Stories of a Revolutionary Movement
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Book Release:  Partners in Torah, Partners in Eternity

The Personal Stories, the Life-Changing Encounters

Targum Press

22700 W. Eleven Mile, Southfield, MI 48034

Contact Israel Office: 02-651-3355

Allison Fried/Marketing Director

"He's more than my learning partner. He's my gateway to a meaningful life."

Jerusalem, Israel (May 2009) ­ Over one decade ago, a dedicated 
Jewish outreach rabbi set out on a mission: to connect Jewish souls 
to their heritage via a personal learning partner. His kernel of 
inspiration, so simple in theory, yet so complex in design, soon 
blossomed into Partners in Torah, the revolutionary Torah study program.

To date, this international organization has connected more than 
30,000 intellectually curious Jews ­ by phone or in person ­ with 
custom-picked partners to match their personalities and goals. A 
division of Torah Umesorah, Partners in Torah has made Jewish 
knowledge accessible to all Jews at no cost, and regardless of their 
location, background, or denomination.

Now, Targum Press joins Partners in Torah with the release of 
Partners in Torah: Partners in Eternity: The Personal Stories, the 
Life-Changing Encounters, a remarkable testimonial to the power of a 
study partner, and to the incredible bond that is created when two 
Jews learn together. Compiled by founder and director Rabbi Eli 
Gewirtz, it offers a glimpse into the lives of hundreds of partners 
as they find common ground in the Torah's timeless wisdom and jointly 
discover how their lives are immeasurably enriched by their Torah partnerships.

In this magnificent collection, you'll meet people from all over and 
from across the spectrum. You'll read of Jews who stumbled across 
their partners ­ and their heritage ­in the most unexpected places 
and ways. The conservative Rabbi whose worldview was revolutionized 
by a chasidic scholar, the young woman who found her way to Judaism 
through Catholic friends who met a nice Jewish guy in Home Depot ­ 
their fascinating individual odysseys ­ along with hundreds more ­ 
are all vividly portrayed, in a warm and personal way.

An inspiring journal of incredible journeys, Partners in Torah: 
Partners in Eternity is the voice of Jews reclaiming their heritage; 
it's the voice that shows how a weekly learning session can become a 
transformative dynamic of two Jewish souls learning and growing together.


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