The Jewish Community Library is proud to present an innovative public radio
program for the Days of Awe:  "The Jewish New Year:  A Time to Forgive"

Airdate:  Wednesday, 10/1 at  9p.m. on KPCC 89.3 FM - Southern California
Public Radio
(Telephone:  626.585.7000)

Hosted by noted film and theater actor, Arye Gross, this program presents an
impressive roster of wise and witty rabbis and performers exploring  the
nature of forgiving and forgiveness.

Featuring:  Rabbis Elliot Dorf, Naomi Levy, Perry Netter, Debra Orenstein and
Harold Schulweis as well as performers and writers Al Franken, Josh
Kornbluth, Rodger Kamenetz.
Has aired in various PR stations thoruout the nation including Colorado, 
Maine, California, New Jersey

Executive Producer: Abigail Yasgur, Producer: Johanna Cooper
hour long program available for purchase (on CD) $12.95
Check payable to JCLLA, 6505 Wilshire Blvd. #300
Los Angeles, CA 90048

For more info call The Jewish Community Library at  1.888.800.BOOK .

Abigail Yasgur, M.L.S., Director
Jewish Community Library of Los Angeles
"promoting Jewish literacy"

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