Dear Friends,

Regarding material published in Israel I occasionally prefer to mention the 
more popular material and not just, say, archaeology at Lachish. I contend 
that sometimes in music CDs, museum catalogs or even Haggadot we can often 
learn so much from language to social trends, influences and history.

A new significant CD has come out with Yossi Banai Reading Tehillim 
(Psalms) - (or in Hebrew.... Yossi Banai Koreh Tehilim) . This of course is 
of multi - disciplinary interest and defies categorization.  The blurb on 
the back of this boxed set reads:  "The 19 Psalms read by Yossi Banai, one 
of the greatest Israeli actors, to original music by Jonathan Bar Giora, 
and the book of Psalms, presented to the modern Hebrew reader by Dr. Moshe 
Anat, illuminate the sublime art of the Hebrew poets who wrote The Book of 
Psalms thousands of years ago."  (Tov, so the english blurb isn't great but 
you get the picture.) But this boxed set is impressive - it includes the 
CD, with an English and Hebrew listing of the tracks and a hardcover copy 
(about 8.5" x 6") of Tehilim in Hebrew. This would not only make a 
wonderful educational tool but also a beautiful present.  Cat. # 55797 $24.00

'To Fall in Love with Israel,' (Lehit'ahev be-'Erets Yisrael)  is a new 
book of walks in Israel by the author (Israel researcher) Ofer Regev, and 
includes history with discovery by focusing not on the wars and battles 
associated with places but rather, love stories. For example in Jerusalem 
the life and love of Eliezer Ben Yehuda and the house in Talpiot. Also Shai 
Agnon and his beloved wife who alone could read his handwriting and type 
his work.  Cat. #55439  $22.00

Dr. Yael Levine, (PhD Bar Ilan) has published, 'Midrashei Bitya Bat 
Paroh,'  which is a critical scholarly work on this and other Midrashim and 
the characters, role models, influence and perception of women in Judaism. 
She includes many cites and references as well as Aramaic translation and 
even the 'Mi she-berakh,' of 19th Cent. Rahel Luzzato. Cat .#55238 $12.50

In the area of History and Holocaust study we must mention Rav Lau's 
holocaust memoir from Buchenwald to Israeli Rabbinate, 'Al Tishlakh Yad el 
ha-Yeled,' Cat. #55542  $24.00  Also on Sho'ah is  'To Bear Witness,' on, 
as the title suggests, 'Holocaust Remembrance at Yad Vashem,' soft cover 
(the hard cover is out of print). Cat. #55040 $42.00

From, Michlala Yerushalyim there is a new important work entitled 'Yedei 
Moshe, drashot bemahane hesger biyame ha-sho'ah.' Which include Drashot - 
Sermons given in the concentration camp. The Michlala is a girl's college 
in Jerusalem.  Cat. # 55828 $13.50. They have also produced some new 
important holocaust documentaries on CD. 'Lemi she-Asfani,' is the 
testimony of Lea Nevenzal, an Israeli poet who survived the holocaust being 
hidden by a Polish familiy.  Another CD is called 'Mizvafda she'ih efshar 
lakakhat,' is about Jewish life in Europe at the time of the holocaust. and 
a third, 'Be-Tsar Kenafeih / Yomano shel ha-Na'ar Moshe'.  Each of these 
CDs are $35.00

On behalf of all of us at Jerusalem Books, I would like to wish all of you, 
our colleagues and friends, a Happy & Healthy Shavuot and a great AJL 
convention in California, and I look forward to seeing you there.  (Please 
stop by our table and say hello!)

Jeff Spitzer

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