The Yiddish Family Cookbook / Dos Familien Kokh-Bookh

Authored by H. Braun
Translated by Beverly B. Weingrod

Step back into the world of our mothers and grandmothers! Weingrod's 
translation of H. Braun's Dos Familien Kokh Bookh evokes the smells, 
the nostalgia, the wisdom, and of course the recipes of the old 
Yiddish kitchen. This cookbook combines a nutritionist's regard for 
health with the plenty and culinary experience of the New World. The 
nuances of cooking in America were eagerly followed by the Jewish 
women of the early 1900s, hungry to adapt to their new land, while 
keeping the laws of kashrut and absorbing up-to-date information 
about healthy eating. The English translation of a large and 
representative portion of the original book includes the charming 
introduction to food categories, replete with their cautions and 
admonitions. It retains the familiar cadence, syntax and lilt of 
Yiddish in the informal manner of neighborly advice combined with old 
traditional wisdom. The actual recipes, over 200, allow a peek into 
the heart of the Jewish kitchen of those days: the ingredients that 
were available, how to preserve food essentials, and ways to avoid 
questionable products and merchants. Above all, the book claims the 
remarkable ability, under these early conditions, to turn out meals - 
as the subtitle suggests - in the style of American, French, Italian 
and German cooking. Hasia Diner, in a comprehensive introduction to 
the book, applies her extensive knowledge of early immigrant foodways 
to place Dos Familien Kokh Bookh in historic context: "...anyone 
interested in food history, American Jewish history, Yiddish culture, 
women's history, and the history of the great East European Jewish 
migration to the United States will have a chance to experience that 
culture through its food and food ways."

Publication Date: Oct 2010

ISBN/EAN13:  1452897425 / 9781452897424

Page Count: 190

Binding Type: US Trade Paper

Trim Size: 7" x 10"

Language: English

Color: Black and White

To order:

Beverly Weingrod will be speaking on Nov 7th in Los Angeles.  She can 
be reached by email at

Shabbat shalom.


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