Just in case you weren't concerned enough about security with all this fancy
Web 2.0 stuff.  Short story, if there is an authenticated cookie on your
machine for a site, it's pretty darn easy for a third party to send blind
GET requests posing as you to various websites.

Mp3 of the podcast or text/pdf of the transcript here:


Moral of the story, manually log out of websites which you don't want people
getting access to in your name (like banks, eBay, and Paypal).  Adblockers
that block images also provide some protection, but the CSRF Protector
add-on for Firefox is a better solution:


Brian Weeden
Technical Consultant
Secure World Foundation <http://www.secureworldfoundtion.org>
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

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