Dear Colleagues,
         After sending the last email, I 'googled' the subject and it 
came right up.  For anyone interested, this film is wonderful.    It 
is now available on DVD. I highly recommend it.  It's called Let's 
Bake Matzos and it's from Sholom B. Goldstein NTSC.   You can get it 
from, a Chabad website.   Well worth showing to kids 
ages 6-10.  I used to show it every year at  Yeshivah Har Torah.

         In addition, I just returned from an organic farming 
workshop where I attended sessions about growing organic grains here 
in New York State. The main producer,ho was one of the presenters, 
spoke about growing grain for matzah.  He said that when he follows 
the rabbincal laws, he gets the very best grain product.   I intend 
to follow up on this and whatever information of interest  I can 
gather, I will pass along.   Marion

Marion M. Stein, Librarian
The Abraham Joshua Heschel High School
20 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10023
(212) 246-7717 Ext 11639

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