** Brazil. 11780. RN. AMAZONIA. Apr. 30. 2100 - 2117 UTC. Music. 45444.
(Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza
Bajo, IV Región, Chile)

** Brazil. 11815. R. BRASIL CENTRAL. Apr. 30. 2117- 2123  UTC. Music. 45444
(Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza
Bajo, IV Región, Chile)

** ECUADOR. 6050. HCJB. Apr. 29. 0010- UTC.  Cofan Service. Man talks.
35333 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH:
Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile)

** USA. 12050. WEWN. Apr. 30. Spanish Service. 2345- 2355 UTC. Priest talks
about worries. 2355, change of frequency and gregorian chant. 45444
(Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza
Bajo, IV Región, Chile)
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