*What is a Twin Flame?*

Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our
soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two
went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human
experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of
their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you
probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin.

NASA Hubble Telescope Photo

Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become
more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become
enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two
complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives
could be said to be "practice" for the twin, the ultimate relationship.

*What is a Soulmate?*

Soulmates are our soul family, the ones we do have many lifetimes and
experiences with, who help us grow and evolve, create and dissipate karma.
According to ancient wisdom, when the soul is "born" or descended from
Source, it is created in a group. The souls in this group are our soulmates,
ones who are very like us in frequency makeup. Then each of these souls is
split into two, creating the twins.

A soulmate is someone you are close to at a soul level, and with whom you
have had many shared experiences in different lifetimes, in various kinds of
relationships -- siblings, parent-child, best friend, as well as romantic
relationships. There is a deep love for each other, and a spiritual bond
that sets them apart from the superficiality of most other people in your
life. Conversations are generally deep, about personal growth and service to
make the world a better place. We can have many soulmates in our lives, and
they come to us to help us grow spiritually.
  [image: Twin Flames - Antera and Omaran]
Antera & Omaran at their wedding

*Have I Met My Twin?*

Twin Flame reunions are the most fulfilling relationships we can enter into
as humans, on all levels. However, twin flame couples have been extremely
rare on the planet, and for good reasons, which will be described later.
Despite this, we are finding that more and more twins are finding each other
now, because of the acceleration of spiritual transformation and
opportunities for soul evolution we are all experiencing. People are
evolving and learning and healing at such a fast rate that they are getting
ready for their twins faster. What used to take lifetimes to learn and heal,
people are now going through in years or even months. This is the astounding
level of acceleration we and the planet are going through.

When twins get together, it is for some kind of spiritual service work. This
is their primary reason for finding each other, because through their union
a huge birthing of creative energy is released, to be used for their mission
together. More and more twins are attempting to get together now to help the
planet and humanity make a big shift forward in consciousness.

However, many of these attempts at reunion are unsuccessful because the
individual people are not quite ready for the intensity of a twin flame
union. It is more intense than any other union, and this intensity is at a
soul level, not as much in the physical or even emotional bodies. This
doesn't mean that there isn't a good attraction at those levels as well, but
the strongest attraction is of spirit. This is one of the distinguishing
characteristics of a twin soul. Many people think they have met their twin
because the attraction is so intense, but it is a karmic attraction, one of
need or bodily desire rather than the Divine Love of twins.

Your chance of meeting and staying with your twin depends on how evolved
your soul is, and how much of your baggage from this and past lives you have
cleared. The biggest reason twins have to separate after coming together is
their individual emotional baggage. Because in the presence of your twin,
there can be nothing between you, nothing blocking your closeness. This
means that everything comes up for healing that you haven't previously
healed. Everything!

When twins reunite, both of them experience an acceleration of their
spiritual growth and awakening. They get on the fast track of learning about
esoteric wisdom and experiencing other states of consciousness. They usually
haven't been together all that often during their series of lives on the
planet, and so their backgrounds may be different. Yet, there is a closeness
and similarities of spirit that are almost uncanny, noticed in many ways,
such as looking back at yourself when you look at your mate, and a
remembering of the distant past when you first split up. Guidance is strong
with these relationships, and usually one or both have a good channel for
communication with Spirit. Their connection is telepathic, and hugging each
other is like coming home for nourishment.
  [image: Antera and Omaran]

*Antera and Omaran Are Twin Flames*

Shortly after they met in 1994, they each found this out independently,
through their guidance. They knew immediately that they were called together
by Spirit, but they had to overcome many obstacles to get together, then
many more to stay together.

In 1998, they were visited by St. Germain, who asked them to carry the Twin
Flame Archetype energies for the planet. They accepted, and special flames
were passed from the previous holders to them during a powerful ceremony on
the inner planes. After almost a year of probation (unknown to them until it
was over), they were taught more and more about how to use these flames.

Since then, Antera and Omaran have spread this knowledge of twin flames to
many people by sharing their story. Antera's book, Twin Flames: A True Story
of Soul Reunion <http://www.twinsong.us/press/twinflames.htm> describes the
intense experiences she and Omaran went through as they met, drew on Spirit
to overcome obstacles to their getting together, then were challenged to
heal all unresolved pain in their past so they could move forward with their
spiritual service. An amazing, inspiring story of True Love and faith for
The book has been turned into a two-person *musical*, which Antera and
Omaran perform. A CD of the songs from the musical, also called Twin
Flames<http://www.twinsong.us/records/twinflames.htm>is available.
They teach workshops, do lectures and performances, and help
many couples and individuals through personal sessions. They also do sacred

Sumber : http://www.soulevolution.org/twinflames/twinflames.htm

Sumber2 lainnya : http://www.harusami.com/soul2soul/twinsoul.html.

Untuk translate kedalam bahasa Indonesia copy paste halaman ini ke

Semoga bermanfaat.


** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **
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