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Today's Topics:

   1. Stations heard in Lugo (Manuel M?ndez)
   2. QSL received from Radio Nacional da Amazonia and TWR
      Swaziland (Manuel M?ndez)
   3. SWLDXBulgaria News March 25 (Ivo Observer)
   4. NEW AM DX Log From Laramie, WY: KPWK 1350 San Bernardino, CA
      (Paul B. Walker, Jr.)
   5. JRX Logs_ March 17-24, 2020 (Jota Xavier)
   6. Reply from mystery 21 (Zacharias Liangas)
   7. Glenn Hauser logs March 25-26, 2020 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 09:31:18 +0000
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: "DX WRO groups" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Stations heard in Lugo
Message-ID: <em7bd5a18c-1e73-4c3c-bacc-ed813218d5a8@manuel1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=utf-8

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Lugo
Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters

BRAZIL, 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1920-1927, 18-03, 
Portuguese, comments. 25322.

CONGO, D. R., 6210-2, Radio Kahuzi, Bukavu, 1750-1823* , 20-03, French, 
Vernacular, comments, religious songs. Very weak. 15321.
Also 1755-1809*, 21-03, Vernacular comments. Very weak. 15321. Previous 
days out of air.

6010, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1650-1705, 24-03, East African songs, 
Vernacular, comments. 24322.

3975, Shortwave Radio de., Winsen, 2105-2117, 18-03, pop songs and 
comments in English, id. ?Shortwave Radio?. 25322-
6150, Radio Marabu, Datteln, 1540-1630, 17-03, pop songs, German, 
comments, id. ?Radio Marabu?. 24322

GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 1900-1910, 18-03, French, 
identification, ?Radio Guine??, news. 34433.

4800, AIR, Hyderabad, 1730-1733, 22-03, English, news. Strong QRM from 
China on the same frequency. 11421.
4810, AIR, Bhopal, 1731-1733, 22-03, English, news. 15421.

NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 1830-1843, 16-03, 
deification: ?Radio Northern Star?, ?Northern Lights, The Voice of the 
Free Gospel?, Norwegian, religious comments. Strong fading. 15311.
Also 1840-1855, 18-03, ?The Voice of the Free Gospel?, religious songs 
and comments in English. 15321.

MALAYSIA/UZBEKISTAN, 11890, Radio Nyawa Sarawak, Tashkent, 1140-1155, 
18-03, Malaysian, comments. 24322.

MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0615-0635, 19-03, African songs, id. 
?Vous ecoutez la Radio Nationale du Mali?, French, comments. 35433.
Also, 1850-1910, 21-03, 1850 English Saturday program ?English 
Magazine?, news and comments in English. Strong QRM on 5990. 31431.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educaci?n, Ciudad de M?xico, 0550-0600*, 19-03, 
theater play ?El Hingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Macha?, ?Una 
producci?n de Radio Educaci?n?. 15321.

SUDAN, 7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 1718-1736, 18-03, East African 
songs, English, news. 25322.

TIBET, 7385, PSB Xizang, Lasha, 1600-1625, 16-03, English, 
identification, female, male, news, Tibetan songs. Strong QRM from China 
on 7380. 31431.
Also 1600-1700, 17-03, English, identification, news, comments and very 
nice Tibetan songs and music. QRM from China on 7380. 32432.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 14:58:45 +0000
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: "DX WRO groups" <>
Subject: [HCDX] QSL received from Radio Nacional da Amazonia and TWR
Message-ID: <em35222f9f-2ee1-40e5-af19-297dcbb18c8c@manuel1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=utf-8

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

BRAZIL, 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, received via 
certified mail, QSL card in 19 days. Reception report sent to:

SWAZILAND, 11780, Trans World Radio, Manzini, received eQSL card and 
program schedule in 20 days. Reception report sent to:


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 11:27:07 +0000
From: Ivo Observer <>
Subject: [HCDX] SWLDXBulgaria News March 25
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

SWLDXBulgaria News March 25 (publications ?23251-?23260)
EGYPT   Last minute summer A-20 frequency change of Radio Cairo:
1900-2000 NF  9675 ABS 125 kW / 005 deg to EaEu Russian, ex 9665
>From the beginning of B-19 Radio Cairo is inactive on

GERMANY(non)   Summer A-20 schedule of The Mighty KBC Radio from March

GERMANY(non)   Brother HySTAIRical TOM via Channel 292 on March 25:
from 0600 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English fair

GERMANY(non)   Dandal Kura Radio International via MBR Nauen March 25
0700-0724 on 13590 NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf open carrier/dead air
0724-0800 on 13590 NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf Kanuri, fair to good:
0700-0800 on 13590 NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf Kanuri in Summer

GREECE   Good signal of Voice of Greece in 31mb, March 25:
till 0608 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Gr 1st px,
0608-0808 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Gr*Liturgy
* without Arabic/Serbian nx 0752-0800UT and off at 0810UT.
Today March 25 no test of VOA-1 in English via Secretbrod:
0700-1340 on  9420 SCB 050 kW / 126 deg to N/ME - March

KUWAIT   Reception of MOI Radio Kuwait in 16mb on March 25:
1000-1200 on 17760 KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino, fair/good
1000-1200 on 17760 KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino Summer

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady 9MHz/25mb on March 25:
0830-0836 on  9082 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair/good
0830-0836 on 11530#unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, poor&weak
# plus co-ch 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish BRB Denge Welat
# plus co-ch 11530 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of S06s Russian Lady 25mb/31mb on March 25:
0840-0846 on  9952 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, fair/good
0840-0846 on 12140*unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB, very good
* plus co-ch 12140 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Dari R.Free

USA   WWCR-3 World Wide Christian Radio relay Brother Stair, March 25
from 0600 on  4840 WCR 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm English Mon-Fri,

USA   Reception of EWTN WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio in 31mb, March 25
from 0800 on  9385 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English, fair to


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 08:52:29 -0600
From: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <>
To: NRC-AM <>,, ABDX List
        <>, Hard-Core-DX <>
Subject: [HCDX] NEW AM DX Log From Laramie, WY: KPWK 1350 San
        Bernardino, CA
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I'd been chasing a Fox Sports Radio affiliate on 1350khz on and off for an
hour or so here in Laramie, Wyoming this morning. There's KPWK San
Bernardino, CA and KDZA Pueblo, CA.
I've heard KDZA before which is an easy one around sunrise here but I
wasn't convinced what I had was them.. just my gut and the way the signal
was behaving.
About 6:48am mountain I finally got a locally identifying liner, "Dan
Patrick, mornings at 6 on The All New Fox Sports IE 1350". Here's my audio
from 6:48am mountain time this morning
So my instinct was right and I have logged a new one, California's Inland
Empire KPWK San Bernardino!


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 01:29:32 +0000 (UTC)
From: Jota Xavier <>
To: WOR DXLD <>,  Grupo Radioescutas
        <>,  ""
Subject: [HCDX] JRX Logs_ March 17-24, 2020
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

JRX Logs_ March 17-24, 2020Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808Antenna (s)_ Mini Loop to 

ASCENSION ISLAND** 17745. Mar 24, 2020. 1746-1756, BBC, Ascension Island-ASC, 
in Amharic. Man and woman announcers present a english class; ID and website; 
1750 Man talks news; Woman talks, ID. Good reception.
AUSTRIA** 11800. Mar 24, 2020. 1720-1729, Adventist World Radio, Moosbrunn-AUT, 
in Swahili. Man preaching; 1722 ID by woman voice; 1723 Man talks and a hymn by 
chorus; 1729 Ends programming. Good reception.
BOTSWANA** 13630. Mar 23, 2020. 1710-1720, Voice of America, Selebi-Phikwe-BOT, 
in Portuguese. Man announcer and external reporters present news; 1719 Woman 
talks, ID. Fair reception.** 15580. Mar 23, 2020. 1723-1730, Voice of America, 
Selebi-Phikwe-BOT, in Amharic. Man talks; 1729 A brief song, ID and ends 
programming. Very poor reception with fading.
CHINA** 7205. Mar 22, 2020. 0106-0116, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi-Changji-CHN, in 
Uyghur. Man and woman talks during this log. Fair reception with fading.** 
7220. Mar 22, 2020. 0117-0125, China National Radio 2-China Business Radio, 
Golmud-Qinghai-CHN, in Chinese. Man and woman talk without interval. Poor 
reception.** 7240. Mar 22, 2020. 0125-0137, PBS Xizang, Lhasa-Tibet-CHN, in 
Chinese. Man and woman talk; 0136 Man and woman voices with music background. 
Fair reception.** 7520. Mar 22, 2020. 2001-2010, China National Radio 1-Voice 
of China, xx-CHN. Jammer/Firedrake transmission: Very treble musical audio with 
drums and violins. Good reception.
CLANDESTINE** 15285. Mar 24, 2020. 1648-1659, Manara Radio International, 
Issoudun-F, in Hausa. Men voices; 1652 man talks news, presumed; ID sometimes; 
Conversation, by phone, with a man. Very good reception.
CUBA** 5040. Mar 20, 2020. 0456-0510, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. 
ID and sked of RHC in spanish; "Revista Informativa desde Habana"- variety 
news, including about the Coronavirus; ID. Fair reception.** 6145. Mar 20, 
2020. 0444-0454, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in English. Woman announcer 
talks; 0450 Man talks, ID and next, woman voice returns. Fair to good 
reception.** 11530. Mar 24, 2020. 1701-1710, Cuban Spy Numbers-HM01, xx-CUB 
(Bejucal relay, probably) in Spanish. Numbers Station where the female 
announcer says a serial of five numbers at a time, with a brief interval 
between the dictions, in spanish language.Fair reception.** 11880. Mar 19, 
2020. 2230-2300, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Portuguese. IS, ID, website 
and RHC e-mail; Date to remember; news Service by man announcer; 2245 Climate 
changes and global warming, by female announcer; 2248 Man talks about the 
immigration, USA borders and the deportations; 2255 A song and the ends of the 
 . Good reception.** 15140. Mar 19, 2020. 1948-1958, Radio Habana Cuba, 
Bauta-CUB, in English. Woman talks news; Man talks at 1951, ID; Returns news by 
man and woman announcers; ID and website. Fair reception.** 15140. Mar 19, 
2020. 2011-2022, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in French. Man talks news; ID at 
2016; A audio recorded by dead Fidel; Sport news by man voice at 2018; 2020 A 
cuban song. Fair to good reception.** 15140. Mar 21, 2020. 1844-1854, Radio 
Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Creole. Man talks; 1847 Woman talks about the cuban 
socialism. Fair reception.** 15370. Mar 19, 2020. 2000-2010, Radio Habana Cuba, 
Bauta-CUB, in Portuguese. IS, ID, website and? RHC e-mail; Date to Remember; 
Update news of the day. Fair to poor reception.** 15370. Mar 19, 2020. 
2046-2058, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Arabic. Man talks; 2048 Woman says 
ID and returns man voice; 2052 A brief song and woman talks. Poor reception.
FRANCE** 9785. Mar 19, 2020. 1832-1847, Deutsche Welle, Issoudun-F, in Hausa. 
Man announcer interviews a Coronavirus specialist; 1835 A brief song and 
returns interview, now with a female participation, too. Fair reception.** 
11945. Mar 23, 2020. 1745-1755, NHK World Japan, Issoudun-F, in Japanese. A 
song; 1747 Woman talks and a song. Fair reception.** 13775. Mar 24, 2020. 
1627-1637, Deutsche Welle, Issoudun-F, in Amharic. Woman and man voices; 1634 A 
song. Fair reception and fading.** 15300. Mar 24, 2020. 1638-1648, Radio France 
International, Issoudun-F, in Hausa. Man talks news; 1640 ID and news by woman 
announcer, mainly about Nigeria; Man talks about Coronavirus. Very good 
GREAT BRITAIN** 7300. Mar 19, 2020. 2100-2114, HCJB-Radio Akhbar Mufriha, 
Woofferton-G, in Tachelhit. ID; Man pastor begins the sermon;? A song at 2108; 
2110 ID and POBox to M?laga-E, among other addresses; 2113 Man repeats ID and 
addresses; 2114 Ends programming. Fair to good reception.** 7445. Mar 22, 2020. 
0203-0213, BBC, Woofferton-G, in Pashto. Man and woman announcers talk news, 
presumed. Fair reception.
MADAGASCAR** 7445. Mar 22, 2020. 1935-1945, BBC, Talata-Volonondry-MDG, in 
English. Man talks news during all log. Fair reception.** 11720. Mar 24, 2020. 
1711-1720, Adventist World Radio, Talata-Volonondry-MDG, in Swahili. Man talks, 
preaching, during this log. Fair reception.
NIGERIA** 11770. Mar 19, 2020. 2023-2045, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja-NIG, in 
Hausa. Man talking; 2025-2033 Open carrier, dead modulation; 2033 Returns 
programming, now with The Qur?an chant and recitation, in arabic language. Very 
good reception before 2033 and fair reception after 2033!
S?O TOM? E PR?NCIPE** 15460. Mar 23, 2020. 1734-1744, Voice of America, 
Pinheira-STP, in Zimbabwean languages. Woman and man announcers talk news, 
presumably; 1740 ID and woman talks. Poor reception with fading..
SPAIN** 11685. Mar 19, 2020. 1843-1910, Radio Exterior de Espa?a, Noblejas-E, 
in Spanish. Man announcer talks about the Coronavirus desease; Inteview with a 
woman specialist; 1859 ID; 1900 News; 1905 Returns conversation and all about 
Coronavirus in Spain and in the World. Good reception.Parallel logs on 9690, 
poor reception; 12030, fair reception; 11940, excellent reception.
SRI LANKA** 11835. Mar 24, 2020. 1730-1742, Sri Lanka BC-Thendral FM, 
Trincomalee-CLN, in Tamil. Man announcer talks and songs; ID. Fair to good 
SUDAN** 9505. Mar 19, 2020. 1806-1819, Voice of Africa, Al-Aitahab-SDN, in 
Hausa. Man talks; A song; 1815 Man talks and other song. Fair reception.
THAILAND** 7445. Mar 22, 2020. 1946-1956, Radio Thailand, Udon-Thani-THA, in 
English. Man announcer presents a musical program: He talks before the songs; 
1959 IS, ID and repeats. Very good reception.** 7585. Mar 22, 2020. 2015-2030, 
Radio Farda, Udon-Thani-THA,in Farsi. A song; Man and woman announcers present 
a musical program and talks before each song and ID too. Very good reception.
TURKEY** 7280. Mar 19, 2020. 0220-0255, Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in 
Spanish. Woman announcer presenting El Buz?n program: DX news and reception 
reports; 0228 Program Turqu?a, destino ideal para turistas; A turkish song; 
0240 ID in various languages; 0244 Returns songs; 0254 ID, ends at 0255.Very 
good reception.
USA** 5800. Mar 17, 2020. 0102-0129, WRMI-Radio Taiwan International, 
Okeechobee-FL, in Spanish. Man announcer says about RTI frequency tests; 0105 
"Informativo RTI": All news, including about Coronavirus; 0112 RTI?s jingle and 
next, a program "Taiwan 360?" by female announcer; 0124 A song; 0128 Man and 
woman voices say ID and all addresses; 0129 IS. Fair to good reception.** 5800. 
Mar 18, 2020. 0116-0129, WRMI-Radio Taiwan International, Okeechobee-FL, in 
Spanish. Man and woman present a chinese class in "Chinolandia"; 0126 ID and 
addresses; 0128 Ends. Good reception.** 5800. Mar 18, 2020. 0130-0159, 
WRMI-Radio Tirana, Okeechobee-FL, in English. IS; ID; News; 0132 A musical 
program with beautiful albanian songs; 0158 Ends: A piece of the National 
Anthem and a ID. Good reception.** 5800. Mar 18, 2020. 0200-0210, WRMI-Radio 
Taiwan International, Okeechobee-FL, in Spanish. IS, ID; Female announcer talks 
news. RTI frequency test out of the previous sked tests. Fair to good recep
 tion.Parallel log on 5010, via Okeechobee, poor reception.** 5800. Mar 19, 
2020. 0107-0129, WRMI-Radio Taiwan International, Okeechobee-FL, in Spanish. 
RTI frequency test. Woman and man voices; 0115 "Chinolandia": A chinese class 
by woman and male announcers; 0127 Ends: Man and woman voices, ID and all RTI 
addresses, till 0129. Good reception.** 5800. Mar 19, 2020. 0200-0220, 
WRMI-Radio Taiwan International, Okeechobee-FL, in Spanish. RTI frequency test. 
IS, ID; Woman announcer talks and comments about the collagen protein and its 
importance for human life; 0211 Invitation listeners to sent a reception 
reports; 0213 A chinese class in Chinolandia program. Good reception. Parallel 
logs on 5010, fair reception; 7780, barely audible reception.** 7305. Mar 22, 
2020. 0138-0200, Vatican Radio, Greenville-NC, in Spanish. Man announcer talks 
news about Vatican State and the Catholic Church; Woman talks, ID; 0145 Summary 
news by woman announcer. Very good reception.** 17655. Mar 19, 
 2020. 1820-1830, Voice of America, Greenville-NC, in Portuguese. Mrs Ana 
Guedes interviews Dra Gra?a about Coronavirus and preventive measures, mainly a 
personal hygiene; 1824 Mr Jo?o Santa Cruz presents news about Coronavirus in 
the African Continent; A "country" song; 1830 Ends.
VATICAN** 9705. Mar 23, 2020. 1801-1810, Vatican Radio, SM di Galeria-CVA, in 
Portuguese. Man and woman talk news. Poor to barely audible reception.
ZAMBIA** 5915. Mar 20, 2020. 0433-0443, Zambia NBC-Radio 1, Lusaka-ZMB, in 
Vernacular language. Man announcer talks; A conversation with a woman. Poor 

JRX_Jos? Ronaldo XavierSWARL Callsign PR7036SWLCabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 13:13:59 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] Reply from mystery 21
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

After nearly ?1,5 day! 

Dear SWL,

thanks a lot foryour detailed reception report again!

We are reallysurprised to learn how many people can listen to us all over 
Europe and fromSiberia to the East Coast oft he United States. Inspite of the 
World Wide Webpeople still enjoy listening on shortwave, and like us they are 
fascinated bythe myth of wave propagation. That explains the name of our 

We have been onair for many years, but we are newcomers on shortwave. We chose 
the 60m bandbecause oft the variety of propagation conditions: short distance 
in Europeduring the day and DX after sunset.

Our equipment iscompletely homemade and we are testing with 1,2 KW PEP from 8 
relatively cheapmosfets and a simple inverted V dipole antenna installed at 25 
meters above thesoil.

We use soundprocessing with an optimod pc card and with stereo tool. Our 
bandwidth is alittle bit higher than with most commercial stations.

We apologize fornot having any printed QSL cards at the moment. Considering the 
high number ofreception reports we are thinking about E-QSL.

You will findfurther information and pictures on our facebook site. There you 
will also findour webstream during the transmissions. If you like, you can join 
our facebookgroup.


Mystery21 ? The Spirit of Music


Stay tuned andenjoy listening on shortwave, especially on the 60m band.

We are lookingforward to hearing from you again.

After 1.5 day! 





Mystery21 team





Message: 7
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 04:05:51 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 25-26, 2020
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** ARGENTINA [non].  See USA: WRMI

** CUBA. 6060, March 25 at 0611, RHC is S9+30 of dead air in English;
6100 sufficiently modulated at S9+20, better than 6145; while 6000 and
5040 are off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13764, 13636, 13572, 13828 approx., March 25 at 1440, they`re
back! After quite a break, the extremely distorted FMish spurblobs out
of 13700 RHC transmitter. So bad I can barely tell that the original
modulation is musical. These at approx. plus/minus 64 kHz multiples.
Meanwhile, 13780 is off already. Something`s always wrong at RHC
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 15700, March 25 at 1446, CRI Plus relay is undermodulated and
crackly; something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA. 15120, March 26 at 0012, CRI Spanish relay is S9+10 but
suptorted. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK,,

** CUBA. 15730, March 26 at 0014, RHC in French is S9+10 and
distorted; 5040, March 26 at 0014, RHC in Kriyol is S9+30, distorted
and hummy as usual on this frequency. Kelka shows twojure mowvay a RHC
(that`s Pidgin Creole) (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. 800, March 25 at 0050, amid a TA carrier search including
one on 801, gospel huxter in Spanish dominant here at least on the E-W
longwire, despite KQCV OKC gospel huxtering in English.

Again March 26 at 0042; got to be XEROK Ciudad Ju?rez, Chihuahua as
there are no USA SS:REL, at least not in the SW quadrant; SSS
enhancement? Right around our LSS. Much of the night XEROK is VP or
inaudible, with CKLW if anything besides KQCV to be heard. Originally
150 kW ND, one never knows how much power they really run at any
moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TAIWAN [non]. See USA: WRMI

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2026 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday March 25
from 2100:20 on WBCQ 7490.1v, JBA.

NOT confirmed, Wed Mar 25 at 2100 on WRMI 7780 tho still shown on
sked, instead JBA music, presumed secret airing of TIAMS which started
two weeks ago. 

Wed 2100 is also an imaginary time for WOR on System D with *no*
frequencies. No, I do not find me on any other: 9395 RAE Italian, no
doubt an ancient airing; 9455 Oldies; 9955 playing ``Wipeout``, 15770
TOMBS. Nothing on 5010, 5800, 5850, 7570, 7730.

Confirmed UT Thu Mar 26 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, fair S9.

Next WOR 2027 should be audible by early UT Friday March 27, first N/W
Hemisphere airing at 2200 on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5850, March 25 at 0610, WRMI is unusually off; no doubt
because of distorted modulation I told them about a few hours ago. By
next evening back on OK repaired, 0011 Slovak from RSI, VG S9+10, not
distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Another survey of what`s really on WRMIs, UT March 26:

5800 // < 7570, SMTV
5950 // < 9395, gospel huxter in English about sociopaths
9455, Brother Scare with clip about Trump blowing it
9955, wall-of-noise jamming

5800, Taiwan Spanish prueba fecha 18 de marzo hace una semana
5010 // < 5850 music, which?
7780, WORLD OF RADIO 2026
9395, RAE ATTW in English with news --- make that olds!!! including
Juan Guaid? just recognized at State of the Union as the true
president of Venezuela --- that was on UT February 5!!

5800 // 9395, Spanish ID, World? music
5010 // 5850, different music, which?
7780, Wavescan, from HFCC KL repeat
9955, gospel huxter in English

5010 & 5800 off
5850, music
7780, Spanish via UTwente; probably Taiwan repeat
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5830, March 25 at 0610, S9+20 of dead air with some hum from
WTWW-1; much stronger signal than neighbour 5935 WWCR, anyway (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 711.00, March 26 at 0010, carrier hetting 710 KCMO has
become audible unlike before 0000. Fades stronger, so at 0032 I can
make out a SAHof 192/minute = 3.2 Hz. No modulation detectable. This
time I also DF it on the DX-398 and it`s NW/SE, certainly not from
Europe --- but the SAH may well be, such as Morocco.

After last night`s report I found many more reports of this mystery in
the IRCA iog, including:

``Mark Pettifor 4:16am #7391 --- First noticed by Bill Frahm on
Facebook. Looks like some kind of transmitter that's way off
frequency, or accidentally transmitting on 711. By nulling, the signal
seems to be coming from the direction of Cuba. Indeed, when tuning to
the Key West SDR, it's quite strong, with a hum. No regular audio,
just the hum (which I don't hear from my location).

Attached is a screenshot of 5-minutes' worth of signal from my
location here in northern Indiana (1020-1025 UTC), showing some audio
artifacts on 60 and 120 Hz. This was on the south DKAZ, and Cuba on
710 was also coming in well at that time. Mark Pettifor, Goshen, IN, 
KC9DOC / en71ao``

``Nick Hall-Patch 8:48am #7399  --- If it's a spur, it's widespread.
Noted as late a 0630 UT in Victoria (also viewable on the respective
DXFishbarrel), and seemed to be 711.000. At that time, I just assumed
that it was Laayoune and tried to get audio, but didn't stay up late
enough to see if it faded out at sunrise there. Nick``

Bill Whitacre 9:21am #7402 --- It was ?in? here [VA] ?til after
sunrise. Be interesting to see when/if it ?fades in? tonight ? here
and there``

The only reason Radio Rebelde is on 710 is to block ``wacky`` WAQI,
Miami; main one is 200 kW but there are 6 more across The Greatest
Violator of Human Rights of the Antilles, ranging from 1 to 50 kW. It
seems quite likely one of those is off-frequency; from a transmitter
with exact 1-kHz step tuning. Or almost, earing the het compared to
720 WGN, this one seems slightly on the plus side tonight. Overall,
not as outstronging as last night. 

BTW, as I was monitoring this, there was a burst of RF noise at 0052
--- sure enough, it`s my nearest street light igniting, horizon almost
clear at sunset 0048 UT. Usually I notice when tuning on SW; quite
wideband. Fortunately it diminishes as the light brightens (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA carrier search, starting at 0029 UT
March 26, 19 minutes before LSS: 1215, 1044, 936, 909, 774, 711 q.v.,
549; by 0043 also 891.

As for 774 which I reported with maybe 3 carriers beating last night,
I would tonight also, but remember that before, there has been a
spoiler in there, something local, unclear if receiver birdie or
external, but even more offset below 774.000, matching something
without any NDB ID, just below 387.0 of which 774 is 2 X. Previously,
but not now, this has also been detected on X 3 = 1162, and X 4 =
1548, both of which could also be taken for legit 9-kHz bandplan
signals (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0405 UT March 26

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 207, Issue 26

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