Dear Friends,

In Hebrew Literature we should note some important works, such as, 
Aharon Appelfeld'slatest, 'El Eretz ha-Gome,' 'To the Land of the 
Reeds. The tale of a journey of mother and son across pre-war Europe 
and across cultures and identities.     Published by Kineret 
ZmoraBitan. Cat. # 70676  $ 25.00

Next, lets stay with Hebrew Literature and it's overlap with 
Philosophy, Jewish Thought and Israel and Zionism. Dr. Taub has 
written a novel, which weaves literature and those other fields as 
well, in, 'Allenby,' an Israeli story which explores Zionism. Some 
may think that this is a Tel Aviv version of secular Zionism but that 
is the author's point.  Published by YediotHemed, isbn 
978-965-482-851-2,  Cat. # 704706   $ 25.00

This contrasts very nicely with a new important work of modern 
Hebrew, Israeli fiction, by Emily Amrosi, 'Teris,' English title: 
Settler. This book depicts strong characters from the uncontrollable, 
nationalist youth to the confusion and ambivalence of religious 
Zionist men and women. Published by Zemora Bitan isbn 
978-965-517-392-5.  Cat. # 71166  $ 25.00

These works straddle and overlap many areas from Hebrew Literature to 
Jewish Thought, Philosophy and more.

Research on the Shoah goes on and I recommend, 'Previously Unexplored 
sources on the Holocaust in Hungary,' subtitled: a selection from 
Jewish Periodicals 1930-1944, by Anna Szalai, Rita Horvath and Gabor 
Balazs, Yad Vashem (2007), isbn  978-965-308-300-4.  The work in 
English, paperback, which is a collection of articles is scholarly, 
academic and revealing. It casts light on Jewish publications of the 
period, the cultural and religious pressure and oppression. Jewish 
political and philosophic responses to the situation are documented 
and examined. Issues and statistics regarding assimilation and 
conversion to Christianity are also analyzed. This book is a must for 
any library of History or Jewish Studies. Cat. #   70690  $36.50

In the realm of Rabbinic works, Sifrei Kodesh: Mossad Harav Kook has 
released a fresh crop of important works.

Sefer Hagan,  Classic Bible commentary of the 13th Cent. CE. This 
important work from manuscript is first being published now from one 
of the Baale ha-Tosefot, R' Aharon ben R' YossiHaCohen. Cat. # 71164 $ 29.00

Rishonim LeZion Hine Hinam, by Geula Bat Yehuda, edited by the noted 
scholar Yitzhak Alfasi, by Geula Bat Yehuda. This work contains much 
information on many Palestinian / Israeli Rabbis.  Cat. # 71165  $ 22.00

Hamitzpe al Rambam, by R' Polin.   Cat 71163 $ 23.00  (vol. 3 !)

Finally, also from Mossad Harav Kook, 'Perush Ha-Ramban le-Yerushalmi 
Seder Nezikin.'This is an important new work, scholarly, with 
footnotes, cites, introduction, edited by YoelFlorsheim.    Cat. # 
71158  Cat. $ 26.00

On Halacha in particular and Jewish Law in general I would like to 
mention that MoreshetHamishpat has published 'Shutfut nehasim,' by 
Prof. Nahum Rackover.

This is a work on the nexus between Jewish Law and Civil law 
regarding joint ownership of property.  Cat . # 70860    $49.00

Also on Halacha, Sefer Mishnat Yisrael, published by the author 
Yisrael Wineman, examines the law of proper behavior, relations 
between man and his fellow man. The work is rabbinic not academic but 
scholarly with indices to Talmud, Poskim, Shulhan Arukh,Aharonim, 
Responsa and Hafetz Hayim.  Cat. #71200    $ 32.00

In a prior newsletter we mentioned that Eti Ankri released a CD in 
which she sings YehudaHalevy and got a strong response, now, we would 
like to announce that Bary Sakharov has released a music CD singing 
the piyutim, liturgical poetry of Ibn Gavirol, AdumeHa-Sefatot.  The 
CD includes a booklet of the 11th Cent CE Hebrew texts from Spain 
Cat.# 71194 $ 27.00

I would like to say that I especially look forward to seeing many 
good friends at the upcoming AJL in Chicago. I am especially proud 
that this year I am celebrating ten years of working, learning and 
leading Jerusalem Books ltd.


Jeff Spitzer

Jerusalem Books Ltd.

POB 26190

Jerusalem, 91261, Israel

(Tel) 972-2-642-6653/6576

(Fax)  972-2-643-3580


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