February 19, 2008

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
New York, NY
United States

Dear Friends,

The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims 
Conference) is establishing a Worldwide Shoah Memoirs Collection in 
electronic form of previously unpublished or unavailable memoirs 
written by survivors of the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel is serving as 
Honorary Chairman for this program. Joining in this effort are Yad 
Vashem, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the M?morial de 
la Shoah/Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, the Jewish 
Historical Institute and the Holocaust Survivors Memoirs Project.

At this time, we are concentrating on the urgent collection of 
unpublished manuscripts in electronic form. Our concern is for 
previously unpublished or unavailable memoirs to be identified, 
preserved, and made available for future generations who will not be 
able to meet survivors first-hand.   Simply put, time is running out 
and this is our last chance to collect as many Holocaust survivor 
written testimonies as possible.

Documents in this electronic collection will be made available to 
appropriate organizations and individuals to assist them in their 
critical work of research and documentation of the Shoah. Ways in 
which memoirs may be made publicly accessible, after appropriate 
review, are under discussion.

In order to achieve a truly international appeal to authors, their 
families, and rights-holders to submit manuscripts, we are asking for 
relevant organizations in all countries to join us in this effort.

We need your help.  We are requesting that you join us in this 
historic initiative.

We are asking you to encourage all survivors and their families to 
submit their manuscripts.  Your role would be to disseminate 
information about the program in any way you feel appropriate, for 
example, your website, newsletter, mailings to your membership, 
signs, discussions at meetings and gatherings, etc.    We would like 
to be able to list your organization as one associated with us for 
this appeal.   We do not anticipate that this will involve 
significant additional work on your part, although it is possible 
that some authors or their families may contact you regarding the 
project.   Any specific inquiry can be directed toward our 
staff.  This effort will be launched with multiple press conferences 
on April 15, 2008.

Additional information about this initiative can be found at 

It is our hope that you will join us in what we believe will be a 
truly worldwide last major effort in regard to memoirs dedicated to 
Holocaust knowledge and memory.

We look forward to your response.


To be listed as an Associate Organization of the Worldwide Shoah 
Memoirs Collection, please respond with the following information by 
March 15, 2008, preferably by email.

Name and address of organization (The name will be listed exactly as 
it appears here. Please mark any changes.)
Name of contact person
As your organization will be listed in the Worldwide Shoah Memoirs 
Collection website, please indicate your organization's web address 
if you would like us to link to your site
Your email address

Send your response to:
Stella Breckenridge
Memoirs Outreach Coordinator
Tel:   +1-646-485-2130
Fax:  +1-212-685-5299

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