Helo all . 
  Returned from a vacation from Litohoron and  will again leave for trip to island . I 
here  submit a very lengthy  list of  logs made the period of 26.7 to  7.8  in 3 parts 
*    First part  logs inside the  valley house  with  various radios including LOWE 
     HF150and  Philips D2935 with 4 m  wire and  Kchibo C300 with its own 
     antenna or sporadically very close to a metal frame mesh 
*    Second part  reception on  with  battery operated LOWE 150  and ca 7 m  wire 
     ( same as used in  the house) 
*    Third part in the house inside Litohoron with same wire , tilted 15 degs 
The only problem encountered is with  solar powered system  and  the two power 
inverters used to   coinvert  the current from 12 to 220 V  . The smaller  inverter of 
400 W nearly blocks out all HF bands 

Many logs are  very short time logs 

1 st part 
 [IRAN ] 21530 R Farda 1310 with Id in Farsi . local  signal [Liangas 28.7 
Litohoron Greece ]

[Sri Lanka]  17495 IBC Tamil ( per ILG) 1312 with prg in Tamil and theme abt 
India Poor [Liangas 3.8 Litohoron Greece ]

[Vietnam ] 15775 Chantroi moi 1342 talks by YL in viet . refs to Vietnam . strong 
QRM on USB by DRM channel? Fair [Liangas 26.7 Litohoron Greece ]

17750 R farda 1412  with song ‘whenever…’  then ID 44444 [Liangas 3.8 Litohoron 
Greece ]

AUSTRALIA 15365  Voice Intl , 1020 with very lengthy talks  by OM in a friendly 
manner ( reminding FM broadcastings) and much less msx Poor signal  having 
much QRM from 15370 ( Dubai FM)  that time  but also  as checked other times and 
days with C300  having wipeout from VoT on 15350 [Liangas 30.7 Litohoron 
Greece ]

China  4800 CNR 1728 pop songs 43443 inverter off[Liangas 30.7 Litohoron Greece 

CHINA  7240 Tibet PBS in Chinese with  Chinese music , depth in voices and guitar 
songs //7155  32432[Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece ]

ChINA  9605  CNR jammer , 1410 with slow CC talks , 34433 [Liangas 1.8 
Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 11990  CNR jammer  1330  with good signal //11965 good//11925  good 
[Liangas 31.7 Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 15480 CNR with ads . 23332 [Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 15540 CNR 1247 with pop Chinese songs and adverts . Also on 15510 
signal 33443 [Liangas 28.7 Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 15670 CNR8 1518 Chinese opera , overmod , 44423  prg in Kazakh? 
[Liangas 3.8 Litohoron Greece ]

China 15265 CNR 1300  with  clock  pips , announcing 2100 LT  then news prg Fair 
[Liangas 26.7 Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 17855 CNR 0950 talks by YL 44433 [Liangas 28.7 Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 21540 CNR 1 0659 adverts. Prg in CC 33433  possibly a jammer Also 
21695  sat feed delay , in a clear freq  22233 //21705 //21715 [Liangas 28.7 
Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 4820  Qinghai? PBS /CNR? Pop songs and unclear ID over song 32433 
inverter off[Liangas 30.7 Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 7330 CNR 15415  echoed 44444 [Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece ]

CHINA 7385 Lhasa 1415 with Tibetan pop songs 44443 [Liangas 1.8 Litohoron 
Greece ]

CHINA 9605 CNR 1317 talks in CC ¯ [Liangas 28.7 Litohoron Greece ]

Ethiopia 6940 R Fana 1648 with mostly talks by OM and YL separately  and several 
short music bridges . Signal is fair  //6210  better signal [Liangas 31.7 Litohoron 
Greece ]

ETHIOPIA 7100 Asmara R 1425  with instrumental  plays  and talks in VN . fair 
[Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece ]

Ethiopia 7110 V of Ethiopia 2055 with  hilife songs  and presume  in FF , as  
modulation is very low to recognize lang 22432 Also on 1.8 on 1430 [Liangas 31.7 
Litohoron Greece ]

FRANCE-VAT 17515 : Vatican and  RFI mixed up in the audio stage at 1400 Local 
signal [Liangas 3.8 Litohoron Greece ]

GRC  17565 R Sawa 1324 with ID carousel 33433[Liangas 3.8 Litohoron Greece ]

GUAM 9975 KTWR talks in CC , ‘TWR ‘ in ID at 1339* fair [Liangas 28.7 
Litohoron Greece ]

INDIA 10330  Vivid Bharati . Audible  everyday  from at least 1300  with good 
signal all the  time till end of prg at 1745 and even with Kchibo . Mostly music prg  
with short news intervals [Liangas 31.7 Litohoron Greece ]

INDIA 15020 AIR 1010 with news in EG . some QRM from operator on 5016 with 
encoded wkx [Liangas 30.7 Litohoron Greece ]

India 15770  AIR 1330 news in a Hindi lang , followed by ‘tribal’ songs . Fair 
[Liangas 26.7 Litohoron Greece ]

INDIA? 15070 AIR 1220  with  westernized Hindi pop songs, 125 talks in CC  and 
refs to Iran [Liangas 26.7 Litohoron Greece ]

Iran 17555 VOIRI  1310 prg in Indonesian  with Suara Islam at 1310 local [Liangas 
3.8 Litohoron Greece ]

ITALY  5775 IRRS 1958 with jazz music  and ID at 1959 , 34433 [Liangas 29.7 
Litohoron Greece ]

LIBYA 17600 LJB  1210  in carrier  + USB . talks about democracy . signal 22x42 
QRM by CNR 17605 ( 44444) [Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece ]

MARIANES  11580 KFBS 1350 and 1358 tune ins  with lengthy talks and  
discussions . A web sitew { http://www.liang.com }www.liang.com has been heard … ( 
info by ILG) [Liangas 
28.7 Litohoron Greece ]

MOROCO 17585 VoA  with jazz music 1327  , ID at 1330 34433 [Liangas 3.8 
Litohoron Greece ]

MSIA 15295 , S M 1530 starting prg after  trad melody  with Arabic prg signal 
44444 with signal from France being quite low nice signal  all days in Litohoro even 
in the morning  UTC times ( 0830 till 1030 ) Also heard on 12+  with mix with 
Uzbekistan ( 1.8)  Also  on 9.7  with good signal S9+10  in Thessaloniki  but a little 
overloaded and rock songs of 96-98 [Liangas 26.7 Litohoron Greece ]

NIGERIA 15120 V o Nigeria 1430 with clerical music and refs by OM . YL with ID  
then wirth talks prg . signal quite poor 22432 with some QRM from IRIB  15125 
[Liangas 3.8 Litohoron Greece ]
Pakistan 15065 R Pakistan 1335 Acapella songs by OM  then classic music bridge 
then news in hindi. Local like signal [Liangas 26.7 Litohoron Greece ]

Pakistan 21465 R Pakistan 1000  with news .bad audio local like signal [Liangas 
30.7 Litohoron Greece ]

PALAU? 9965 KHBN? 1332 talks in CC , announcing ID and difficult to copy web 
address with  dot. org and talks by OM after 1335 ( info by ILG) [Liangas 28.7 
Litohoron Greece ]

SEYCHELES 15535 FEBA 1205  with relig prg and music in Tibetan 34433 
[Liangas 31.7 Litohoron Greece ]

SOMALIA 6980b  R Galkayo 1613 , talks by YL  in ?? lang . Signal very low 
sometimes below margin 31.7 .However  on 1.8  and 1420Z   signal was jammed ( 
again with talks) [Liangas 31.7 Litohoron Greece ]

SPORE 7235 Warna 1413 Warna music clip , ads  44444 . Same time 6000 with fair  
signal [Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece ]

TAIWAN 11560 Family Radio 1345 with relig prg in E  , then relig songs web 
address  heard on 1356  and prg continued after 1400  still in EG . 32332  from 
11570 Pakistan . Better in LSB [Liangas 28.7 Litohoron Greece ]

Taiwan (p)15600  RTI  1315 Chinese lessons  in Indonesian . Good signal on 1315  
but low at 1330* [Liangas 26.7 Litohoron Greece ]

TIBET 4905 /4920  Tibet PBS , Tibetan songs . fair ¯  inverter off [Liangas 30.7 
Litohoron Greece ]
UnID 11520 RFA 1548   external talks  in English with translation in Viet (* theme 
abt recognition) //1605  4444 [Liangas 31.7 Litohoron Greece ]

UnIDed 9690 presume FEBA 1333 with talks in Hindi and small musical bridges 
45333 [Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece ]

UZBEKISTAN 15295 R Tashkent 1339 folk songs , ID  ID ‘ u r tuned to R 
Tashkent’ , 23432 [Liangas 31.7 Litohoron Greece ]

Vietnam? 15535 ??  1228   with traditional viet  songs , YL with freqs  and giving 
{ http://www.osa.org }www.osa.org then soign off . 22332 [Liangas 1.8 Litohoron Greece 

pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
http://www.schoechi.de/crw/crw-sat.html  Cland web page (new!) 
PP: R75/HF150/MVT7100/D2935  + 16m/1x1 + MFJ16010/1040/1025/752c/462 
/trip2k.htm (dlm Bkk,SNG,BAli)   /MP3_comp.htm comparison Xing/Fastenc 

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