Special prices on these $8.50 postpaid for one of $12.50 postpaid for 
both within the US. Additional shipping elsewhere. We ship and bill 
to libraries, though it isn't too soon to think about Hanukkah. Call 
415-831-3228 or email to order or reserve copies.

All the best,

The Books

Hesse, Karen. "The Cats in Krasinski Square." New York, Scholastic 
Press, 2004. ISBN: 0-439-43540-4. Large oblong royal octavo, 32 pp., 
color illustrations by Wendy Watson. Hardbound. Very 
Good.  (50305)Author of "Letters from Rifka" by Karen Hesse a Sydney 
Taylor winner for older readers in 1992 and "Brooklyn Bridge" in 2009 
again for older readers. This title is for younger readers. A story 
"about cats outfoxing the Gestapo at the train station during World 
War II." Hesse also won a Newberry award in 1998 for "Out of Her Dust."

Michelson, Richard. "As Good As Anybody: Martin Luther King Jr. and 
Abraham Joshua Heschel's Amazing March Toward Freedom." New York, 
Alfred A. Knopf, 2008. First Edition. ISBN: 978-0-375-83335-9. Quarto 
in dust jacket, 40 pp., color illustrations by Raul Colon. Hardbound. 
Very Good. The Winner of the 2009 Sydney Taylor Jewish Book Award. (50304)
Henry Hollander, Bookseller
843 Twenty-Fourth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

tel 415-831-3228


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