While BBC is canceling its Mandarin broadcasts in April 2011 and Voice of 
America (VOA) its Mandarin and Cantonese broadcasts in October 2011, Sound of 
Hope Radio (SOH) Network announced that they will be expanding short-wave 
broadcasting to China to meet the demands of its Chinese audience. 


Based in San Francisco, California SOH has broadcast to China two hours every 
day since 2004. SOH's broadcasts have increased every year in its six years of 
operation, with its recent addition of 4.5 hours bringing its average daily 
shortwave broadcasting hours to 20.


Network president Allen Zeng indicated that SOH has long wished to expand its 
shortwave broadcasting. However, "If BBC and Voice of America are canceling 
their Mandarin broadcasts to China, we will be losing two important companions. 
Our Chinese audience may feel let down by the loss of their freedom of 
information. Therefore, I feel that we now shoulder an even greater 


According to China Internet Network Information Center's recent statistics, 
China has 450 million Internet users and 730 million adult non-Internet users. 
Of the 450 million Internet users, 60 percent are under the age of 30, most are 
young people or urban residents. Most of the remaining population, which 
consists of citizens over the age of 50, residents of rural or small and 
mid-size urban areas, and a mobile population of up to 230 million people 
including migrant workers, either do not have access to or do not know how to 
use the Internet; they are the ideal audience for shortwave broadcasts. 


According to CCP statistics, there are a total of 500 million radios in Chinese 
households and many can receive short or medium wave radio. Foreign shortwave 
broadcast has long been the source of reliable information for Chinese people, 
and was the only way they received true information during the June 4 crackdown 
of the democracy movement in 1989. Due to China's size even China National 
Radio uses over 80 shortwave frequencies to cover the nation. 


Allen Zeng said that SOH is currently increasing its shortwave broadcast to 
China instead of decreasing them. "China is still controlled by a totalitarian 
regime and the Chinese people's rights are not being protected by the press. 
They are truly in need of freedom of information, yet the Internet can only be 
accessed by one-third of the people. 


"During recent events in Egypt the totalitarian government was able to censor 
the Internet, indicating that the Internet is not always reliable. For us a 
variety of news sources is necessary."


Zeng says that SOH has long systemically invested in shortwave broadcast to 
China, and is fourth in China broadcasting radio stations after VOA, Radio Free 
Asia and Radio Taiwan International. It is also the largest private broadcaster 
to China, creating and broadcasting over 20 thousand radio programs each year. 


Zeng said that SOH will do its best to shoulder the responsibility of bringing 
uncensored information to the people of China, adding that, "The international 
community should understand the needs of the Chinese people and invest 
extensively in China's free access to information, including the Internet, 
large-scale shortwave broadcasting, and satellite television, in order to truly 
aid China towards positive progress."(http://www.theepochtimes.com) 
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