To elaborate on Dina Tanners helpful remarks:

If you are searching for copies of books formerly published by Jason 
Aronson Rowman and Littlefield has taken over their catalog. You can search 
for Aronson titles by using the search window on their website which is at  However, not all of the Aronson titles 
that are available through R & L come up through the search. If the title 
you want does not come up then it is best to call them on the telephone. 
Their contact information for customer service is as follows: Toll free: 
(800) 462-6420, FAX: (800) 338-4550, 

If the book really is out of print you can then proceed to search the 
metasearch engines for used and out of print books. These are  and  Bookfinder will 
also bring up results for many new book sellers. At some point I will 
prepare my opinionated survey and advice on how to locate used and out of 
print books on the internet, but give these sites a try for now and you 
will start to learn it all for yourselves without my idiosyncratic 

Of course, at any point along the line you could seek out the aid of a new 
and or used Judaica bookseller on or off this list.

Best Regards,
Henry Hollander

Henry Hollander, Bookseller
843 Twenty-Fourth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
fax 415-831-3226

Jewish books in all fields and languages.

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