A little too late - Sorry

My mother used to say: Esrogim nokh Sukes

Hasafran Moderator

Dear Safranim,
Just a brief break from cleaning and cooking to wish you all a 
beautiful and memorable Pesach. I wrote a poem about the seder that I 
am copying below for you to enjoy:


Freedom must come from order.

Order in our lives gives us freedom to explore.

Order to our thoughts leaves room for imagination.

Order in our telling gives meaning to our story.

This is the order of our seder:

First we bless the candles

Then we bless the wine.

A holy space is thereby marked in our mundane world.

We are commanded to welcome and to serve the needy.

Now we can welcome the stranger.

Let all who are hungry, come and eat.

Wash hands.

Prepare a clean space for freed hearts.

Dip the greens in salty tears.

The symbol of spring replaces the winter of weeping.

Renewal of hope in the pool of misery.

Next we break the middle matzah.

The bread of affliction,

Symbol of our haste,

Is broken in its heart.

The hidden piece allows us to hold back

Let our hurry wait.

After dinner, after the story is told,

We will search for that HIDDEN PIECE,

The piece we need to be whole.

And why?

Why do we celebrate?

Why do we eat like this?


Ask and answer.

Ah, the story…

Let me tell you…

If you only knew…

You wouldn't believe it…

But, it's true!

The ten plagues recounted



A second cup of wine

Halleluyah, we praise G-d.

Matzah to eat

(To eat, at last!)

Matzah alone, Matzah and bitter herbs, Matzah and sweet charoset 
dipped in bitter herbs.

Charoset and Matzah. And Charoset. More Charoset.

Not ever enough sweetness to replace bitter memory.

Dinner, too?

Dayenu! Enough food.

Find the afikomen.

Now blessings.

We welcome Elijah

Not stranger but guide.

We are free,

But we are promised more than mere freedom.

Bring us Shalom, the wholeness of peace.

Two more cups of wine.

Next year together again in health, we pray.

Sing then of our journey

 From bondage to freedom

 From narrow thoughts to open acceptance

 From sorrow to joy.

Thank G-d for our seder

Thank G-d for our freedom

Thank G-d for our lives.

Wishing everyone a hag sameach v'kasher,
Susan Dubin
AJL President


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