The reason is that the ROM/ROM Modules (Specifically ROM Module 47 (Adaptives))
have information on it that is specific to the HD it is mated to. Some times you
can be lucky to get a PCB to work with a HD, but do not run it too long, bad
things will happen.

What the Adaptives are is information on head weight, voltage needed to spin HD
up, voltage needed to for thermal assist metals inside the HD (Gimbal) and the
exact spindle rate (7211rpm). There is more, but those are the main issues.


On July 2, 2013 at 4:16 PM Thane Sherrington <>

> At 05:49 PM 02/07/2013, Tim Lider wrote:
> >You have a point there. In most cases, the jobs that go through our shop
> >here,
> >the HD fail due to power problems. These power problems are either
> >power spikes,
> >power drops, or shorts. Keep in mind HD's can not be repaired by replacing
> >the
> >PCB anymore, there is so much more involved.
> Why can't you replace the PCB?
> T
Tim Lider
Sr. Data Recovery Specialist
Advanced Data Solutions, LLC

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