Dear Safranim,

A teacher did a search on Wikipedia and came up with a description of 
the following video :  .In 1974 for "The Marranos of Portugal" the 
Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) sent reporter Ron Ben Yishai to 
carry out interviews with families about their religious practice. 
After being asked to prove he knew Hebrew before they would talk he 
found people still reluctant to talk openly but did eventually gain a 
remarkable insight into their version of Jewish customs, prayers and 
songs The film was commended at the 1976 Jerusalem Jewish Film and TV Festival.

I have exhausted all my resources in searching for this film, which 
he would like to use for a class.  If anyone knows where to get a 
hold of it, please advise.  We would prefer to borrow especially 
since he has not seen it and does not know if it would be suitable 
for his purposes.

Thank you in advance.  Please reply off the list

Chaya Wiesman
Ramaz Upper School


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