You may have seen this already, but just in case you haven't...

this translation with annotations, appendixes and indices by Professor Uri 
Rubin.  Published by Tel Aviv University Press and MAPA publishers.  600 
pages, hardcover.  $41.50  (surface shipping for the single volume  $5.00, 
airmail $10.00)

The following was on

TEL AVIV - A new and updated Hebrew translation of the Koran, the book 
sacred to Islam, hit the bookstores nationwide this week.

The Koran is regarded by Muslims worldwide as the foundation of Islam, the 
revelation of god, and the final authority. Hundreds of millions of Muslims 
are able to quote entire sections of the Koran by heart and they live their 
life by its strict doctrines.

The latest translation was translated from Arabic into Hebrew by Uri Rubin, 
Professor of Arabic and Islam at Tel Aviv University and a world acclaimed 
expert on the Koran and its interpretations.

The translation was published as part of a new series on religion edited by 
Aviad Kleinberg, a professor of history at Tel Aviv University .

Three earlier translations preceded this edition; the first by Hermann 
Reckendorf was published in 1857. Yosef Yoel Rivlin translated the second 
version in 1937, which until now was viewed as the most popular, with 
several editions printed throughout the years.

The third version of the Koran was translated by Aaron Ben Shemesh and was 
published in 1971.

According to Rubin there has been a need for a new translation for years as 
the earlier versions were too complex to understand without the Arabic text.

Sasson Somekh, a professor emeritus of Arabic literature at Tel Aviv 
University, agreed with Rubin, saying there was certainly a need for a new 

"Rubin's translation is very simple, lucid and void of trying to make an 
impression. The text is accompanied by convenient footnotes and easy to 
understand interpretations," he said

Please contact to order. thanks. wendy

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books
POB 26190
Jerusalem 91260
972-2-6433580 (tel/fax)

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