I haven't read all the materials, but school
librarians in AJL might be interested in this.

-Stanley Nachamie

  Date: 16 Feb 2005 11:00:07 -0000
  Subject: Application Deadline Extended to March 15!
  Apply for a We the People Bookshelf Grant
  From: "ALA Public Programs Office"

  Attention Public and School (K-12) Librarians:

  The American Library Association (ALA) and the
  National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) are
  accepting applications for the We The People
  Bookshelf on Freedom grants.  Part of the NEH's We
  the People initiative, the annual grant project will
  award sets of 15 classic books for young readers to
  1,000 libraries across the country.  Libraries
  interested in receiving the collection are required
  to develop and host a program to introduce the
  collection and its theme of freedom to students
  and/or patrons.

  Guidelines and applications are available at
  www.ala.org/wethepeople .  Applications will be
  accepted online until February 16, 2005.

  ALA Public Programs Office
  Linking Libraries, Communities, and Culture

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