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Today's Topics:

   1. Received QSLs (Ivan Zelenyi)
   2. kSDR logs : 29/2 (Zacharias Liangas)
   3. Sunday March 10. Jen's Tick Tock of a show 18-21+ UT on
      Unique R, Australia (Glenn Hauser)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs March 10, 2024 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 09:09:44 +0000 (UTC)
From: Ivan Zelenyi <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Received QSLs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Received e-QSL for reception "Trans World Radio" (1035 kHz, via Tartu) in 
Russian. Reception report was sent to twre[at]
Received e-QSL for reception "Trans World Radio" (1035 kHz, via Tartu) in 
Ukrainian.?Reception report was sent to twre[at]

Received e-QSL for reception "Trans World Radio" (1035 kHz, via Tartu) in 
Russian (to Belarus). Reception report was sent to twre[at]
Received e-QSL for reception "Radio Farda" (1548 kHz, via Kuwait) in Persian. 
Reception report was sent to brownk[at]

Received e-QSL for reception "Radio Liberty" (1035 kHz, via Tartu) in Russian. 
Reception report was sent to brownk[at]

Received 2 e-QSL for reception "Radio Slovakia International" (12095 kHz, via 
Al-Dhabbaya) in Russian. Reception report was sent to Rsi_russian[at]
--Ivan Zelenyi (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia)


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:35:53 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] kSDR logs : 29/2
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

6130 radio Europe via canaries 0630 with ID dance music -65 dbm
6115? no Congo in the morning 06336? Or nor prop that time?
5920 seems as Spanish , -80dbm and less 0636 checked with web SDR? and the lang 
is Deutcsh ?(HCJIB)
5910?? Alcavalan old LA music as like Cuban -75?+12dbm on 0642 short 
announcements in between every two songs Long ID at the top of the hour plus 
sone commercials
5955 Veronica 0702? with talks? (adverts) in NL? -75 dbm // websdr
5995? Mali local (-55dbm )as usual? with news on French 0707 ?14 min part of 
the news in French only
9665 And tenor woman 0925 seems as? like shooting vey high , funny song 
-55?10db Song seems religious Man talking in Brazuguese > Therefor e Voz? 
9870 KBS? 0730 with talks discussion in Korean -50dbm ?Read in the above link
9955 WRMI with funny acapella songs /sermons sung by a group of men TOM program 
as noted by the well known priest 0744 then
10000 WWhat 09? shift up -shift downs YL then OM?
11525? Gel? with typical Kurdish folk songs? BTW Erdogan /TRT is on 11530 with 
their typical march songs Noth are with -60dbm with Erdogan? having higher 
fading 11530 has some QRM form a radar in 08z
11665 WAii FM (yes ) 0804? wit lively music YL talking after .Discussions? with 
another YL -85? and some QRM form 11660 and 11670

Zacharias Liangas
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D 
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut? and Beyond the pool disclaimer on my writing all 
my pages?


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 17:24:38 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Sunday March 10. Jen's Tick Tock of a show 18-21+ UT
        on Unique R, Australia
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 Hi Glenn,
I hope everything's fine.

Sunday March 10th, ``It`s all about Time & Change``
A musical journey, we`re on Unique R, Australia from 18 to 21plus UT.

Here's the live stream for the event.

Ch-Ch-Ch Changes!

Jen In The Rad.
73'' & 33''



Message: 4
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 20:00:43 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 10, 2024
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** CANADA. 15034 USB, March 10 at 0053, Trenton Military is still on
and receiving reports; EiBi shows 1100-2400, with 6754 USB at
2310-1100; but is there only one transmitter? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA. JBA carriers with FE Doppler flutter in OOB ranges + 18 & 21
MHz bands,  March 10 at 0052: 14980, 15920, 18900, 21530. Stronger
flutterers with some Chinese modulation: 18970 S3/S6, 21490 S2/S4, and
21800 which cut off after 0100* timesignal. Then I recheck the others
and they`re all gone too. No doubt jammers against Sound of Hope or
something. Quite a few other inband signals of similar quality (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 9650, March 10 at 0048, music and RHC IDs in Spanish, S6/S9.
11760 is off, but 15230 is on at S3/S4 seems same but
suppressed/distorted = suptorted modulation. Nowhere else found until
at 0111, 6000 S9+20/30 but JBM; and deadair or maybe JBM on 6180,
S9+20, presumably failing to relay China. And 5025 Rebelde is AWOL at
0108. Some things always wrong at RHC, RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA. 15140, March 10 at 1932 check, RHC English, S7 into Maryland
SDR, thus confirming that as a Running Dog of Yanqui Imperialism, Cuba
has advanced to EDT on the same date as their detested escapees in
Miami; so much if not all RHC programming, transmissions a real UT
hour earlier, to the extent that there be any ``schedule``. 11760 not
on, and one never knows whether 15140 will be. Something`s always
wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TIBET [non]. 11734.80, March 10 at 0105, something S4/S7 but JBM;
first guess would be Korea North, but not sked until 0300. Nothing at
this time in Aoki, but EiBi shows Akashvani in Tibetan and ChiCom
jamming. Bad mod and inaccuracy favor INDIA. Only one signal; maybe
jammers correctly figured that was unnecessary. VU2JOS confirms
``11735`` is the current AIR Tibetan frequency, from Delhi (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 245 MCW kHz, March 10 at 0724 UT, ND beacon struggling
against OG&E noise level, something new/unusual. Call maybe FU, but
can`t be sure. The closest match in RNA list is: FS, 100 or 300 watts
`Rokky`, Sioux Falls, SD. I logged once before, Sept 6, 2022 at 0642
UT when it was listed as 400 watts, as still per
Another 245 possibility now would be HU, Terre Haute IN (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 4875 USB, March 10 at 0109, Airforce MARS type net with NCS
asking about relays. Net designator: 4TX1 - does that refer to Texas?
Sounds familiar; yes, my previous log from 2021y: ``UNIDENTIFIED.
4875-USB, Oct 10 at 0046, MARS net designator 4IX7, and some
Airforce-type calls like AFZ4W#`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2233 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday March 10
at 0100, S9/+10 direct on WRMI 9955 with Cuban pulse jamming audible
underneath. From next week: 0000 UT Sunday.

Also confirmed UT Sunday March 10 at 0514 about 3 minutes into so
started circa 0511 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+15/20. The Houston
hamsat net playback from March 5 did not start until 0400 UT, an hour
later than nominal 9 pm CST. From next week: WOR at nominal 0315v

Not confirmed Sunday March 10 at 1030 on WRMI 9955: I happen to awaken
just then and hear instead TOMBS before and after 1030 //5890 WWCR.
WOR should have earlied from 1130 to 1030 UT to stay at 6:30 am ET --
but closer inspexion of the skedgrid shows System B is now on Internet
only until 1100. 

If you have WRMI skedgrid bookmarked, it still goes to the old B23
one. The new ``A24`` one, jumping that gun, restoring Xmtr 2 and
Tuesday columns, is at a different google spreadsheet link you need to
reach from here:


2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy
2230 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 6160
2030 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW
1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1200 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB
1230 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB
[previous #2232][SW suspended but still streamed?]
2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW,
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975

As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated, by MO or
check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to:
woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 960, March 10 at 0119 UT, during a TA 9/kHz -1 bandscan, I
notice no slop from local KGWA Enid upon 953 or 962 kHz, is it off?
No, it`s on but dead air. Its 100.9 translator tail wagging the 960
dog is also silent. Immediately I deploy my altazimuth wrist-mounted
DX-398 to null what`s left of KGWA. There are several weak stations,
but one is slightly more dominant. KGWA blasts back on at 0130 with
adstring and weather, 0133 back to dead air. So I resume listening
intently trying to pull some IDable info. It`s basketball with a team
named Tigers, low score so far, 11-11; mentioned Kansas?, and at two
different times in ad. Must not be that as it`s
something in Shenzhen, China, and the website is nothing but a
placeholder. 0200 UT, KGWA blasts on again with legal ID as ``Talk
100.9``, AM 960 an afterthought, and Townhall News until 0206 legal ID
again, twice, 0206.6 fraxion of a word from whatever far-right
extremist network talk program is supposed to be on, and back to DA.
THN not among the nets listed for KGWA in NRC AM Log. 

Among other 960s I`ve heard before during KGWA`s `Fox-hole` at local
midnight a few years ago are KGKL San Angelo TX, and KNEB Scottsbluff
NE, but searching on those does not find any Tiger games now, or ever.
It`s far too common a team name. A better possibility is KZIM Cape
Girardeau MO. Its website is inconclusive, but at 0238 UT the stream
is carring a Mizzou Tigers vs LSU game, so that`s it! KZIM is also at
a more favorable angle than the others to take advantage of KGWA`s
null. KGWA has been on an STA of 250/250 U1 which expires March 19
unless renewed again; otherwise 1000/1000 U3. Maybe that help such DX
a little. It was reading only S9+10/20 from a few miles away, or 1.61
times as many km. KZIM, 500 watts night, has a pretty good ``butterfly
wing`` lobe thisaway; notch to the NW so not protecting KGWA at all
(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, March 10 at 0118:
855-2 and 1098 are the onlies I can outmake, surely Spains and UK
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5990-5995-6000, March 10 at 0718 UT, noise blob but does
not sound like DRM. Ordinarily would hear at least remnant of MALI
5995 AM; out of order? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2000 UT March 10

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 255, Issue 11

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