Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Has Lost Its Uniqueness Warns Former 
Russian Service Director

In a nutshell, the station [Radio Liberty] has abandoned its uniqueness, its 
identity, its face.

Former Russian Service Director at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 
(RFE/RL) has warned that the U.S.-funded international broadcaster has lost 
its identity, uniqueness and effectiveness in Russia as a result of 
programming changes imposed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors 
(BBG), a U.S. federal agency which manages RFE/RL. Mario Corti, an 
Italian born journalist, writer, and Russia expert who was fired in a dispute 
with the American management team, also charged that former RFE/RL 
managers and BBG members are hiding  massive loss of audiences in 
Russia and other mistakes from the Obama White House, the U.S. 
Congress, and the American public.

In an interview published in Free Media Online Blog Mario Corti described 
his battles with the American management at RFE/RL and with BBG 
consultants, whom he accused of imposing on the Russian Service the 
same popular culture talk show format which former BBG member Norman 
Pattiz, a Democrat, developed with the Bush White House for Arabic 
language Radio Sawa and Alhurra Television for the Middle East. These two 
U.S.-funded private broadcasting entities have been plagued by financial 
and programming scandals, including airing of statements by Holocaust 
deniers on Alhurra.   A study by researchers for the University of Southern 
California, who conducted a review of Alhurra broadcasts, concluded that 
"the quality of Alhurra's journalism is substandard on several levels" and that 
the station has no significant audience in the Middle East.

Mario Corti  who sits on the Board of Directors of, a 
San Francisco-based media freedom nonprofit, said in an interview that he 
resisted the changes demanded by the BBG, which ultimately led to his 
dismissal and firing of several other Russian Service journalists, whom he 
praised as intellectual giants of international broadcasting. One of them was 
a famous former Soviet dissident, writer, poet and musician Tengiz Gudava, 
who was killed last month in Prague, the Czech Republic, under still 
unexplained circumstances.

Corti said that he was prompted by his friend's death to go public for the 
time with his criticism of the role RFE/RL management and the BBG played 
in changing the programming philosophy of U.S. taxpayer funded 
broadcasts to Russia. Before his death, Gudava was publishing sharp 
criticism of RFE/RL management and the current political leadership in 
Moscow, but there are no indications that his death, which the police 
described as resulting from being hit by a car, was related to his journalistic 

Corti said that "Those among the old KGB and the new FSB , who see the 
U.S. as an enemy rather than a valuable and generous partner of Russia, 
could only be enormously happy with such leaders in charge of U.S. 
international broadcasting as the current U.S. Broadcasting Board of 
Governors (BBG) executive team. They have no reason to worry or need to 
do anything themselves to undermine U.S.-funded broadcasts; it is being 
done for them by these American government officials who are now trying 
hard to hide their mistakes from the White House, the U.S. Congress and 
the American public."

Corti was particularly critical of former acting RFE/RL president Jeffrey 
Trimble who is now executive director for the BBG in Washington, D.C. Corti 
said that he enjoyed full support from one of the previous RFE/RL 
presidents, former Washington Post correspondent in Moscow Kevin Klose 
who left the BBG for an executive position at NPR. He also said that he 
worked well with Robert Gillette, a former Los Angeles Times foreign 
correspondent who, according to Corti, had to leave his broadcasting 
director's job to make room for the new management team appointed by the 
BBG with the mission to change RFE/RL's programming philosophy.

Corti was referring to a series of decisions by the BBG, including the 
termination of all Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcasts to Russia just 12 
days before the Russian military incursion into the disputed territory in 
Georgia last summer. As a result of this decision, VOA registered an 
unprecedented 98 percent drop in its annual audience reach in Russia, from 
7.3% in 2007 to the estimated 0.2% in 2009. Radio Liberty's Russian 
Service has seen a less dramatic but steady loss of listeners, which Corti 
said was due largely to programming changes and firing of some of the most 
talented journalists. Some of the audience loss can also be attributed to 
media restrictions imposed on Western broadcasters by the Russian 

In a 2008 Federal Human Capital Survey conducted by the Office of 
Personnel Management (OPM), the Broadcasting Board of Governors was 
rated by its employees as the worst managed federal agency. Mario Corti 
criticized the BBG for requiring RFE/RL journalists to sign secrecy 
agreements, which he charged are designed to hide management mistakes. 
He refused to sign such an agreement.

Corti also charged that the BBG is using a communist era Czech law, which 
is still on the books, to deny foreign journalists working at RFE/RL in the 
Czech Republic basic protections of U.S. and Czech labor laws and 
expressed hope that the Obama Administration and the European Court of 
Human Rights will put an end to this policy. Mario Corti now works as a 
freelance journalist and a consultant for a media group based in Saint 
Petersburg, Russia.
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