Yelena Luckert
  Librarian for History, Jewish, Slavic and Women's Studies
  University of Maryland Libraries
  College Park, MD 20742

  Dear Yelena,

  In reply to your message in Hasafran of February 8, and after 
consulting with Dr. Carl Rheins,
  Executive Director of YIVO, here is our reply to your memo.

  The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is an independent research 
institute with very a strong
  Library and Archives. In collaboration with New York University, 
YIVO offers a six weeks long
  summer program in Yiddish language and Culture, thus fulfilling the 
language requirements
  for many graduate students.

  YIVO applauds the initiative of the University of Maryland to 
establish a certificate and/or
  Master> '> s degree in Judaica Librarianship. The need for this 
program is evident to anyone
  who attends the AJL annual conventions, where the majority of 
participants are very close
  to retirement age, and there are very few young professionals who 
are ready to replace them.

  In our view there is a national need for both a Certificate and a 
Master> '> s degree, depending on
  the candidates' chosen career track. To limit the program to part 
time graduate students living
  in the Greater Washington area would be short sighted and would 
ignore the needs of the field,
  which are national in scope.

  Both programs should combine online courses with some on-site 
lectures, perhaps in the
  summer time. For MA candidates the University of Maryland needs to 
consider offering
  research assistantships, graduate student housing and possibly 
gradate student summer support.
  While we acknowledge the career driven focus of the program, 
including the use of Internet
  based courses, we also recommend to the University a small 
residential program with
  an initial cohort of 10 students the first year.

  In addition, the program should offer a practicum or internship in 
the Judaica Division of the
  Library of Congress, which is just a few miles away from the 
University of Maryland at
  College Park. The new program should strive to combine the 
practical aspects of librarianship
   -- perhaps one or two courses taken at the school of librarianship 
--     with the academic
  grounding in Jewish History as well as Jewish languages (reading 
knowledge of Hebrew,
  Yiddish, Ladino) and Jewish literatures (at least a survey of 
Bible, Talmud, Midrash, and Responsa).
  Of course the Master> '> s degree courses would delve into these 
topics more deeply than the Certificate program.

  Finally, please note that YIVO, Stanford, and the NY Public (Dorot 
Jewish Division) are already
  on record in supporting the concept of paid internships for truly 
worthy MA candidates.

  We hope that this input would encourage your administration to 
embark on this worthy project,
  and wish you every success.


  Aviva E. Astrinsky
  Head Librarian

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