4750 BANGLADESH presumed Bangladesh Betar Shavar 1144-1202 Jan 8; M & W 
announcers in listed Bengali; mx bridge at 1145 & brief W announcer into SC 
vocal mx; brief announcer at 1151 & back to ballads; filler mx at 1159 into W 
announcer w/ (P) ID at ToH; p-f in ECCS-USB. (Barbour-NH)

4940 CHINA V. of the Strait Fuzhou 1111-1125 Jan 5 CC; W announcer w/ talk & mx 
bits; ballad at 1117; brief talk over mx at 1123 then back to W announcer & mx 
bits; poor. (Barbour-NH)

4970 INDIA presumed AIR Shillong 1132-1144 Jan 8; Carrier here w/ imagination 
level audio poking through in ECCS-LSB. (Barbour-NH)

5900 RUSSIA V. of Russia Irkutsk 1049-1102 Jan 3 CC; M & W announcers between 
mx bits; ID at ToH followed by announcer; poor in ECCS-LSB. (Barbour-NH)

5910 COLOMBIA Alcaravan Radio Puerto Lleras 1102-1117 Jan 3 SS; Mx & M 
announcer w/ ID announcement & (P) ads; talk from 1105 through t/out; poor. 

6110 ETHIOPIA R. Fana Addis Ababa 0335-0351 Jan 7; M ancr in listed Ahmaric; 
joined by diff. M, sounded like phone interview; HoA mx bits w/ M & W 
announcers, mostly M; indigenous vcl mx at t/out; poor-fair w/ studio announcer 
sounding best; //5950-weak. (Barbour-NH)

6165 CHINA CNR-6 Beijing 1129-1144 Jan 3 CC; Ballads w/ M announcer betweeen 
selections; fair; //9620-poor. (Barbour-NH)

7205 SUDAN presumed Sudan RTVC Al-Aitahab Jan 7 AA; Call to Prayer at t/in; M 
announcer w/ talk; Ko'ran-like chanting at 0315; poor/weak w/ a few inaudible 
periods. (Barbour-NH)

7505.81 USA presumed WRNO New Orleans 0404-0433 Jan 7 EE; Classic & 
contemporary Xmas mx; continuous w/ no ID/ancments at BoH; several years ago, 
after some outfit in TX-USA took over, I heard WRNO w/ the same format. Sent my 
rpt to the New Orleand address & received a QSL reply from TX-USA address 
saying at the time they were b/casting w/ a low powered, ham unit. (Barbour-NH)

9420 UNIDENTIFIED 0242-0303 Jan 7; M ancr w/ talk in unid lang. & 
Middle-Eastern flavored mx, some ballads & some w/ "yipping" vcls; (P) ID w/ 
wind instruments at ToH followed by brief M & W announcers between mx bits; 
fair; Voice of Greece or whatever they call it these days?? (Barbour-NH)

9690 NIGERIA V.of Nigeria Ikorodu 2039-2056* Jan 5; W announcer w/ brief talk 
between Afropop-style mx selections; M announcer at 2056, bit of mx then pulled 
the plug; fair w/ usual bad modulation. (Barbour-NH)

9715 AUSTRIA BVB Moosbrunn 1902 Jan 5 EE: M announcer w/ prg hi-lites followed 
by relg ballad; announcer at 1906 into recorded sermon; fair. (Barbour-NH)

11670 INDIA AIR Bangalore 1834-1848 Jan 6 EE; "Faithfully Yours" mailbag prg; 
ID at 1845 into commentary w/ interview re 1915 & Gandhi; fair. (Barbour-NH)

11680 N. KOREA KCBS Kanggye 2103 Jan 5 KK; Frantic & rapid fire M & W 
announcers; martial mx at 2115; fair; propaganda machine must be running at 
full speed these days. (Barbour-NH)

11735 ZANZIBAR ZBC Dole 1825-1902 Jan 5; W announcer in (P) Swahili between 
Bollywood style mx selections; M announcer at 1846 w/ talk & mx bits; almost 
sounds like some sort of "devotional" prg; percussion & 5 pips at ToH; W 
announcer into (P) nx w/ no discernible ID noted; f-g; always enjoy logging 
this one. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA
NRD-545, MLB-1, 200' Beverages, 60m dipole
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