History Sponsored by YIVO
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  YIVO Educational Program (EPYC)
  Educators From Around the Globe at EPYC Seminar this June

  (June 7, 2006 - New York) The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research 
will sponsor a unique three-day educational training program in 
Eastern European Jewish history and Yiddish culture (EPYC), beginning 
Tuesday, June 27 through Thursday June 29, 2006, at the Center for 
Jewish History (15 West 16th St., New York City). The EPYC Educators 
Seminar will introduce lead educators to YIVO's wealth of cultural 
treasures and educational resources.  Thanks to major funding by the 
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc., a broad 
group of educators from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Lithuania 
and Israel will participate in a series of lectures and workshops 
presented by renowned scholars. Lecturers include, among others, 
Professor Michael Stanislawski of Columbia University, Dr. Samuel 
Kassow of Trinity College, Professor Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett of 
New York University, and Zalman Mlotek, director of the Folksbiene 
Yiddish Theater, whose actors will present a sampler of Yiddish music 
and theater. The chairman of the EPYC Seminar is Dr. Robert M. 
Shapiro of Brooklyn College.

The EPYC program was developed over a five-year period to familiarize 
educators, students and laypeople with over 1,000 years of Jewish 
history and culture in Eastern Europe which was destroyed by the 
Nazis in World War II.  Ideally suited for secondary schools, 
university and adult learning programs, the EPYC curriculum can be 
used as a stand-alone Jewish history course or as an extraordinary 
resource for Jewish and Holocaust studies. Describing this in-depth 
academic program, Professor Robert M. Shapiro, a specialist in 
Eastern European Jewish life, says that, "Comparatively speaking, the 
EPYC curriculum is unique because it was created from the vast 
archive and library collections of the YIVO Institute which contain 
over 360,000 volumes and over 23 million documents and artifacts on 
Eastern European Jewish Life including recordings, books, songs, 
photographs, rare motion pictures, manuscripts, and audio clips of music."

The three-day seminar will gather 36 global participants ranging from 
secondary schoolteachers, college professors and teacher trainers, to 
historians, Holocaust education directors, and a filmmaker. 
Institutions represented will include Stuyvesant High School, Hebrew 
Union College, Lehrhaus Judaica: The Adult School for Jewish Studies 
and the Collegio Israelitica de Mexico. Daily pedagogical workshops 
led by seminar co-chairs Cynthia Peterman, chair of the Jewish 
History Department of the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School 
(Baltimore, MD.), and by NYU doctoral candidate Leah Strigler, will 
complement lectures by leading scholars. Popular culture and 
entertainment are important components of Yiddish culture that will 
be explored and enjoyed at the end of each seminar day. Evening 
presentations include Joanna Borts and Moshe Bear of the Folksbiene 
Yiddish Theatre and a presentation of the award-winning YIVO 
documentary film, "Image Before My Eyes", newly reissued on DVD (New 
Video - 2006).

The EPYC curriculum can be downloaded free of charge from 
http://epyc.yivo.org (the EPYC web site) in the 'For Teachers' 
section. Funding for YIVO's 2006 EPYC Educators Seminar has been made 
possible by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, 
Inc. - The Rabbi Israel Miller Fund for Shoah Research, Education and 
Documentation, the U.S. Department of Education and friends of YIVO.


Poland, in 1925 and based in New York City since 1940, YIVO is the 
preeminent resource center for the study of East European Jewish 
history and culture; Yiddish language, literature and folklore; and 
the American Jewish immigrant experience. The YIVO Library holds 
360,000 volumes; the Archives contain 23 million manuscripts, 
documents, photographs, and other artifacts. YIVO offers a series of 
cultural events, adult education and Yiddish language classes, 
various scholarly publications, research opportunities and fellowships.

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research 15 West 16th Street New York, NY 10011-6301

Tel.  212.246.6080   www.yivo.org

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