** AUSTRALIA. 2325 at S8 & 2485 at S7, Jan 30 at 1358, the VL8s still audible 
past sunrise here, the last chance to hear them as shutdown is announced for 
0230 UT Tuesday Jan 31 (noon local time) according to Brian Powell, Sydney. 

And 4835, VL8A much stronger as usual S9+10, and listenable. W&M conversation 
continues thru 1400 UT hourtop as that`s their hourbottom. Discussion of road 
trips around Australia, such as to Cape Tribulation, Thursday Island (surely 
off-road), and including NT; 1405 outro interviewee as Lara on `Night Life`` 
(or `Night Light`?), on to national weather, evidently not an NT produxion. 
1409 outro Jenny from the National Weather Bureau; into Rachel in studio, 
discussing the horrific rampage in Melbourne 10 days ago; another victim has 
died making 6; 9 still in hospital, one of them critical. 1420 now it`s about 
prison conditions, 1422 financial news; 1424 Trump`s rejection of refugees, and 
fading town.

Meanwhile as late as 1414, there are still lots of Asian carriers on 60m, 
frequencies corresponding to Indonesia, India, Tibet, East Turkistan. Once ABC 
is gone from 4835, we shall have a slight chance for Sikkim (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** AUSTRALIA. 9580, Jan 30 at 1426, as VL8A is fading out, I switch to R. 
Australia, probably its last day on SW, tho the exact closing time hasn`t been 
revealed. Item about clown doctors farting at a children`s hospital (attn: 
Uncle Eric! I think this is for real in Australia, rather than the Adult Swim 
TV show), 1430 outro as having been `Editor`s Choice` program, and right into 
next program, title of which I never hear and suspect never uttered, but it`s 
all about a film shot in a Vanuatu village whose people have decided to live 
traditionally altho not far from a town. Tena? Tana? Googling finds this review 
which seems to be it, about Tanna, not exactly recent, from Sept 2015. 

The ``forbidden love story`` angle in the review was not evident from this 
discussion, but about how great it was to get away from Western civilization. 
It`s a contender for a Best Foreign Language Oscar TBA January 24 (2017? Or 
2016?), which maybe accounts for this being (re)aired now. Does the Radio 
Australia online program schedule have any entry for 1430 UT Mon Jan 30? Of 
course not! Could be a continuation of Editor`s Choice? 

Furthermore there is a filler at 1455 called `Australian Snapshot` about some 
ballet dancer getting to study with the Bolshoi in Moscow. From 1453 there is 
ACI from 9585 with the TWR Swaziland music-box IS, but evitable by LSB tuning.

9580, rechecked at 1535, now interviewing an American about conservative 
Republicans` hostility toward the arts, i.e. funding NEA and NEH. This brings 
up another significant point: ABC and RA interview a LOT of Americans on their 
talk shows, far more than we could ever hear on VOA curtailed schedule! And far 
more than Aussies are interviewed on American domestic radio.

So what program is this? On the sked for 1500 (meaning 1505!) is `Best of the 
Festivals` which seems to be about talk rather than music, and no entry for 
1530, so is it really an almost-hour show? Only way to tell is by downloading 
the latest podcast, but it`s for Jan 22, lasting 53:52. Anyway the topic heard 
is not mentioned as content for that edition (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 5025, Jan 30 at 1414, R. Rebelde is back on with music and still 
propagating; had been off a lot at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 7465, Jan 30 at 0325, YHWH on here tonight, steady S9, then 
some fades to S5. Modulation always a bit rough, but Elliott speaks his 
nonsense clearly. 0355 still at S9+5, somewhat suptorted. Off at next check 
0406 (as 7460 now abuts in Kinyarwanda, VOA Botswana starting at 0330 tho I had 
not noticed it before 0400) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 4930, Jan 30 at 0330, VOA via BOTSWANA starting `International 
Edition` for Jan 30, topix travel ban, protests, Myanmar, social media 
trendings. First 5 minutes I hear about acting president Thump`s travel ban and 
protests over the weekend seem even-handed. Better signal than usual on this 
frequency, and surely the best of any to hear VOA at this hour (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1862 monitoring: confirmed UT Monday January 30 after 
0030 on WBCQ 9329.8v-CUSB, but very poor. Also confirmed UT Mon Jan 30 starting 
at 0406 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5129.825-AM, S9+10/20 (JL ran late, no ``bye, 
y`all`` until 0406). I missed checking WRMI, 9955, UT Mon 0430, but it was very 
weak around 0400. Next:
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE, 6855 to WNW
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2300   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1030   WRMI 5850 to NW, 6855 to WNW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE, 6855 to WNW
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

UNIDENTIFIED. 840, Jan 30 from 1340 UT, another try for the Spanish religious 
station. With WHAS nulled, at first I hear an English KTIC ID in passing from 
Nebraska; by 1342 UT fades up some praise music in Spanish, and bits until 1353 
UT from suspected KVJY. Night before during SW bandscan 0321-0355 UT Jan 30 I 
also had DX-398 set up for this, but no shows (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

This report dispatched at 1734 UT January 30
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