Again This Year
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Once again we will collect voluntary donations to Mazon at the AJL 
Convention Banquet. Please see the message below:

MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

The only national Jewish organization whose sole focus is hunger 
relief, Mazon helps to provide nourishment and promote 
self-sufficiency for hundreds of thousands of people at risk of 
hunger in America, Israel and around the world.

Mazon is a leader in the global anti-hunger movement. Since 1985 
Mazon has granted tens of millions of dollars to emergency food 
providers, food banks, multi-service organizations and advocacy 
groups that seek solutions to the problem of hunger.

Our support makes it possible!

The AJL's convention started a tradition of its own:  we have 
generously given to MAZON in Cambridge, Scottsdale, and Cleveland, 
and we want to make Chicago as memorable!

We will be placing Mazon envelopes on the tables at the banquet, and 
ask you to give from the heart.

Thank you


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