JRX Logs: Tue, August 2, 2016.

CLANDESTINE+11600. August 2, 2016. 1950-2004, Denge Kurdistan, Kostinbrod-BUL, 
in Kurdish. Local song by male singer; Male announcer says ID; 1958 ID: Denge 
Mezopotamia; OM talks with enthusiasm and singing; 2000 OM talks news, 
presumed. Broadcasting with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
CUBA+6000. August 2, 2016. 0226-0231, Radio Habana Cuba, Quivican-CUB, in 
English. Female and male announcers talks; ID and a cuban music by male singer. 
Station with fair signal and poor modulation,35432.
KOREA NORTH+11635. August 2, 2016. 2033-2050, Voice of Korea (KCBS), 
Kujang-KRE, in Korean. Male and female talks and talks very fast; says 
Piongyang many times. Broadcasting with fair signal and moderate distorted 
audio, 35432.Parallel logs on 12015kHz, 35433; 9425kHz, 35433 and 9875kHz, 
MOROCCO+9575. August 2, 2016. 0240-0315, Radio Medi 1, Nador-MRC, in Arabic. A 
excellent musical program with genuine (authentic): Moroccan Arabic songs, 
sometimes instrumental, others by male and female singers; people applanses 
each music ( recorded program, presumably). Very good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433.
NIGERIA+12050. August 2, 2016. 2020-2030, Dandal Kura R. Int.,Ascension-G, in 
Kanuri. Music by female and male singers with a Sampler (electronic instrument 
that uses pre-recorded sounds  and modifies the voice modulation singer (s). 
Today, Dandal has a very good signal and modulation (free of R. Catolica 
Mundial this afternoon), 55544.
SOUTH AFRICA+3320. August 2, 2016. 0156-0205, Radio Sonder Grense, 
Meyerton-AFS, in Afrikaans. Male announcer presents a musical program with 
variety songs. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
+5980. August 2, 2016. 0317-0327, Channel Africa, Meyerton-AFS, in English. 
Female and male announcers talks. Station with very poor signal and modulation, 
25332 (sometimes, 25331).
SUDAN+7205. August 2, 2016. 0307-0315, Radio Republic of Sudan, Al Aitahab-SDN, 
in Arabic. Male announcer talks; a local song by female singer. Poor 
broadcasting, 25332.
USA+3215. August 2, 2016. 0233-0238, WWCR, Nashville-TN, in English. Pastor 
makes a preaching. Broadcasting presents a poor signal and barely audible 
modulation, 25331.
+5920. August 2, 2016. 0207-0217, WHRI, Furman-SC, in English. Pastor makes a 
religious preaching with assistance, sometimes with laughs. Broadcasting with 
good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+7505. August 2, 2016. 0220-0225, WRNO, New Orleans-LA, in English. Female 
announcer talks, but this station has a very poor signal and barely audible 
audio, 15431.
VIETNAM+6175. August 2, 2016. 0317-0327, Voice of Vietnam, Furman-SC, USA, in 
Spanish. Female and male announcers talks news and comments about vietnamese 
economy; ID and a program "Vida social en Vietnam"; a song. VOV this night with 
fair signal and modulation, 35433.
YEMEN+11860. August 2, 2016. 2006-2018, Republic of Yemen Radio (R. Sana´a), 
Jeddah-ARS, in Arabic. Female announcer talks; music break; Male announcer 
talks, discourses, with a short tribal music behind talks; a exciting speech; 
Next, local song. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35333.

DXer: José Ronaldo Xavier (JRX).Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3).RX (s): 
Degen DE1103+Sony ICF-SW100S.Antenna: Portable Telescopic.
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