Log of Doha Qatar, Athens Greece, and Akitakata Hiroshima Japan
SDR installations used remotedly, this Monday May 8th:

7110even ETH  Only poor signal noted at 04.20 UT of EBC Radio Ethiopia
         in Amharic language from Geja Dera site, S=5.

9770.007 TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish scheduled 04.00-05.57 UT, S=8 noted
         at Doha Qatar ME. Four time pips heard exact at 0430UT on May 8.
9949.804 IND  AIR - old stn name of Indian international radio program -
         from Delhi Kingsway much odd fq outlet in Dari to AFG and IRN,
         S=7 at 04.32 UT on May 8.

11559.773 IND  AIR  Delhi Kingsway odd fq channel in Pashto language to-
         wards PAK muslim audience, S=7 fluttery, scheduled 04.30-06.00UT
         at 04.34 UT, subcontinental flute and instrument mx heard.
11620.003 IND  AIR Bangalore 500 kW beast outlet, Dari sce, subcontinen-
         tal music played, 04.35 UT, S=8 in Doha Qatar ME Perseus SDR.
11740even ROU  RRI Galbeni in Romanian language 03.57-04.57 UT powerful
         S=9+25dB backlobe signal in Middle East, "Love is in the air...'
         ballroom mx, 04.39 UT.
11745.012 ARS  Al-Azm army radio Jeddah, women interview talk, 04.40 UT,
         powerful signal of S=9+35dB level.
11760even IRN  IRIB Sirjan in Arabic towards Saudi subcontinent 01.30-
         06.00 UT, at 04.42 UT S=9+35dB powerful, woman talk, "Saudia ...
         Sudan clashes, ... Lebanon item, many times heard...".
11800DRM digital radio signal block visible
         ROU  RRI Tiganesti in Russian, S=9 signal in Doha Qatar ME,
         04.43 UT 90 kW at 37degr target all Russia / Siberian Far Asia.
11859.961 ARS  Yemen excile radio from Riyadh bcast center, S=9+40dB much
         powerhouse performance. At 04.45 UT on May 8.
11995even KWT  USAGM exBBG  VoA Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb signal, Mon-Fri
         only sce in Kin. towards Africa, S=9+40dB powerhouse at 04.47 UT
         20 kHz wideband audio block.
12095even OMA  BBC London in En WS via Al Seela relay site, 04-05 UT,
         S=9+10dB fair signal, 04.48 UT on May 8.
12130even KWT  USAGM exBBG Mashaal Radio in Pashto from Kuwait al-Dschahra
         suburb site, S=9+35dB power signal, talk on Taliban matter, what
         else... at 04.50 UT.

RFID signal heard on 13559.942 and 13559.980 kHz peak signals at 04.48 UT.
Ditter audios, S=7-8 signal strength.

13650.008 IRN  IRIB Sirjan in Turkish, 04.20-05.55 UT, S=9+15dB strength in
         Doha Qatar. At 05.20 UT on Monday May 8.
13770even CHN  CNR7 program 'The Great Bay' in Cantonese to southern China
         / TWN, 01.00-06.05 UT, mx px, S=9 in Doha Qatar ME.
13790even ALG  RTA Ourgla in Arabic, schedule request likely 00-09 UT ?,
         S=8 in Doha Qatar at 05.25 UT.
13799.995 BUL  but 5 Hertz odd fq on lower flank performance,of TOM BS re-
         ligious program in En, via Spaceline SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod
         Bulgaria relay site, S=9+20dB in Middle East target. 05.30 UT.

Surprise, surprise
13840.080 ... x.100 kHz up and down frequency at 05.33 UT, the much faulty
         French TX unit with faulty odd and variable fq performance, out
         of TDF Issousun bcast center also often used for 9490v kHz
         Cuban target radio República deep in UTC nighttime, FMO of Jeff
         White from ISS in Europe back signal to CeAM in Caribbean.
         NHK Radio Japan in French sce via TDF ISS at 05.30-05.50 UT.

15030.005 IND  AIR Bangalore 500kW beast at 04.00-06.30 UT in Persian and
         Arabic sce, S=9+35dB powerhouse in Qatar ME at 05.38 UT.
15130.011 IRN  IRIB Sirjan service, Arabic towards Somalia,S=9+35dB signal
         at Doha Qatar, 16 kHz broadband audio block. may strong guess:
         the Iran telecom IRIB re-shuffled the old AEG Telefunken 10x SW
         units at Sirjan site by new tubes etc., and heard on much better
         excellent audio appearance these days on various meterbands.
         At 05.40 UT.
15185.009 IND  AIR Bangalore in Pashto language at AFG target, at 05.41 UT
         S=9+15dB signal into Middle East.
15285.016 ARS  R Saudi Internat from Riyadh in Swahili at East AF target,
         S=9+15dB strength at 05.44 UT on May 8.
15320.008 TUR  TRT Emirler in Hausa the West African language, S=9+20dB
         at 05.46 UT.
15364.988 UAE  on of four ENC shortwave TXs at Al Dhabbaya relay center
         on odd fq, noted at 05.49 UT:
         USAGM program R Mashaal in Pashto to AFG target, S=9 signal.
15445.011 IRN  IRIB Sirjan in Hausa towards West AF, S=9+15dB strength in
         Qatar Perseus SDR remotedly, 05.58 UT, scheduled 05.50-06.50 UT
         accompanied by local Sirjan 50, 100, 200, and 300 Hertz audio
         modulation strings visible.
15505even U.K.  KNU service towards Tchad target, of ENC Woofferton bcast
         center out at 06.01 UT on May 8, S=9+10dB strength noted in QAT
         remotedly. 06-07 UTC.
15560even AUT  AWR Arabic program via ORS Moosbrunn site, S=9+5dB at 06.03
         UT, excellent audio performance as usual.
15595.007 VAT  Vatican Radio in Italian(!) language via Santa Maria di
         Galeria bcast center, daily Putins war report items against
         Ukraine nation, noted at 06.04 UT, S=9+25dB strong signal.
15629.834 UZB  Radio Iran International in Persian via Tashkent relay,
         S=9+25dB in Qatar at 06.06 UT on May 8.
15750.006 THA  USAGM Udorn Thani Ban Dung relay center in Pashto lang.,
         Radio Mashaal progr, S=7 flutter at 06.07 UT.

17460.088 UZB  Kurdish radio px 'Denge Welat' seemingly via Tashkent relay
         center site, S=7 at 06.11 UT on May 8.
17470.010 TUR  TRT Emirler site performed MIT intelligence radio program
         of Turkish osmanic mx. Stronger signal of S=9+20dB noted in ME
         Doha Qatar SDR unit at 06.12 UT.

At 06.35 UT NOTHING noted on 7255v kHz in 41 mband, no signal of Abudja
Voive of Nigeria heard/visible, today May 8.

But in 16 meterband a lot China mainland services heard:

17400 STANAG signal block, 17485 CRI KAS Ar, 17510 CRI KAS En, 17520 CRI
Italian px, 17540 CRI KAS En, 17550 CNR BEI Mand, 17580 CNR1 Lingshi Mand,
17595 CNR Shijiazhuang, 17605 CNR BEI Mand, 17615 CRI URU Ge/MX px,
17650 CRI KAS Mand, 17670.007 CNR1 jammer against 17670.0 RFA KWT Tibetan,
17680 CRI KAS Sp mx, 17710 CRI BEI En, 17720 CRI KAS Ge/MX px, 17740 CRI
Xian Mand, 17765 OTHR block powerhouse S=9+35dB 30 kHz wideband,
17800 DRM mode from Kunming tx#2 SoCHN 06.56 UT, 17810 CNR1 jammer against
USAGM Tinian isl MRA, 17830DRM URU (co-ch BBC London VAT SMG relay under-
neath), 17840CRI BEI Mand, 17865 CRI KAS Fr, 17879.997 THA UDO RFA Dari.

17630even ROU  RRI Tiganesti in Arabic, S=9+30dB powerhouse at 06.49 UT.
17640.018 MDG  BBC London in En 06-07 UT, poor S=5-6 signal at 06.50 UT.
         via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility.

21470.004 VAT  BBC London via VR Santa Maria di Galeria, S=9+10dB in Doha
         Qatar remotedly, at 07.04 UT.
21490.003 CHN  CNR1 jammer stn. at 07.05 UT.
21530even CHN  CNR1 jamming powerful against co-channel
21529.745 odd  TWN Sound of Hope in Mandarin at 07.07 UT.
21560even MDG  BBC En via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facil.
         at 07.08 UT, poor S=7 in Qatar and Akitakata JAP remotedly.
21662 kHz OTHR ditter signal block at 07.10 UT, S=6.

21800even CHN  CNR1 highest fq of jamming net against co-channel
21799.663 TWN  Sound of Hope Falang sect in Mandarin, S=8 at 07.12 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 8)
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