Thank you, for responding so promptly. It would be a great listening , if it
were XEQM.


Jorge Freitas
Feira de Santana Bahia

-----Mensagem original-----
De: [] Em nome
de Glenn Hauser
Enviada em: domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010 21:48
Para: Dxclube Paraná;; Cumbre Lista;; Hard Core DX
Assunto: Re: [Cumbre DX] [dxld] Log 21/Feb

--- On Sun, 2/21/10, Jorge Freitas (Yahoo) <>

All the listenings recorded in my blog 

6105 21/Feb 0731 UNID, in Spanish. Pop mx,
OM Talk. Speaks very fast, you can not understand, also with the weak
signal. It
would be the XEQM - Candela FM XEMH? I recorded on my blog, I would like the
help of colleagues in the ID. The 2043 UT the signal is overlapped with the
transmission of TWR.  (Jorge Freitas-B) 

I could not hear an ID or a definite UT-6 timecheck, but that`s the kind of
programming I hear on XEQM after 0700. Usually there is a male DJ, but
sometimes the female. It is really on about 6104.8, and the heterodyne TWR
put on it at the end, 0743 UT you mean, not 2043, is more useful in
identifying this indirectly as the off-frequency XEQM. Since you are getting
this, may we safely assume that none of the South Americans are active on
6105v, or just not on the air at this time?

9480 20/Feb 2045 USA, WTWW, EE. OM with  religious
lecture. Be the Pastor Pete Peters, according to information from Glenn? So
programming is religious? Good reception.  (Jorge

I did NOT say PPP would be on 9480 at this hour. 9480 is unavailable to WTWW
between 19 and 22, when it is occupied by YFR via Germany. If WTWW were on
during those hours, it would be 9475 as in previous tests. The voice is
Harold Camping, the head of WYFR. You should recognize him immediately from
now on, via scores of frequencies. He thinks it is religious. We think it is
nonsense. I believe the planned PPP test via WTWW did not occur Feb 20 at
all, tho I did not monitor for 12 hours straight. 

73, Glenn Hauser


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