Dear Friends,

We at Jerusalem Books are pleased to announce that our Website is 
back on line. We apologize for the temporary and unexplained crash of 
our site.

We view this event as an opportunity for us to improve our website. 
We will try and post more catalogs in scrollable PDF format and make 
other changes and additions.

As the world of Israeli books and Hebrew Literature doesn't rest in 
the summer months we would like to bring to your attention some 
important and interesting new titles.

Amos Oz, recently published his latest novel in Hebrew, 'Haruzei 
Ha-Hayim ve-Hamavet.' The book about a writer in Tel Aviv, and much 
more, was published by Keter, Tel Aviv 2007, isbn # 
965-07-1526,  Cat. 63095,  $ 21.00.

Another important work not to be missed is A.B. Yehoshua's, 'Esh 
Yedidutit,' Friendly Fire,' which was published by Kibbutz Meuhad,

Tel Aviv, 2007, Cat.# 62807,  $ 25.00.

Victory Over Hitler, is the title of Avraham Burg's latest work. The 
book has generated much interest and controversy and is both the 
autobiographical look into a family of Jewish refugees from Nazi 
Germany, the experiences of growing up in Israel from the trial of 
Eichman to wars and conflict with Arab countries and Palestinians. 
Along the way the author, former MK, government minister and head of 
the Jewish Agency, analyzes and challenges many concepts and 
conclusions about the Holocaust and Israel.   This book was also 
published by Miskal – Yediot – Hemed, publishing, Tel Aviv, 
2007.  isbn 965-482-460-4. Cat. 63903,  $ 25.00.

After mentioning these well known male authors it seems correct to 
mention that Dr. Rivka Nardi has written another book about feminism 
and equality in the modern world. Although the book is in Hebrew and 
includes case studies of  Israeli Men and Women, the book is a 
scholarly look at relations between the sexes in society, religion, 
work and home. The book is entitled, 'Nashim Hasrot Mano'ah,' and is 
translated as, 'Timeless Women,' perhaps to avoid any negative 
connotations of, Restless Women, (which is the literal translation)? 
The book cites many important Israeli academic institutions, studies, 
organizations, like Na'amat, and includes a bibliography of feminism 
including many important Israeli sources. Published by Pardes, Haifa 2007.

  Isbn.978-965-7171-46-2 , Cat. 64002,  $22.00.

This leads nicely into the area of Rabbinics / Sifrei Kodesh and 
'Mahshevet.' Marla Frankel,  has written an important book on Jewish 
Thought and Philosophy, on 'Torata shel Nehama Leibowitz,' the 
outstanding and influencial, Jewish Philosopher, Teacher and scholar, 
of the 20th Century. The book which is part of the Yahadut Kan 
ve-Akhshav series by Miskal, Yediot – Sifrei Hemed, Tel Aviv 2007, 
isbn 965 – 482 – 287 – 3.  Cat. # 63901,  $24.00.

Mossad Harav Kook  has published an interesting and important 
collection of articles by R' Ovadia Yossef, (former Chief Rabbi), 
Sefer Masa Ovadiyah, delivered at conferences on Oral Law. The issues 
he discusses include Women's status, Medicine and Shabbat, returning 
land – principle of preserving life – 'piku'ah nefesh,' to mention a 
few. Of course this volume traverses the subjects of Halakha – Jewish 
Law and Mahshevet Yisrael – Jewish Thought and Philosophy. Cat #64379,

   $ 22.00.

In the realm of new, exceptional Hebrew books from Israel, I would 
like to mention, 'Darka shel Halakha, by Daniel Sperber, about the 
legal judgements of Jewish scholars regarding women reading the 
Torah. The distinguished author is a recipient of the Israel Prize, a 
rabbi, and the president of the Torah Institute at Bar Ilan 
University. The scholarly work, which includes history and philosophy 
has serious footnotes, sources and quotes from classic rabbinic 
sources. Lastly, the book comes out published by Reuven Mass, which 
is this year, celebrating their 80th year.

Cat. # 64170, $25.00.

The title 'Meh'karei Eliezer,' is an example of a title which hides a 
significant, milestone, work behind what could be an opaque and 
obscure title.  The book, is a collection of articles and research 
papers, by Prof. Eliezer Bashan on the Jewish Sepahrdic Diaspora in 
the East and West.  The topics, which vary from Jewish and World 
History from the 16th to 20th Centuries CE, to the relations, 
political, religious and otherwise with the Moslem and Christian 
Worlds, Greek, Turkish, North Africa. It is published jointly by 
Ashkelon Academic College, which is a branch of Bar Ilan University 
and Orot Yahadut Hamagreb, Israel 2007, Cat. #64381, 

The hot weather continues in Arizona but it did not impede a very 
successful AJL.

Thank you all once again for your interest in us and what we do.



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Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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