Dear Ones,

We are going to give you the way to have World Peace and a solution to
every crisis you are facing in your life.

Now that we have your attention, we want to remind you of a simple
Truth. When the world of appearances is chaotic, there is only one
place where you can go to find the peace you are seeking, and that is
within your being. You will find yourself being drawn there very
naturally when you set your intention to have peace in your life.
Peace within you leads to peace on Earth, because your inner peace
will radiate into the world around you.

What we are suggesting is not new information but the effects are
profound. There are many ways to develop inner peace that have been
used for centuries and they are deceptive in their simplicity.

Creating a sacred space in your home can be of paramount importance to
begin this process. Set aside a place where you can go every day to
develop your “peace muscle,” for indeed, inner peace is a like a
muscle that may take practice to develop. Your sacred space need not
be elaborate but when you have a clean, uncluttered place to be in, it
will help calm your mind very quickly. You may choose a corner with a
chair that is comfortable to you or you may prefer a pillow on the

When you have a focal point of beauty, it adds to your practice in a
graceful way. Use a flat surface such as a table, or even a box will
do. Cover it with an attractive, clean cloth if the flat surface is
not pleasing to the eyes. Start with a candle to symbolize the Light
of God. Light this candle and ask for Peace to fill the world within
and around you. You will offer a profound service to the world when
you perform that simple act, as you are increasing the vibrational
frequency of energy where you are sitting. This beautiful energy of
peace will fill your life.

Flowers on this table are also very soothing, and offer great beauty
while they carry the energy of growth, inspiration and a connection to
Nature. When you place one flower in a vase next to the candle you
have in your focal point area, you are creating a sacred space in your
home in which you can sit in peace as you learn to BE.

Allow yourself a moment to do nothing but BE

Learning to BE is an essential component for a happy life. Many
structures people have relied on are crumbling, and great change is in
process. You will serve yourself, your family and your community
greatly when you take time to just BE. This being nature within you is
a quieter place that promotes inner peace. It thrives the more you
give yourself time in the sacred space you created in your home. Soon,
as this quiet space within you becomes more familiar, you will notice
yourself feeling more peaceful as you have expanded into your heart.
Your happiness begins there within you, not in your outer
circumstances. In your sacred space, you fill yourself with the Light
of God. Every time you intentionally give yourself time to breathe in
a conscious manner, you are breathing in light and allowing Divine
Love and Peace to fill every cell of your being. No matter how much
time you are able to give to your self, it will create profound change
within you.

This sacred space in a quiet corner of your home will become one of
your most valuable assets. In the midst of change, you have a place to
go where you can feel peace in your heart. Soon you only have to think
of your sacred space, and with a breath you will be there in your
mind. Imagine how this will affect your life, and those around you.
One person centered in the Light of Peace can create a profound shift
in the world around them. This person will hold a higher vibrational
frequency than others in the normal chaotic world where you have lived
for so long. Imagine how beautiful it would be if everyone were able
to attain this place of peace within.

A Witness to the World

Development of what has been called the witness consciousness is a
useful tool. It prepares you to notice the world around you with more
equanimity. When you can temper your responses to outward appearance,
you will feel much happier and have more peace in your life. Learning
to center your self in this witness place can be a key ingredient to
inner peace. You can begin the process by breathing in a more balanced
way, even when you are driving. To keep your center, your breath can
be an efficient tool.

A Balanced Breath is one where you breathe in the same number of
counts on the inhalation that you do on the exhalation. As you do
this, you begin to feel a sense of calm as your heart beats more
slowly. It enhances your experience when you imagine yourself
breathing in golden light with every inhalation, and releasing golden
light with every exhalation. This golden light literally carries the
presence of the Angels and holds the qualities of consciousness you
want in your world. You can be breathing in Divine Love with every in
breath, and breathing Peace into the world with every out breath.

And then there are Angels

One asset not to be discounted in order to bring you a sense of inner
peace would be the Angelic Dimensions. The Angels are very available
in these times of change. Have you noticed the digital clocks
repeating 11:11?  That is a moment with the Angels, opening a new
doorway in your mind where you can send energy in the direction you
intend. The Angelic Realms offer qualities of consciousness that
people crave in their lives, such as Divine Grace, Peace, Harmony,
Love, Clarity and Wisdom. You can invite these qualities into your
life and the Angels will strengthen the Light connecting you to these
qualities. It is a profound, prayerful way to live. A prayer for Grace
does not have to be difficult and wordy, but it does help the process
when you give yourself time to receive what you are asking for. Often
prayers may be on the fly and sound like, “Help, bring me peace.
Quickly. Now!” It is not that this prayer would not be useful, but
just imagine what might occur if you had used prayer as an intention
in your morning practice. It might sound more like this:

Dear God (Goddess, All that Is, Divine Presence, Spirit, or your
personal master teacher),

Thank you for bringing Divine Light into my life. I ask the Angels of
Grace and the presence of Divine Love to fill every fiber of my being,
so I may have more Peace in every area of my life. I bless my family,
my work and my being with this Light and I am profoundly grateful.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

When you add your thanks even before you see the results, this
attitude of gratitude increases your receptiveness. You can complete
the prayer with the traditional “Amen”, or as a closure, you can say,
“So be it,” or “So it is.”

Then stay where you are, and breathe for a few minutes. In these
simple ways you are empowering your life. Your prayers become a beacon
calling to you the light and wisdom you seek. Your breath becomes a
prayerful thought blessing the world. Create a sacred space where you
can dwell with the Angels. Ask for the Divine Light to fill you with
Grace, as well as all you need to bring you Peace, and then give
yourself time to breathe in the blessings being offered you at this

When you feel more at peace, breathe out these blessings and send
Peace to a world that needs you to be a Beacon of Light. As if you
were a lighthouse on a point of land in the vast ocean, the Divine
Light you send out into the world shines clearly in the dark night of
chaotic times. Your sacred space within and without allows you to do
the work of creating more Peace within you, and this creates Peace in
your world.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: March 30, 2010

This message from Archangel Gabriel may be shared with others as long
as it is used in its entirety and copyright credit is given to the
author, Shanta Gabriel,

Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of The
Gabriel Messages, compassionate wisdom from Archangel Gabriel that is
practical and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual
balance.  Shanta’s work with the Archangels was both unexpected and
spontaneous when she received a surprise visit from Archangel Michael
in 1988.  This huge winged being blessed her healing work with Light
and opened the way for communication from Archangel Gabriel in 1990.
Shanta has received messages from Gabriel since that time. She offers
these messages free of charge on her website and in her newsletter.
You can sign up for this service, see frequent postings, listen to her
meditations and interviews, or view her private sessions and workshops
on her website:

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **
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