From: Elise Fischer
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:27 PM
To: Aviva Astrinsky
Subject: FW: Fleeing Nazi Germany to success in America?

Jewish woman's captivating story of fleeing pre-Nazi Germany to 
success in America

MIAMI BEACH – A Jewish woman who not only escaped Nazi Germany but 
predicted massive killing of the Jews shares her exceptional life story.

Margo Young wrote her memoir, A Voyage Through Time, to share her 
unique voyage from leaving Hamburg, Germany at the age of 18 by 
herself and arriving in New York by boat towards the end of the Great 
Depression, facing an uncertain future. She started out as a 
housemaid making only $25.00 per month.

Her family did not have the necessary papers to immigrate with her, 
but after about a year she managed to bring her family to the United 
States with the help of complete strangers.

"With ambition, anyone can reach their goals," says Young. "After 
being a housemaid and only making $25.00 per month, I finally became 
a successful business partner. This book offers hope and inspiration 
to reach their goals."

Margo Young escaped one of the most devastating events in human 
history because of her determination. A Voyage Through Time is not 
only captivating but also inspiring for future generations looking 
for a story of survival, hope and ambition.

"My life is true testament that with determination, anything is 
possible," says Young. "The risk I took in 1938 saved my life and I 
have not looked back since then. A Voyage Through Time offers hope – 
hope that with ambition and determination you can achieve your dreams"

A Voyage Through Time
Margo Young
ISBN 9781438958743
Paperback 6x9 Retail Price: $11.60
Available at

About the author: Margo Young is a Jewish immigrant who escaped Nazi 
Germany in 1938 for a better life in America. She has had an 
extremely successful life in both business and personal 
endeavors.  Young is a breast cancer survivor and currently resides 
in Bal Harbour, Florida outside of Miami.


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