much closer SAH to KOKP. Also heard 
previous mornings; can`t get a reliable bearing on it or enough signal to 
separate it. 

BTW, 740 KRMG Tulsa still suffers from a horrible rumbling low het around 
sunrise from XEQN, Torreón, Coahuila, as previously IDed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

This report despatched at 1856 UT August 12
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