4780, DJIBOUTI, RTD Atta, 0302-0309, June 2. Carrier only, no audio. 

4976, UGANDA, UBC Kampala, 0312-0334, June 2, vernacular. Lite Afropop; various 
talks & (P) ads from 0318 until more mx at 0326 thru t/out; poor & v. weak by 
BoH. (Barbour-NH)

5995, MALI, RTV Malienne Bamako, 0635, June 4, Arabic. Kor'an chanting; fair w/ 
splash via huge 5985-Okeechobee. (Barbour-NH)

7200, SUDAN, R. Omdurman Al Fitahab, 0336-0402, June 2, Arabic. Various ancrs 
w/ commentary, talks, (P) ads & brief AR mx selections w/ one sounding like a 
cover of Queen's "We Will Rock You"; pips/ID at ToH followed by M announcer w/ 
news; fair-good. (Barbour-NH)

9704.2, ETHIOPIA, R. Ethiopia Addis Ababa, 0420-0433, June 2, vernacular. M 
announcer & brief, classical-like mx bits; HoA mx from 0427 thru t/out; 
fair-poor, too much band noise to hear anything on //7110. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA
NRD-545, MLB1, 200' Beverages, 60m dipole

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