14-15 August 2014 Micro-DXpedition

Went out for the sole purpose of logging all the ZYs. I was disappointed some weren't on (or not observed); Gaucha, 9 de Julho, 9515 Marumby, and Brasil Central has been off for a while. But other things turned out to make it a memorable micro-DXpedition; Panaji, Patria Nueva, Eco. A nice evening for an early season micro-DXpedition. Not hot or humid. Conditions were a bit noisy on the Tropical bands but not too bad for Summer.

RX:  Perseus SDR
ANT:  315' Beverage (BOG) at 165°
QTH:  Pennsylvania State Games Lands #26
Duration:  2300-0130 UTC
Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 113  A Index = 5  K Index = 1
WX: Sunny (until the Sun set), northwest breeze, temp in the low 60's dropping to the upper 50's

BRAZIL 11854.98 R. Aparecida 2302 end of long list of Aparecida stns and Aparecida theme song by W, mx, then tlk by live men w/IDs and website. Excellent signal. (14 August)

INDIA 9705 AIR Panaji 2315:50 EG ID by W after the nx then sked for President Mukherjee's speech on Independence Day, and into "Patriotic Songs". Another ID at 2328:50. Brief searing sitar mx, W w/intro for the presidents speech on Independence Day, instru. NA, and then the EG speech by his excellency. Great S9+10 signal. Probably the best ever heard Panaji. // much much weaker nearby 9690 AIR Bengaluru. (14 March)

BOLIVIA 6024.97 Red Patria Nueva 2341 Incredible signal w/ment of "Bo-Lee-Vee-ah" during promo during break in the nx pgm that may be called "Bolivia Informa". Journalist ?? Sanchez mentioned Patria Nueva at end of his report at 2343. 2347:30 break w/nice nx promo, jingle ad, then bank ad, 2349:55 ment of Patria Nueva in anmnt, 2350:40 short ID promo, same nx promo that started the break, then back to nx. Near 100% copy!! As easy as falling off a log!! That is until it was blasted out by 6020 and 6030 at the ToH. (14 August)

BOLIVIA 5952.46 R. Pio Doce 2341 alternating SP tlk by M and W pgm hosts, M shouting at times. Ments of Bolivia, camposina, inform. Into live mx at 2348 for a min. and a half then the 2 anncrs returned all past the ToH. Severe slop QRM from 5950 WRMI. Totally inaudible when WRMI was playing mx. (14 August)

BRAZIL 6080.03 R. Marumby Fairly good at 2341 t/in w/tlk by M in PT. Soft song and more tlk. 2359 full canned ID by deep-voiced M over instru. mx, then canned ID/promo. 0000 usual "Marumby" signing jingle by womens chorus. Best early on. (14 August)

BRAZIL 6089.965 R. Bandeirantes Not often heard because of Anguilla. Good signal w/Futbol coverage starting at 2334 including a long goal at 2343. Ment of Brasil, Sao Paulo, Londrina. Going past ToH. //9645.41. (14 August)

BOLIVIA 4409.773 R. Eco 0004 pleasant rom. song, 0008:45 church bells made the song sound like a wedding song. 0010:10 surprised to hear canned call, ID, and freq by M. Another anmnt w/ment of el servicio, then mx briefly, and live studio M anncr from 1011 w/what could have been PSAs (nice quick peak at 0015:40). Still going at 0018. Went off sometime around 0100. (15 August)

BOLIVIA 5580.297 R. San Jose Deadair but then mx singing started as soon as I started the recording at 0019 (ment of corazon in the song). Then apparent Padre w/ment of palabra but very low level. Guess it was the daily Mass. More of the same. Long period of deadair, but could just detect very faint background rustling noise at times. When the signal peaked between static crashes, it was almost stunning. Went off sometime between 0044 and 0055. (15 August)

BOLIVIA 3310 R. Mosoj Chaski 0102:50 end of long tlk by M anncr and nice canned ID w/freq and QTH. (15 August)

SRI LANKA 11905 SLBC Outstanding signal. Came on around 0113, and audio suddenly popped on w/mx, one short and one long tick, W w/nice ID, and into regional mx. Another ID by W at 0128:50, and back to mx. Almost S9+10. Just amazing. (15 August)

UNID. 15745 UNID. Saw a signal here at 0122, turned the AGC off to increase the signal strength and did hear M anncr w/sports in EG at times of brief peaks. I doubt it was SLBC. Probably a spur. (15 August)

Here are links to the videos recorded from the micro-DXpedition. (check out Red Patria Nueva!!)

http://youtu.be/hTdwFmqcuOA   R. San Jose

http://youtu.be/M4JwPr3jRRs   SLBC

http://youtu.be/9pT6y15u7mM   R. Mosoj Chaski

http://youtu.be/0ymS_-1j5Fo   R. Eco

http://youtu.be/i3r3HGIi5_s   Red Patria Nueva

http://youtu.be/7yEnyJQ41-A   AIR Panaji

http://youtu.be/VW5sWN1a4DY   R. Aparecida


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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