Dear Christ,

apa sampeyan yan tempo hari pernah curhat di milis ini ttg bakat
sampeyan yang bisa merasakan sakit orang lain kah? (empath)

di milis Hu yang berbahasa inggris, saya menemukan sdr. Rustan sedang
ber-imel2an dengan seorang bule yang keknya punya pengalaman sama
dengan saudara. ini cuplikannya:

Dear Rustan,

Thank you & the Angels for the "Rain of Healing" I can already feel
the effects of it and feel much better now even after a couple of
days. I think I easily pick up other's emotions, since birth I was
born a sensitive (empath) it was my first gift and now since receiving
the healing you sent for me I'm dealing with negativies in a better
way by immediatly sending light to the one I'm picking up from
(instead of just absorbing it myself.) I've always been very empathic
and later  clairvoient, and a spiritualist, so it's easy for someone
like me to pickup illness, feelings, etc.I just have to be more aware
(even when I'm busy in the material day to day world working)

I am very much looking forward to the initiation. I do healing work
and think this will help me & others and the Earth to work with these
wonderful HU energies. In my healing work  I work with guides and ask
the Assended Master's, and Angels to assist me with healings I do, so
when I was invited to this site it was like going home to a place
where so many lightworkers were at. Many years ago in mediatation I
was told by Spirit that I was a Lightworker (at that time I did not
know exactly what that was or that there were many of us who were
sending energy to Mother Earth and sending energy to raise the
conciousness levels of humanity, etc) After receiving that message
from Spirit a long time ago I started hearing about the Lightworkers
and was delighted to know that I was not alone that there were many of
us! Now that I am a member of this site I have found fellowship. I
forward to working with the HU energies.
Thank you, Arlene
(you can post this if you desire too.)

mungkin Christ dan Arlene bisa saling berkenalan, sebagai sesama
empath tentu saja, karena yang punya bakat tsb kan tidak banyak.
Mungkin milis HU (Indonesia dan Inggris) bisa menjembatani anda
berdua. Mungkin juga ada karmic bond diantara anda berdua... who
knows? coba deh ditelusuri... saya ada feeling disini...

Perfect Harmony!

On Apr 14, 11:22 am, Christ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear para suhu HU,
> Dari posting arsip milis sptnya ada banyak jenis energi yang bisa diakses
> oleh praktisi HU.
> Q: Bagaimana cara mengaksesnya dan bagaimana pemanfaatannya.
> Salam harmonis,
> - (C)hrist -
> ~ Think positive; it's good for your health ~
** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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