Just a heads up on problems I'm having, will let you know when it's resolved.

Running Nero Ultra on a fully updated MCE.

Initially all runs well.  I associate video files with Nero Showtime
(I like the spacebar pause).

Do a few burns.

Now I try to run a video file.  Nero Showtime bombs with an
uninformative error - Unable to update graph.  Now all files with a
video extension cause MCE to throw a 0xc0000005 error.  Even if you
click on the file to highlight it, it throws an error.  Apparently
some damage to the registry.  The only solution thus far is to do a
System Restore.

I've run through this scenario twice, so it's not a one-time fluke.
Nero has been informed.

I don't have this problem on 2000.  Currently using WMP only and
haven't burned on that system since the last restore.  Will definitely
not be using Showtime.

Fingers crossed and waiting.


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