Dear Safranim:

I am pleased to announce the publication of "My Yeshiva College: 75 
Years of Memories," a collection of essays that I have recently 
co-edited celebrating the past seventy-years of Yeshiva College, 
written from the perspective of former students and faculty 
members-many of whom still teach at and are involved with Yeshiva 
today. The book is an important contribution to the literature about 
Judaism in the 20th century and gives a real feel for how Yeshiva 
College has impacted its students and the broader American community.

The volume follows the course of Yeshiva College's history, beginning 
with the nascent years under founder and first president Rabbi Dr. 
Bernard Revel, into the years of rapid growth under Rabbi Dr. Samuel 
Belkin, and into the last two and half decades of leadership under 
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm.

"My Yeshiva College: 75 Years of Memories" includes autobiographical 
memoirs by some of Yeshiva College's most prominent graduates and 
faculty members, including Ruth A. Bevan, Michael J. Broyde, Hillel 
Furstenberg, Irving Greenberg, Lawrence Grossman, Joan G. Haahr, 
Nathaniel Helfgot, Jerry Hochbaum, Nathan Kamenetsky, Barry J. 
Konovitch, Eugene Korn, Norman Lamm, B. Barry Levy, Aharon 
Lichtenstein, Moses Mescheloff, Yehudah Mirsky, Emanuel Rackman, 
Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff, Marvin Schick, Alvin Schiff, Abraham D. 
Sofaer, Fred Sommers, Chaim I. Waxman, Leon Wildes, Efraim Zuroff and 
dozens of others!

The book includes an introduction by President Richard Joel of 
Yeshiva University, an afterword Dr. Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis 
University and appendix by Dr. Chaim Waxman of Rutgers University. 
The back cover includes a never-before-published passage from Mr. 
Herman Wouk, Pulitzer Prize winner and a professor at Yeshiva College 
during the mid-1950s.

The publisher advises that the books can be bought from local 
bookstores, Baker & Taylor, and (ISBN 1-933143-12-6).

Menachem Butler, (Yeshiva College '06)
President, Student Organization of Yeshiva (SOY), Yeshiva University

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