Good morning Bart, 
Welcome into the harmonization-universal group.  Glad to meet a 
fellow-country-man here!
Martine :-)

--- On Tue, 12/23/08, b_nightchild74 <> wrote:

From: b_nightchild74 <>
Subject: [harmonization-universal] new comer
Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 12:54 AM


My name is Bart i'm 34 & from Belgium,
i'm still pretty new at much here as the same for the ascension or the
TM meditation.
It's all quite interesting to know how it works & how i can apply it
in my daily life & teach it to others when have completed my own
healing process.
For these days you read much on 2012 the 21st Dec. and many whom
seemingly only can talk about how it will cause mayhem to the world
now to hear this the polar shifts it has happend before but it brings
alot of negative thoughts inside a persons mind and fear can stop a
person from experiencing life as they should.
To start something i find that the text of the Buddha which tells:
we create the world with our thoughts.... ...
Which hold a truth as you look at the world.
So here at the harmonization- universal one can go forth from it that
one will be able to find everything needed to either heal myself & so
by this heal others as the same.
Now i'm still wandering about to find more on lessons on the
metaphysical and how it works and how you can adept it.
I sometimes come across some good PDF files so when ever i can find
something i can add them to the list......
My girlfriend once told me about why do you not follow some lessons so
i'm planning to take some online courses(distant learning)and to learn
how to use the energy's more better so i can teach her as the same.

A great Holidays to everyone & have a good 2009
Greetings from Belgium



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