This is a open post for discussion. I wait your responses !

Ham radio day is today and the newscaster in a nationwide radio station 
rememberedthose older days on 80s when many people ….used their mini 
transmitter to broadcastmusic in medium waves!
The most known example was the station from Polytechnics in Athens that helped 
forthe resistance against the Junta 
Just to remind you that today there are more than 500 unofficial radiooperators 
in MW 
I have listened to their program and immediately sent them a message to clarify 
that this is not a ham radio station butonly unofficial radio transmissions in 
medium waves enjoying to play music and .This clearly separates between these 
legal ham operators  who transmit in specified bands in shortwavesand higher 
bands as like ole times using the BC or walkie talkie 

The journalist by the way apologized for this mistake, something that she 

My question: 
What happens in your area? Do the journalists know what is the purpose of a 

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