QTH:    Whitehall, Pennsylvania, USA
RX:      WinRadio G303e
ANT:     Wellbrook ALA1530P active loop

9705 - The station I reported as tentative, Voice of Pujian, Shanghai China, has been investigated by both myself and Ron Howard, and it seems that it is indeed the Voice of America from Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands, and NOT Pujian. I have no explanation for hearing "Pujian" spoken twice, outside of completely probable coincidence as well as bad ears and wishful thinking. Nevertheless, there always existed some doubt in my mind, and that is why I listed it as tentative.

I heard VoA's sign-on at 1300 today, with a much clearer signal than yesterday.

EiBi does list Pujian on during this time frame, but Pujian's own website http://www.yicai.com/news/2010/12/641494.html lists all their shortwave frequencies but this one. I have been shown communications between other DXers stating that 9705 is a summer frequency, but EiBi and even WRTH 2012 do not show this.

This is disappointing, but it is yet another reminder to me to always make triple sure of logs and to mark things tentative when one is not 100% sure.

Thanks to Ron Howard for his help and guidance in this matter!


Al Muick
Whitehall, PA USA
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