[HCDX] SWLDXBulgaria News, Sept.14

2018-09-14 Thread Ivo Observer
SWLDXBulgaria News, Sept.14 (publications №16217-№16226)
GREECE   Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, Sept.14:
from 0656 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#03
Same time on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg via tx#1, no signal
* today news only in Serbian and tx switches off at

GUINEA & SAUDI ARABIA   Radio Guinée & Radio Riyadh on 9650 kHz on Sept.14
from 0657 on  9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French Radio Guinée, co-ch
from 0930 on  9650 RIY 100 kW / non-dir to N/ME Ar Holy Quran Radio

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E11 Oblique in 60mb on Sept.14:
0700-0711 on  5082 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB,

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E11 Oblique in 31mb on Sept.14:
0715-0718 on  9963 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB,

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S11a Cherta in 41mb on Sept.14:
1020-1032 on  7469 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB,

PALAU(non)Reception of  Radio Que Me via T8WH Angel 4 on Sept.14
1200-1230 on  9930 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Vietnamese Fri,

RUSSIA   Reception of GTRK Adygeya / Adygeyan Radio on Sept.14:
1800-1900 on  6000 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to CeAs Adygeyan Fri,

SECRETLAND(non)   Test transmission Radio Taiwan International RTI via
SPL, Sept.14
1900-1930 on  5900 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu German via Secretbrod,

TURKEY   Voice of Turkey on very odd frequency 9655.7 kHz, Sept.14:
1000-1055 on  9655.7 EMR 500 kW / 072 deg to CeAs Georgian, instead
1000-1025 on  9855.7 EMR 500 kW / 032 deg to CeAs Tatar on

VATICAN   Unscheduled broadcast of Vatican Radio in Romanian on Fri Sept.14
0715-0825 on  7250 SMG 250 kW / 054 deg to EaEu Romanian liturgy, very good
0715-0825 on  9645 SMG 250 kW / 054 deg to EaEu Romanian liturgy, very


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] SWLDXBulgaria News Sept.14

2016-09-15 Thread Ivo Observer
BELGIUM(non)   Reception of Living Water Ministry Broadcasting, Sept.14
1520-1530 on  9650*unknown probably PUG to NEAs with ten minutes music,
1530-1630 on  9650*unknown probably PUG to NEAs Korean Wed via Alyx&Yey
*on same freq 9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French R.Guinea Conakry
*on same freq 9650 MEY 100 kW / 275 deg to SoAf Afrikaans Sonder

FRANCE(non)   Good signal of Radio Adal via TDF Issoudun on Sept.14:
1500-1530 on 15205 ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Arabic Wed/Sat
1530-1600 on 15205*ISS 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Wed/Sat
*co-ch BSKSA 15205 RIY 500 kW / 320 deg to WeEu Holy Quran at

FRANCE(non)   Strong signal of Oromo Voice Radio via TDF Issoudun on Sept.14
1600-1630 on 17850 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo Wed/Sat +

GREECE   Voice of Greece and 1st px on 9420/9935, Sept.14:
from 1645 on  9420*AVL 170 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3
from 1815 on  9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg to NoAf Greek*tx#1
* till 1805UT strong co-ch China National Radio 13

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E11 Oblique in 31mb, Sept.14
1200-1209 on  9443 unknown secret tx site to Eu English

OMAN   Good reception of Radio Sultanate of Oman in English, Sept.14
1400&1418 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu with all FM's

PALAU   Poor signal of Brother HySTAIRical via T8WH Angel 5, Sept.14
1200-1300 on  9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg to NEAs

SAUDI ARABIA   Reception of Radio Saudi Int, Sept.14
1200-1500 on 13775 RIY 500 kW / 070 deg to SoAs

SPAINReception of Radio Exterior de España, Sept.14:
1755-1800 on all frequencies Interval Signal, frequency announcement, TS
1800-2200 on 15390 NOB 200 kW / 161 deg to WCAf Spanish Daily, very good
1800-2200 on 15500 NOB 200 kW / 110 deg to N/ME Spanish Daily, very good
1800-2200 on 17715 NOB 200 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Spanish Daily, very good
1800-2200 on 17855 NOB 200 kW / 290 deg to ENAm Spanish Daily, very

TAIWAN(non)   Reception of Stream of Praise Music Ministries, Sept.14
2100-2130 on  7530 TSH 100 kW / 250 deg to EaAs

U.K.(non)   Frequency change of BBC via BaBcoCk Tashkent from Sept.9
1500-1700 NF  7540 TAC 100 kW / 150 deg to SoAs English, ex

U.K.(non)   Reception of RTÉ Radio One via BaBcoCk Meyerton on Sept.14
1930-2000 on  5820 MDC 125 kW / 315 deg to SoAf English Mon-Fri,

USA   Reception of Brother HySTAIRical via WRMI Okeechobee, Sept.14
from 1200 on 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English tx#03, good
from 1200 on 17790 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm English tx#04, weak
from 1200 on 21675 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English tx#07, poor
And reception of Radio Africa Network via WRMI Okeechobee, Sept.14:
1400&1612 on 21675 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English tx#07,

USA   Weak signal of WHRI Angel 1, Sept.14
1600-1800 NF 21610 HRI 250 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English, ex

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Frequency change of North Korea Reform Radio, Sept.14:
2030-2130 NF  7585 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7595 via

Ivo Ivanov

*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria
*Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
*Web: *http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] SWLDXBulgaria News Sept.14

2016-09-14 Thread Ivo Observer
ALBANIA   Radio Tirana with distorted audio, but not completely on Sept.14
0700-0900 on  7390 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Albanian Daily, relay

CHINA vs.AUSTRALIA   China Radio International vs.ABC Radio Australia, Sept.14
0700-0857 on 17840 KAS 100 kW / 174 deg to SoAs Chinese China Radio Int.
2100-0857 on 17840 SHP 100 kW / 070 deg to EPac English ABC Radio

COLOMBIA   Weak signal of Alcaravan Radio, Sept.14
from 0600 on 5910.1 PLS 001 kW / ND to CLM

BRASIL   Fair to good signal of Radio Voz Missionaria, Sept.14
from 0602 on  9665 CAB 010 kW / 030 deg to BRA

BRASIL   Weak to fair signal of Super Radio Deus e Amor, Sept.14
from 0604 on  9565 CUR 020 kW / 045 deg to BRA

BRASIL   Weak to fair signal of Radio Aparecida via Radio RB2, Sept.14
from 0606 on  9725vCUR 010 kW / 020 deg to BRA

EGYPT   Numbers station E11 Oblique vs.unidentified station on Sept.14:
0900-0910 on  9399 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB E11 Oblique
0900-0920 on  9400 unknown secret tx site to ?? Music in AM

GERMANY   Good reception of Deutscher Wetterdienst, Sept.14
from 0622 on  6180 PIN 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu German

GERMANY   Reception of HCJB via Weenermoor, Sept.14
from 0620 on  5920 WNM 001 kW / 145 deg to SEEu German HCJB
from 0620 on  7365*WNM 002 kW / 145 deg to SEEu German HCJB
*strong co-ch 7365 GB  250 kW / 184 deg to Cuba Spanish

NEW ZEALAND   Very weak signal of Radio New Zealand International on Sept.14
0659-1058 NF  7425 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg English to Pacific AM Daily,

OMAN   Morning reception of Radio Sultanate of Oman, Sept.14
0615-1000 on 13600 THU 100 kW / 220 deg to EaAf Arabic,

UNIDentified strong open carrier, Sept.14
0615&0630 on  7205 unknown tx, daed

Ivo Ivanov

*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria
*Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
*Web: *http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at