Lecture: Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity

It has been 350 years since Spinoza's excommunication by the Jewish 
community of Amsterdam. The explosive issues the rift raised and 
Spinoza's responses are very much with us today - the limits of 
religion's tolerance of freedom of thought; the conflicting claims of 
universalism and sectarianism; and strict separation of church and 
state. With the principle of separation of church and state being 
eroded today, YIVO is proud to host a unique event. Rebecca 
Goldstein, philosopher and novelist, in conversation with Jonathan 
Rosen, author and Editorial Director, Nextbook, will explore the man 
who first enunciated this critical principle and the circumstances 
that led to it.

May 24, 2006
Center for Jewish History
15 W. 16th Street Between 5th and 6th Avenues
New York, NY 10011
$15/$7 Students
For tickets call (917) 606-8200 or go to www.ticketweb.com

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