** BANGLADESH. 15505, July 31 at 1355, BB continuous tone is already on, poor 
with flutter but better signal than usual lately; 1358 IS is playing and runs 
past 1400! Until timesignal ending at 1400:09, theme and opening Urdu (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake July 31, before 1300:
13795, fair with CCI at 1245 past hourtop timesignal, also CNR1 jam?

Otherwise, CNR1 jamming only, before 1300:
none in the 12s, high 15s, 16s, 17s, 18s
14700, fair at 1248 with het

Before 1400 July 31:
17170, poor at 1352, weaker than the East Turkistan CRIs on 17; no 18s
16100, fair at 1352 with flutter
15940, very poor at 1356, less than regular 15115
14980, fair at 1356
14700, poor at 1356
13920, poor-fair at 1358; none in the 12s

** GREECE. 9420, July 31 at 0051, VG signal but open carrier/dead air, and soon 
at 0052 found the same on // weaker 15650 with fair signal, and 7475 with good 
signal, so it`s surely ERT. Kept listening to 9420 and Greek music finally 
started up at 0057.4. This is now not unusual under the dire circumstances 
these transmitters are kept on the air by the occupiers of the radio service 
the Greek government has officially abolished (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** PERU. 5980, July 31 I am staying inside away from the mosquitoes on the 
porch, and making a Chaski-check with the FRG-7 and longwire instead of the 
DX-498 and shortwire. I can still detect a very weak carrier on 5980 at 0054 so 
I off-tune slightly and listen to the BFO for it to cut off around 0100. But it 
doesn`t! Still past 0101. Then I switch in the ATTenuation, and it goes away, 
so I have been listening to receiver overload instead of Chaski this time. 
(WWCR is also capable of producing a leapfrog mixing product from 5890 over 
5935 on 5980, but not yet, as 5890 is still off the air.) BTW, the splash from 
5990 CRI/Cuba was already off shortly before 0057, unusually early.

A few days ago there was another anomaly about Chaski reported by Claudio 
Galaz, Chile on the condig lista, kept on somewhat past 0100:

``UNIDENTIFIED. 5980. 26 de julio a las 0053 UT. En la frecuencia citada se 
debería transmitir "Red Radio Integridad" con programación religiosa como lo 
hace Chaski. No obstante, se transmite música romántica en español i.e.: Luis 
Miguel, et al. Señal con mucho ruido de fondo, pero con una modulación que va 
de baja a aceptable, distinto a cuando se retransmite Red R. Integridad con 
sobremodulación, con SINPO: 43333. Sin embargo, sale a las 0103 al igual que lo 
hace o hacía Chaski hace algunos días.

PERU, 5980, R. CHASKI. 27 de julio a las 0042 UT. Retransmisión de R. R. 
Integridad con el Programa "El amor que vale" acerca de la vida de Jacob en la 
Biblia y a las 0051 acaba el programa y se mantiene con música instrumental 
hasta las 0059, cuando sale del aire. La señal no tiene sobremodulación, ni 
tampoco mucho QRN con SINPO: 54454. 73! Claudio Galaz, Rx: Tecsun PL-660; 
Antena: Cable de cobre de 5 metros; QTH: Poblado de Barraza Bajo, Comuna de 
Ovalle, IV Región, Chile`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. 9685, July 31 at 0050 check, IRS is still AWOL. I have finally 
e-mailed them asking what`s up with the (ex?) North American service (Glenn 

** U S A. 9930, July 31 at 1231, WTWW-2 with new Brother Scare broadcast, and I 
hear exactly the same recorded comments about expansion on MBR transmitters he 
played 24 hours earlier. George McClintock says the timespan for this is 12-15 
UT, and indeed later in afternoon on July 30, 9930 was back to QSO and other 
programs. July 31, BS stopped at 1500 after a canned WTWW ID played; silence 
until 1524 another ID, and 1527 Unshackled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 960, July 31 at 0500 UT, KGWA Enid Fox-hole of dead air is occupied 
by ABC news echoing between KMA and KGKL; I have KGWA so precisely nulled that 
even when its modulation resumes at 0505 I can still copy a station giving 
local weather, including KMA IDs in passing, i.e. Shenandoah IA (Glenn Hauser, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15355, July 31 at 0108 fair signal, good modulation, seems 
Arabic. Nothing scheduled, but suspect R. Sultanate of OMAN, a frequency last 
known to be used earlier at 22-24, with 9760 at 00-02, which would have been 
missing; to be rechecked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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