5885 11/Jun 2134 VATICAN STATE, RVA, in Italian. Transmission of the Mass.
At 2137 UT classical music. Moderate signal. (Jorge Freitas-B) 


6025 12/Jun 0910 BOLIVIA, R Illimani/Patria Nueva, in Spanish. Long sequence
of Latin music romantic, boleros. At 0923 UT short male talks, then more
music. First heard here. Confirmation of listening via link
http://www.patrianueva.bo/audio/wmp.html . At 0930 UT the signal was
completely taken by QRM from Radio Netherlands on 6020 kHz. Signal weak and
degrading. (Jorge Freitas-B)


15540 11/Jun 1905 KUWAIT, R Kuwait, in English. Male talks and pop music
Arabic. It seems a presentation of a program of Arabic music local. Weak
signal and degrading. (Jorge Freitas-B) 


15630 11/Jun 1857 GREECE, Voice of Greece, in Greek. Edits of beautiful pop
music Greek. At 1900 UT beep time and ID by male voice, then news. Moderate
signal. (Jorge Freitas-B) 


15785 11/Jun 1827 ISRAEL, GALEI ZAHAL, in Hebrew. Pop music and male talks.
Weak signal with rapid improvement. After a long time with no signal, since
my location. Signal degrading . (Jorge Freitas-B) 



Jorge Freitas
Local time -3 UT
Feira de Santana Bahia  12°14´S 38°58´W
Degen 1103 
Dipole antenna, 19 meters - east/west - Balun 4:1
Skype: jorge.freitas.fsa
Escutas (listening, my blog):  <http://www.ipernity.com/doc/75006>


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