Morning Logs of July 30.

INDONESIA 9680.053 RRI Jakarta Cimanggis domestic service program, observed on remote SDR unit in Queensland Australia, S=7 fair. At 0730 UT on July 30. Phone-in talk by two men, like answer a radio quiz question.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)

MALAYSIA   11665  RTM program from Kajang site, seemingly Wai Sarawak FM in
Malay language, sweet female singer at 0805 UT July 30, in peaks fair at
S=6-8 signal, heard on remote unit in Australia.

Also poor 9835 kHz from Kajang Malaysia at 0822 UT. Mixed Malay and some English language segments noted by most modern male disc jockey.

Yesterday July 29 noted RTM Kajang at 1655 UT on very odd 5964.706 kHz, poor
S=7 signal on mostly nightime path MLA towards Europe.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)

NIGERIA   9689.893  Probably Nigerian stn from Ikorodu very odd frequency
this morning. At 0817 UT July 30. But tiny signal to trace confirmation it 100%.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)

PALAU   9930.0  T8WH "Voice of Praise", loud roarer English sermon, "Glory
Halleluja". S=9+10dB proper signal into remote SDR unit in Australia. Nearby
VoKorea Kujang in Russian on 9974.958 kHz, latter Novosti in Russian.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   6039.971  A public message and congratulation program in
English "in afternoon" observed at Brisbane remote SDR unit at 0835 UT July
30. S=9+25dB signal. NBC National Radio, the Voice of PNG, after congrats
message some nice sweet South Sea music song.

7324.954   Religious program of Wantok Radio Light program from Port
Moresby, British? English pastor prayer, in peaks at S=8-9 signal level in
Australia monitored at 0750 UT July 30.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)

TAIWAN   11605.106  Radio Taiwan Internat from Tainan tx site, in probably
Japanese language program at 0802 UT July 30, poor and much fluttery signal
on Australian remote unit.

11894.989  YFR Family Radio Korean service, via Taipei-TWN relay site, S=8-9
fair signal into remote unit in Australia at 0810 UT on July 30.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)

USA   11565.008  Came across of warm-up carrier signal before around 0755 UT
July 30. WHRI Cypress Creek, into "WHRI Midnight Cry" from 0800 UT, acc to
Aoki list. Solid S=9+20dB signal into Pacific. ID "...this from Cypress
Creek, The United States of America ...", at 09.59:35 UT, followed by annmt
"... sponsored by WHRI Midnight Cry ministry ...; - God's message ...".
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)

VIETNAM   9635.003  Voice of Vietnam 1st progr, in Vietnamese, 0815 UT on
remote unit in Australia. Could identify Vietnamese talk by two woman from
Son tay tx site, but otherwise tiny S=4-5 signal in southern Pacific.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 30)
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